Super Doctor of the City

Chapter 25 Incurable Disease

Chapter 25 Incurable Disease
Du Changgong was sent to the emergency room. After examination and cardiopulmonary resuscitation, he finally woke up.But what troubled the doctors was that they didn't check out the problem.

It is very strange that it cannot be detected by advanced instruments.

If western medicine doesn't work, then Chinese medicine is recommended.

Everyone knew that Du Changgong and Fang Yu had problems, so they invited Lao Li, the most experienced Chinese medicine doctor in the hospital.

Old Li De is highly respected, he sees every illness, comes to the ward, looks, smells, asks, cuts...

After checking it once, Lao Li sighed and shook his head.

"Doctor Li, what's the matter?" the person on the side asked.

"Blame my incompetence, I can't find the cause!" Lao Li shook his head, walked out of the ward, muttering, "Strange, really strange. What's wrong?"


Half an hour later, Du Changgong woke up.

The nursing doctor told him what happened after he passed out.

Unexpectedly, Du Changgong widened his eyes and roared, "Impossible... This is impossible..."

As soon as he finished yelling, he felt chest pains again, his breathing was weak, and his head was dizzy... Seeing that he was about to faint, the doctor next to him advised: "It's important to rest, you can't stay like this, otherwise... even if Fang Yu came I can't save you!"

"I don't need him to save me!" Du Changgong said angrily.

The doctor shook his head helplessly.

at this time--

Du Changgong felt a severe pain in his abdomen, like a knife twisting.

In an instant, I was sweating profusely in pain...

"Director Du, what's wrong with you?" The doctor who took care of him was also frightened.

"It hurts, it hurts!"

The pain made him roll back and forth.

A heart-piercing pain lasted for about 10 minutes before it gradually subsided.

Now, Du Changgong began to take it seriously.

He quickly got up and checked his body by himself...

After all, Du Changgong is the director of the Western Medicine Department, proficient in various pathologies, as well as etiological examination.

Taking advantage of the pain-free moment, Du Changgong ran back and forth in the hospital, drawing blood, doing laboratory tests, using instruments to test pulse, heart rate, blood pressure...

Half a day later, the results showed that everything was normal.

Du Changgong thought about it and went to the dean's office.

When he told the dean about this, the dean was also surprised and said, "How is this possible?"

Du Changgong put the reports on the table, and Wu Cunzhong looked at them one by one.

There is nothing wrong with the above report.

"Principal, I suspect that Fang Yu was the one who made the trip behind his back... This kind of person cannot be kept!" Du Changgong now believes more and more that it is Fang Yu who is behind the scenes.

"Director Du, you're overthinking. Although Fang Yu looks bohemian, he is still aboveboard." Wu Cunzhong smoothed things over.

"Dean Wu, you were deceived by his appearance..."

Another reason why Du Changgong hated Fang Yu was that the last time he sent someone to beat Fang Yu, the gangsters failed to beat him, but were beaten instead, and smashed Director Du's house in a fit of anger.

"I know who he is. Director Du, you should take care of yourself." Director Wu pushed the report back.

This dead old man, just facing him like this?
The more Du Changgong thought about it, the more angry he became. He had been working hard in the hospital for so many years, but he was not treated so well. A newcomer hadn't been here for a few days, and the limelight completely overwhelmed him.

This made him extremely unhappy.

Thinking of this, Du Changgong became inexplicably angry.

He patted the table and was about to leave with the report.

"Dean Wu, don't blame me for not reminding you! Let's wait and see!"

As soon as I finished speaking, my eyes went dark...

Immediately, his mind went blank, and Du Changgong fainted again.



after an hour.

In the emergency room.

Du Changgong slowly opened his eyes.

There are people standing around... chief physicians and expert physicians from various departments.Even Xu Zhaopei, a specialist in surgery, and Fang Yu, the director of the Department of Traditional Chinese Medicine who just took office, were also present.

Dean Wu stood beside the hospital bed, shaking his head and sighing.

Du Changgong asked suspiciously, "President, what do you mean?"

"You have been in a coma twice in a row, and the cause cannot be found at present... But what is certain is that all the indicators of your body are becoming abnormal." Dean Wu said.

"how is this possible?!"

Next to it, various numbers are displayed on the advanced instrument.

Du Changgong is also a doctor himself, so he can understand it naturally.


After reading it, he came to a conclusion—the numbers were so messed up that there was no trace of them.

Dr. Li, an old Chinese doctor, said, "I've never seen this kind of's so rare."

The doctors present also shook their heads: "I can't find out this disease."

"I can only continue to check..."


Seeing everyone shaking their heads in disappointment, Du Changgong felt as if he had been struck by lightning, and his body was in good condition, and he became like this in a blink of an eye, which was unacceptable no matter what.

Du Changgong's heart sank...

How could this could this be...

"If it continues like this, it may continue to deteriorate." Dean Wu Cunzhong said.

Du Changgong panicked.

Usually he watched others live in the pain of serious illness, never thought that this day would fall on himself.What an irony.

"Dean, help me check me, help me..." Du Changgong was completely panicked.

In Huada Hospital, Wu Cunzhong's medical skills are obvious to all.

Back then, many experts and doctors fell in love with his medical skills.

If even Wu Cunzhong couldn't check it out, then he would be completely helpless.


Wu Cunzhong shook his head and sighed: "Director Du...I really can't do anything! Mr. Li is well-versed and has never seen him before, let alone me."

Du Changgong staggered and sat down.

At this moment, Xu Zhaopei glanced at Fang Yu from the corner of his eye.

Fang Yu leaned against the wall and looked at the ceiling nonchalantly, as if all this had nothing to do with him.

Xu Zhaopei knew that among the doctors present, he was the most likely to know what the disease was.

Although they had conflicts, Xu Zhaopei didn't want to see death, so he said, "Fang Yu, do you know?"

With this question, the other doctors all looked at him.

Fang Yu straightened his body, and said relaxedly, "Director Du is sick... I think it's better not to mention it... If I do, Director Du will faint again!"

Xu Zhaopei asked in surprise, "Do you really know what kind of disease this is?"

Fang Yu shrugged, unable to deny it.

Hearing this, Du Changgong stared at Fang Yu like fire.

It seemed that he would rather die than beg him.

"Scaremongering, do you think I'm scared if you're like this?" Du Changgong snorted coldly.

Fang Yu said helplessly, "Are you trying to provoke me?"

"No need to pretend, I know my body better than anyone else!" Du Changgong still insisted that there was nothing wrong with him.

"Oh, I really don't cry when I see the coffin. These words are too accurate for you." Fang Yu took a step forward and said, "There is a saying in the "Huangdi Neijing": All diseases are born of qi. Wrath hurts The liver is happy to be sad, sad to the lungs, thinking to hurt the spleen, afraid to hurt the kidneys, and all diseases are born from Qi."

"It means that all your problems are caused by anger..." Fang Yu said slowly, "You don't have to stare at me so fiercely... Let me ask you, have you lost your appetite recently?"

(End of this chapter)

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