Chapter 218
Chen Daotian snorted lightly, you are ruthless, so don't blame me!

The crowd suddenly dispersed!

"Elder, I'm coming!"

"I come!"

"I'm coming too!"

Jumped out around, four young people.From their demeanor, it can be seen that these young people are the best of the new generation of the Chen family.

Just at this moment, Fang Yu waved his hand and said, "It's nothing to do with me, you can find him if you want to look for it." Then, Fang Yu stood aside as he had nothing to do with himself.

"Damn, Brother Yu! You're going to trick me!" Chen Daotian stared.

"You need to practice your skills."

"Okay! I'm itching right now!"

Chen Daotian began to exercise his muscles and bones!
Seeing Fang Yu and Chen Daotian, the children of the Chen family didn't seem to take them seriously, and they were even more annoyed.They all gathered around.

No one took weapons.

They all practice the ancestral martial arts of the Chen family.

"Bastard! Today I will clean up the house for the Chen family!" One of the young people said with a look of contempt.

Just when he finished speaking, Chen Daotian moved first.

It has always been his personal habit to strike first.

With one lunge, he came to the front.

Seeing this, the other three rushed forward.

Chen Daotian was not afraid at all, he swung his right fist, and approached the face of the foul-mouthed person!
The three people behind him also waved their fists and hit him.

"Bild species! Court death!"

Raise your fists, attack while trying to dodge.


Chen Daotian's fist seemed to have anticipated his next move, pressing down at a weird angle!

Hit him on the mouth.

At the same time, the fists of the three Chen family members behind him also hit Chen Daotian's back.Make a bang bang bang!
The result is——

Chen Daotian didn't move at all!safe and sound.

The man in front of him staggered a step, fell off his back, and immediately spewed blood from his mouth!

Chen Qingze's eyes widened, and he lost his voice: "Copper skin and iron bones? Fifth level of martial arts?"

For a moment, everyone looked at Chen Daotian in disbelief. The Chen family's physical skills can only reach the level of copper skin and iron bone when they have practiced to the fifth level.At the sixth level of martial arts, one can develop to the level of invulnerability.

These young people from the Chen family, no matter what, have the strength of the fourth level of martial arts, they hit him, and they didn't move at all!It's like tickling!

How can it be?

"The mouth is so stinky, I'll fix it for you." Chen Daotian looked at the young man whose mouth was smashed.

The young man was lying on the ground, covering his mouth with one hand, blood was all over his chin to the front of his clothes, the young man had never seen such a bloody scene before, he couldn't hold back, and started crying.

"That's it, are you worthy of fighting with me?"

Chen Daotian turned around slowly, and glared at the three people behind him, "Are you enjoying the fight? With so little strength, why don't you go home and eat more milk and come fight with me!"


While speaking, Chen Daotian turned around and punched three times.

Bang bang bang!
A pair of fists left afterimages in the air!

The three of them retreated again and again, they were not Chen Daotian's opponent at all.

Seeing to be beaten.

Someone in the crowd yelled:
"You bastard, how dare you bully my son! Do you think there is no one in my house?" A middle-aged man jumped over in the air.

A roar.

Big hand strikes!

"Lock your throat!" the middle-aged man bared his teeth.

Chen Daotian sneered and said: "Jumping beam clown! Eat me, Bengshan Fist!"

Wielding his casserole-sized fist, Dangkong hammered over, ignoring his chokehold.

This is power suppression.

The middle-aged man's face changed slightly, and he had to quickly withdraw his hands to resist.

Raise your hands to resist!

The fist hit his wrist.


All the people nearby heard the crisp sound.


A scream.

This means that both arms are broken!

Chen Qingze's eyes widened, and he said solemnly: "Splitting mountains and rocks! You actually have the strength of the peak of the fifth level of martial arts?"

Chen Daotian turned around and said with a smile:
"You didn't know until now?"

There was an uproar.

The pinnacle of the fifth level of martial arts!Only a master of the sixth level can beat him.


They never expected that Chen Daotian would have the strength of the peak of the fifth level of martial arts!

Isn't he trash?

what happened?

Chen Qingze shouted: "Everyone back down!"

On the law enforcement field, the members of the Chen family all backed away.

"Four elders, please take this bastard down! Clean up the house for my Chen family!" Chen Qingze said loudly.

"The village chief is at ease."

The great elder arched his hands and jumped off the stage.

The other three elders also jumped down at the same time.

The four lined up.

All warrior robes exude the aura of a master.

Chen Daotian couldn't help frowning slightly, is this the fifth or sixth level of martial arts?With one against four, it is no problem to deal with the fifth level, but if it is the sixth level, it will be a little stressful.

"Bastard! I didn't expect you to be able to ascend to the fifth level realm in these five years! But no matter are no longer my Chen family! Wake up!"

Chen Daotian laughed a few times, and said:
"A group of hypocritical old things, cleaning up the house one by one! It's ridiculous! You pay tens of millions of protection fees to the Lu family every year, and even give the most beautiful woman of the Chen family to the Lu family as concubines! This kind of shame and humiliation, you I can carry it too!"

As soon as these words came out, Chen Qingze's eyelids kept twitching.

"shut up!"

"If you tell me to shut up, I will shut up? To put it mildly, you are from a family of martial arts, but to put it harshly, you are a dog of the Lu family! Pooh!"

"Do it, don't give him a chance!" Chen Qingze roared angrily.

While speaking, the four elders rushed over at the same time.

The momentum of the four elders was majestic, like an eagle spreading its wings.

Fist, palm, throat lock, grabbing hand!

There are almost different ways, attacking like raindrops.

Bang bang bang!
Bang bang bang!
Chen Daotian raised his hand to block, and kept retreating!

In a blink of an eye, more than ten moves passed.

"So fast!"

"This kid... doesn't seem to be simple!"

"how can that be?"

"Sixth level of martial arts! He must be at the sixth level of martial arts!"

"Oh my god - Liu Chong has not appeared in my Chen family in the past 30 years!"

Chen Qingze, who discovered this, suddenly shrank his pupils, as if his whole heart had been pricked with a needle.

How could this be? !

Six Heavens!

Chen Qingze was already riding a tiger, it would be a pity to lose Liuchong!Offending the Lu family is a dead end!
Bang bang bang!
Four people are constantly attacking from four angles.

more and more violent!
Chen Daotian gritted his teeth and jumped, stomping hard!

The whole person jumped into the air.

"Forcing me to use a trick!"

Chen Daotian suddenly made a 180-degree turn, with his head down and his feet up.The fists smashed down.

"Inner strength burst! Sixth stage peak?!!!"

"Elders, be careful!"

Chen Qingze's eyes widened and his lips trembled.

The four elders joined forces at the same time, two of them blocked Chen Daotian's left fist, and the other two blocked his right fist.

The four were suddenly repelled!

All the way back to the four corners of the law enforcement field.

At the same time, his eyes focused on Chen Daotian.

"So strong!"

"No wonder this kid dared to go back to the Chen family!"

"Could it be the seventh level of martial arts?"

No one dared to think about the seventh heaven, it was a trembling new realm!
The Chen family has not appeared for hundreds of years, not even a single one!

"Elders, this bastard is not easy! Don't hide it! Even if you are desperate today, you must take him down!"

"Okay! If I don't go to hell, whoever goes to hell!"

Chen Daotian bared his teeth and said, "A decent dog!"

Immediately afterwards, the four elders went all out to attack the center from four directions.

"Lock him up!"


"Not good, the four elders are fighting desperately!"

"Hey... for this beast, the four elders are actually going to be compromised!"

"Damn! Damn!"

Chen Daotian was also aware of the desperate attacking methods of these four people.

They have unleashed all their internal strength to ensure that they will attack together without self-destruction. This kind of attack is comparable to self-destruction.The price is - the strength will decline forever!Unlike self-destruction, they can retain a certain amount of strength and will not die!
Chen Daotian laughed wildly——

"I can take away the four elders today, I am worth it in this life! Brother Yu... fulfill my wish for me!"

Raise your hand and grab the collar.


The clothes were all shredded, and Chen Daotian's perfectly exploded figure was revealed.

The four elders have already attacked in place.

At the same time hit him.Two behind, two in front.

Iron skin and iron bones!

Seeing this scene, Fang Yu's relaxed expression disappeared instantly, and gradually became serious...

Chen Daotian yelled, raised his fist, and spun 360 degrees!

This time, the four elders only took three steps back, but red marks appeared on Chen Daotian's body.

"Working harder! He can't hold on anymore!"

Both are Chen family's martial art, they are well aware of the weakness of this martial art.

The four elders gritted their teeth and attacked again!
"Come on! I'm fighting with you!" Chen Daotian said loudly.

At this critical moment, Fang Yu's figure flashed out from the crowd——

"Dirty scum, open your dog eyes and take a good look... Who is the master of fate!?"

PS: It's close to a [-]-word chapter, so it's not too much to ask for a ticket, right?Thank you!
(End of this chapter)

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