Super Doctor of the City

Chapter 250 The Former Demon King

Chapter 250 The Former Demon King (fourth update)
Ye Wenjun frowned slightly.

Dark facial features, tattered clothes, broom-like hair.

It does feel a bit like being struck by lightning.


This is too hard to believe.

Just when she was about to ask—

Fang Yu bared his teeth and grinned, "Honey, hey, you finally opened the door... Let's continue—"


The voice just fell.

Fang Yu suddenly felt tired and weak, closed his eyes, and fell straight forward.

Ye Wenjun was startled and hugged him directly.

This guy... fainted?
Can't help but be surprised.

Her intuition told her that Fang Yu was injured.

She dragged Fang Yu to the side of the bed with all her strength, but before she pushed him onto the bed, she staggered back because of too little strength.


Ye Wenjun exclaimed and sat down paralyzed.

After all, Fang Yu is a big man, with a huge body and a lot of weight.Followed the trend and fell down.All of a sudden, he lay on top of her.

No matter how you push it, you can't push it away!

"Get up, get up..."

No matter how much she shouted, Fang Yu didn't respond.

With his eyes closed, he looked calm.

But... Ye Wenjun was too embarrassed by the position where he was lying on his stomach.

He just lay on Ye Wenjun's chest openly, with his mouth close to her fair cheek.He exhaled hot air from time to time, making Ye Wenjun upset.

This scene is like a fairy from the sky who fell into the mortal world and was thrown down by a dirty beggar.

Struggled for a while.

Marven Ye was tired.

Before he knew it, he fell into a dream.



Ye Wenjun woke up suddenly.

I feel a little pain in my chest.

He widened his eyes and took a look... Fang Yu's rogue's big hands...

Ye Wenjun suddenly became angry from embarrassment, and his pretty face flushed.

"Stinky rascal! Go away! Smelly rascal..."

He kicked up hard.

"Hehe..." Under such circumstances, Fang Yu actually smirked.

It has to be said that the potential of a woman is unlimited.

Ye Wenjun pushed and pushed him almost crazily, and finally pushed him away and turned him over.

Ye Wenjun, who was granted amnesty, got up and rushed into the bathroom.


in front of the mirror.

It was pitch black.

There is no place for whiteness.

When Ye Wenjun saw that even his lips were black, he was about to explode!Smelly rascal, when did you kiss? !


Cursing secretly, Ye Wenjun was more helpless.

Let go of the hot water and take off the gorgeous pajamas.

A perfect figure, reflected in the mirror... The black and ash on Fang Yu's body did not affect her beautiful figure at all.

Lying in the bathtub.

Let the hot water wash away the dust.

All the troubles are receded by this warm temperature.

"He, what happened?"


Early the next morning.

As soon as Fang Yu woke up, he screamed, "Damn it! I was struck by lightning! Who would believe that I was struck by lightning?"

"Where's my wife?"

"Damn God, I missed the important event of my life!"

Scratched his head.

He fell into deep thought again.

What happened last night was really unbelievable.

Thunder and Lightning, Death Evolution, Hunyuan Sword Classic.

Yes, the Hunyuan Sword Classic.

Fang Yu quickly recalled the Hunyuan Sword Sutra in his mind.

Everything is there and everything is true!
"Hunyuan Sword Classic..." Fang Yu murmured.

Unexpectedly, in this adventure, the secret was still discovered from Mandala.

The harvest is not small, he has obtained the Hunyuan Sword Sutra, and also comprehended Zhan Yu's ninth sword.

touched the mandala——

A longer, more majestic rapier is revealed!
At the moment of appearance, the faint blue light of the whole body is like a wave, fleeting.

"Reaper, it's too dark, let's change your name... Seeing that you usually like humming, cooperate with my Shenlongjue, from now on, I will call you Dragon Chanting Sword!"

"Dragon Chanting Sword!"


As if the Dragon Yin Sword had understood, it trembled.

"It's really a treasured sword, with spirituality."

The more secrets he discovered, the more Fang Yu became curious about the origin of the mandala.

Who made it?
Who is the creator of the Hunyuan Sword Classic?

"Forget it, take your time."

I couldn't find the answer I wanted for a while.

Perhaps, these answers can be found in Lu's family.

I think at the beginning——

Lu Tianyuan also became famous by relying on the martial art "Tianyuan Sword Manual".The Tianyuan Sword Manual is also a treasure of the Lu family.In terms of origin, there are some mysteries.

Fang Yu believed that he could find all these answers.

Let go of distractions.

Fang Yu put away the Dragon Chanting Sword, hung it around his neck, and walked out.

The maid wiped the ground back and forth, muttering: "Oh, if I'm not here for a day, the house will be robbed! It's so heartless, one foot and one black mark!"


Fang Yu looked at himself and coughed.

The maid looked up, startled.

"Gu... uncle..." The maid instantly understood what was going on, it turned out that Fang Yu had stepped on the footprints on the ground.

"Where is Wenjun?"

"Miss, Miss has already gone to work." The maid said nervously, looking at Fang Yu's spooky appearance strangely, she really couldn't figure it out, isn't it just sharing the same bed?Did Ms. Ye blow up my uncle with a bomb?
"What are you looking at? I was struck by lightning!" Fang Yu said awe-inspiringly.

"Eh... Young Master, you, have you done something wrong?" the maid asked cautiously.

"Nonsense! This must be God's jealousy of my handsome appearance!"

With that said, Fang Yu swaggered to the bathroom.



After washing up, Fang Yu remembered that today he had to intercede with the old principal on Jiang Xiaoxiao's behalf.

Sighing, he said to himself: "Oh, my sister-in-law is very good, but she can be too troublesome."

At Jiang Xiaoxiao's upright and rebellious age, if he didn't go to school, his whole life would be ruined.

I can only find the old principal!

After breakfast, Fang Yu left the villa.


after an hour.

Fang Yu came to a familiar place.

Familiar streets, familiar plane trees.The city is prosperous, but these old things have not faded away, and the original style has even been preserved, which has a special flavor.

Nothing has changed... I can't help feeling.

Times have changed, things have changed!
Recalling that when he was in No. [-] Middle School, although Fang Yu didn't have good grades, he was a very smart person who knew how to advance and retreat.The old principal cherishes talents, often helps Fang Yu, and treats him like a son.

Later, the old principal found out that Fang Yu liked to fight in groups, so he often persuaded him, but it was a pity that Fang Yu, who was young and energetic, could not listen to the old man's words.

It's all the fault of youth.

I don't know if the old headmaster still remembers.

Fang Yu bought some nutritious products such as walnut powder and protein powder for the elderly in a nearby shopping mall, and also specially bought tea.

Knowing that the old principal likes tea, Fang Yu has figured out his preferences.

Thinking about it carefully, the old headmaster should be 70 years old this year, and he is a very old man.

According to the memory in my mind, I carefully searched for the courtyard where the old principal lived.Fang Yu couldn't remember the exact address of the old principal, but relying on his previous feelings, he still found the familiar courtyard with ease.

dong dong dong-

"Excuse me, is anyone there?"

The door finally opened.

The door was opened by an old woman who was also very old.The moment the door was opened, the old grandma began to look at Fang Yu, and then her eyes sparkled, and her face changed drastically: "Old man, quickly hide all the food and drink at home!"


PS: Ask for a ticket.Please subscribe.I found that a one-time update, many students like to skip directly to the last chapter and only read the last chapter, this will miss a lot of key information, resulting in incomprehensible, jumping order also hurts me, so I might as well just code the last chapter Ah... Otherwise, don't update it once, but update it at different times every day?

(End of this chapter)

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