Super Doctor of the City

Chapter 251 Isn't it a coincidence?

Chapter 251 Isn't it a coincidence? (one more)
Fang Yu was embarrassed for a while.

Thinking back carefully, I didn't do any heinous things back then, did I?Except for stealing food and peeing on the sofa, he is usually very well-behaved.

cough cough...

"Grandma Ke, I'm here to see your... Where's the old principal?"

Hearing this, Grandma Ke frowned slightly.

His complexion also became unsightly.

Trembling, he turned around, as if he forgot to entertain Fang Yu.


Fang Yu frowned slightly, but did not press the question.I feel that Grandma Ke is in a bad mood, which should be related to the old principal.

Taking care of himself, he entered the courtyard and put the things on the ground.

Called softly: "Old principal?"

No one responded.

Couldn't help but feel a sinking heart, could it be that he is going west with a crane?

He walked towards the main house.

Although the courtyard house has been around for a long time, it has not changed in any way.For this, Fang Yu is familiar with the road.

"Xiaoyu, you..."

Fang Yu turned his head and looked at Grandma Ke carefully. Although she was old, she was still in good health and looked good.Doesn't look sick.

This time, instead of asking where the old principal was, he took the initiative to walk in.

Just when Fang Yu walked to the door of the main room, a sharp voice came——


Fang Yu turned his head abruptly and looked over.

A bright figure struck like lightning.

Bang bang bang!
The two fought for several rounds in an instant.

With the last hand to block, the two sides backed away without moving, and their eyes met.

"It's you!?"

"It's you?!"

The one standing opposite was none other than Bai Ruoling, who was number three on the list of killers!

A white casual sweater, tall chest, stern eyes...

What a coincidence, right?

"Why are you here?" Fang Yu asked in surprise.

"Why are you here?" Bai Ruoling asked.

"I'm going to see the old principal!"

Fang Yu stared, only to realize that the old headmaster was also named Bai.The strange thing is... I came to play when I was young, but I never saw the so-called granddaughter.


what happened?Puzzling.

At this time, Grandma Ke, who was full of surprise, waved her hands and said, "It's fighting two troublemakers!"

Bai Ruoling glanced at Grandma Ke from the corner of her eye, looked straight at Fang Yu, and said calmly, "Come with me."

Turning around, he entered the side room.

Fang Yu scratched his head and followed in.

The moment Fang Yu just entered, Bai Ruoling blocked the door and quickly locked it.

His cold and persistent gaze fixed on Fang Yu, like a tigress.

Fang Yu suddenly felt a shuddering feeling.

Bai Ruoling said:

"You came just in time, you are having sex here today..."

With that said, he began to undress.


Fang Yu was speechless.

This woman is really persistent, so caring.

"Please, I told you, I'm not that kind of womanizer."

Bai Ruoling didn't believe it.

"During this time, I searched for information on the Internet every day and read a lot of books. I don't believe what you said."


"Come on... I also want to see if a man will really grow bigger when he touches it!"

Bai Ruoling reached out and grabbed Fang Yu's words.

"I wipe-"

This woman!
are you crazy!

That speed and ruthlessness clearly meant to pick peaches!
What if you get caught?
Fang Yu quickly raised his hand to block.

Bang bang bang!
You come to me on both sides.

How could Bai Ruoling be Fang Yu's opponent? After several collisions, he was repelled again.

"Hey, let me tell you what's going on with you, where did you see such a mess! You've been poisoned so badly!"

"Hmph! Didn't you come to look for me? I knew that you men are not good guys! If you want to sleep, I'll just say it, what are you pretending to do?" Bai Ruoling frowned!

"You still want to argue? Your eyes have been sneaking at my chest! It's said in the book that men like to still deny it?"


"It's just right, each takes what he needs. You sleep with me, and I will help my sister fulfill her wish."

Bai Ruoling walked up again.

Fang Yu's eyes widened, and he cursed, "Female rascal!"

At this moment, an old voice came from outside——

"Where is Xiao Yuren?"

It's the old principal!
This familiar voice, except for a little weakness, is exactly the same as before.

"Bai Ruoling! Don't get in the way... If I really fuck you, you'll really regret it!"

After finishing speaking, she pushed Bai Ruoling away, opened the door, and walked out.


in the courtyard.

The old principal was leaning on a cane, with a vicissitudes of life on his face.

When he saw Fang Yu coming out of Bai Ruoling's room, his face showed joy, and he said in surprise, "It's really you, brat..."

"Old principal..." Fang Yu greeted with a smile.

"You, my granddaughter, know each other?" the old principal asked doubtfully.

"I saw it once."

There is no need to deny this.

Bai Ruoling also came out at this time.Dressed in casual clothes, she looked a bit like a bad girl from society, and she was a completely different person from the cold-faced killer that night.

"good very good……"

The old headmaster waved at Fang Yu, "You boy, where have you been all these years? You still know to come back to see me."

Fang Yu walked over and entered the hall of the main room.

As soon as the two sat down, they began to talk about homework.

Speaking of being mischievous in No. [-] Middle School, being punished by the teacher, and being expelled from school...

The world is impermanent.

After so many years, the old principal did not expect that so many things happened to Fang Yu.

After chatting for a while, the old headmaster asked:
"Xiao Yu, what are you doing now?"

Fang Yu smiled and replied, "Doctor, the director of the Department of Traditional Chinese Medicine."

Hearing this, the old headmaster was a little surprised. He didn't expect that such a low-level student would be able to walk on the path of saving lives and healing the wounded like a doctor.This bastard, although naughty when he was young, has a good character.

The old headmaster nodded secretly, and looked at Bai Ruoling with a calm face from the corner of his eye.

Bai Ruoling fixed her eyes on Fang Yu, wishing she could eat him.

Mood fluctuated slightly and coughed.

After pondering for a moment, the old principal said: "Xiao Yu, my granddaughter suffered from a serious illness when she was young, and she lay in bed for ten years, sending samples to the countryside. So, her current EQ is only equivalent to that of a teenager, but she is smarter." Quite smart... don't mind you."

"That's good! Now people's hearts are complicated. If you know too much, you will be burdened too much." Fang Yu said.

"That makes sense."

The old headmaster narrowed his eyes and said, "Look at my granddaughter, what does she look like?"

Fang Yu couldn't help taking a look, and said seriously, "Choose one out of ten thousand."

The old headmaster nodded in satisfaction and said, "I know my granddaughter very well. She has never had emotions for a man like today. If it is possible..."

Before he finished speaking, Fang Yu realized what he was going to say.

Immediately raised his hand to interrupt the old headmaster, and said: "Old headmaster, I'm already married."


The old headmaster was startled, a little in disbelief, and said, "Married?"

As she spoke, she sighed and added, "I never thought that even you could find a wife."


This sounded awkward, but it really hit people.

Just about to refute——

cough cough.

Cough cough cough...

The old headmaster coughed violently and his face became ugly.

Fang Yu frowned slightly, no wonder Grandma Ke looked a little lost, the old principal was seriously ill.

"Xiaoyu, Ruoling is still's a pity..."

The situation changed.

Bai Ruoling rushed forward with a stride.


(End of this chapter)

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