Super Doctor of the City

Chapter 249 Hunyuan Sword Classic

Chapter 249 Hunyuan Sword Scripture (Third)


Mandala trembled constantly.

As if responding to some kind of force.

Who is provoking?

No matter how bright the lightning is or how loud the thunder is, there is no raindrop falling.

"Damn it! Dodge it... Do it again, I'll kill you!" Fang Yu raised his head and glanced.


Dark clouds cover the top, and the moonlight hides in the clouds, which is very wonderful.

Reiki, Reiki, where is it?
Ye's back garden is not small.

After the rockery, there is a small lake.

The surface of the lake is paved with lotus leaves.

"Could it be here?"

Throughout the entire villa, this is the only place that is closest to nature.In Fang Yu's impression, aura, the origin of all things, should exist in nature.

The noisy bustling city is almost impossible to have.


Although the mandala was constantly vibrating, there was no other response at all.


Fang Yu frowned.

Just when Fang Yu was puzzled, a bolt of lightning fell from the sky.

It fell directly on the rockery in front of it.

With a bang, the boulder flew and shattered.

Sparks splattered.

Fang Yu was startled, raised his palm, bang bang, and slapped away the splashed gravel!
"Damn it! My God, dog/day, you want to hack me to death?"

If it was an ordinary person, even if he didn't get hit, the sputtered gravel could kill him!
Just after cursing, there was another thunder and lightning in the sky.


This time, it was directly in front of Fang Yu.

Sparks fly and black smoke billows!

A large rock tilted down!
Fang Yu immediately jumped back!

One step!
Light as a swallow.

This thunder and lightning seemed to have a grudge against Fang Yu.

Crackling, chopping down.

Boom, boom...

"what happened?"

Fang Yu was helpless!Keep dodging!

Could it be that he pretended too much and was struck by lightning?

Isn't it just a curse?So narrow-minded.Chop it, chop it hard!
Lightning flashed.

A crack-like ray of light formed in the dark clouds, reflecting the moonlight!
Fang Yu knew that this lightning bolt was stronger than before!

Sure enough, boom——

Lightning strikes.



The buzzing of the mandala intensified.

Every now and then it goes up!
Fang Yu was taken aback, and murmured, "Do you want to fight?"


"Okay! If the sky wants to kill me, I will defy the sky with my sword!"

Fang Yu grabbed the mandala flower.

The first form of the mandala, Death!

Facing the looming moonlight, the long and narrow sword body shone coldly.

Fang Yu was at ease.

With firm eyes, he looked up at the sky.

Lightning has always been the subject of continuous research in the progress of human science and technology.There were sages who used lightning to store electricity.Ordinary human beings can conquer the powerful thunder and lightning, the stars and the sea by using their wisdom.

Fang Yu, a super warrior.

Can you handle the lightning?
"I understand..." Fang Yu suddenly realized.

The bad weather sparked Mandala's response.

In fact, there is no aura... The biggest aura is this thunder and lightning!

In the sky, a thick lightning flashed.

Fang Yu knew that he couldn't avoid it.


"Zhan Yu, Ninth Sword, Lightning Lightning!?"

Raising the body of the sword, pointing at the thunder light!
That rough lightning fell from the sky and directly penetrated into the tip of "Death".


The blade trembled violently.

The faint blue lightning, like a poisonous snake, wound down.

It enveloped Fang Yu's whole body in an instant.

Fang Yu, who was shocked all over his body, trembled all over.

Hair stands on end!

Clothes are instantly shattered!

The whole person is tender on the outside and tender on the inside.

"Fuck! The stimulation is too much!"

Fang Yu quickly mobilized his inner energy to resist the powerful thunder and lightning.

Neiyuan wraps the heart meridian.

At this time, Fang Yu saw an incredible scene.The Grim Reaper is widening, lengthening, and turning red all over.

"what happened?"

There are still traces of thunder and lightning emerging from the sword body.

The original sword body, like a shell, gradually receded.

Until the transformation of the entire sword body is completed.

It turned into a long sword that was completely flushed red with a faint blue brilliance.

"I see!"

Fang Yu was overjoyed.

"I said, why can't I practice the ninth sword, Lightning Lightning? It really made me guess right. The Lightning Lightning in the sky is guided by the sword. The god of death has evolved!"

The evolved god of death has the attribute of thunder.

Only then can he unleash the ninth sword, Thunder Light.

I practiced the ninth sword before, but there was no reaction at all, and I couldn't understand the profound meaning of the ninth sword!Unexpectedly, it was really related to lightning!
If you know this is the case, you have already been struck by lightning.

However, the feeling of being struck by lightning is not pleasant.

Under the swallowing of the thunder and lightning, the inner yuan was rapidly consumed.

Fortunately, Fang Yu's internal energy has the ability to regenerate, otherwise, he would have been struck to death by lightning long ago!
"Huh? What is this?"

Fang Yu found that the body of the sword was engraved with small characters one after another.

Can't help but be pleasantly surprised.

"Same as the one in Kunlun Mountains!"

Fang Yu quickly recited.

"Hunyuan Sword Sutra..."

"Swordsman, Jue Ye, Du Ye."


This is a new set of sword manuals!
Mandala, how many secrets do you hide! ?
At the beginning, when Fang Yu acquired the Rain-Chopping Sword Technique from the sword, he was so excited that he didn't fall asleep for three days and three nights, and practiced hard every day.

Now that I have obtained the Hunyuan Sword Classic again, my heart is still surging.

Fang Yu held his breath.

He exerted all his strength and brain, and forcibly memorized all the small characters on the sword.

Then sit down cross-legged, exhale and exhale, while consolidating the inner yuan, repeat the content of the Hunyuan Sword Sutra continuously.

Ten times in a row!

Only then did I memorize the Hunyuan Sword Sutra.

"What a powerful sword technique!"

Fang Yu slowly opened his eyes, feeling extremely surprised.

If it is said that Zhan Yu is a sword move that surpasses warriors, it is fast and accurate!

Then the Hunyuan Sword Classic is a higher level of swordsmanship!
"It's just... to use the Hunyuan Sword Classic, you need spiritual energy! Where do you get the spiritual energy?"

After reading through the sword scriptures, I found that the foundation of this sword technique is spiritual energy.

This is awkward.

Without aura, wouldn't this thing be tasteless?

"The boat is naturally straight when it reaches the bridge. Since Da Neng can hide the sword scriptures on the body of the sword, there must be a way to use it." Fang Yu said to himself.

He is not in a hurry.

Then stood up.

The change of the god of death has already made him very happy.In addition to the moment when the thunder was drawn just now, he instantly comprehended the essence of the ninth sword of thunder.

Fang Yu smiled——

What Lu family, what Law Enforcement Hall, what Nine Layers Hall?It's time for your good days to come to an end.


At this moment, the blade returned to normal and was no longer red.

Those small characters also mysteriously disappeared.

Fang Yu was not surprised by this, it was the same as last time!
It can only be said that the person who forges such a weapon is definitely a genius among geniuses!
With a layer of shell removed, the sword body looks more majestic and sharper.

"Good sword! Really good sword—"

Putting away the long sword, it returned to the appearance of mandala petals, hanging on the chest.

Looking at the messy back garden, Fang Yu shook his head with a wry smile, and hurried back.

Miraculously, the thunder and lightning disappeared...

The sky was calm.

Coming to Ye Wenjun's door again, Fang Yu knocked on the door confidently.

dong dong.

This time, Ye Wenjun didn't ignore him, and hurriedly opened the door with a worried look on his face.

Seeing Fang Yu's charred appearance, he was taken aback. He covered his mouth and said, "What's wrong with you?"

Fang Yu shook his head and sighed:

"You may not believe me when I tell you, but I was struck by lightning just now when I was pretending to be outside."


(End of this chapter)

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