Super Doctor of the City

Chapter 26 Sorry, I Can't Save You

Chapter 26 Sorry, I Can't Save You

Hearing this question, Du Changgong didn't answer, but was shocked.

Recently, Du Changgong did feel a loss of appetite and a bad mood, but he thought it was just indigestion.What does it have to do with passing out?
"Let me ask you again, every time you read the documents, have you ever had a tingling in your head?" Fang Yu asked again.


Du Changgong staggered back a step.

This kind of thing, only he himself knows.For a long time, he didn't take it to heart. Every time it hurts, he just rested for a while.What does this have to do with passing out?
"I also want to ask you, has there been any pigmentation on your body recently?" Fang Yu looked at Du Changgong sharply, "Don't deny it, I saw you holding skin medicine in the lobby last time, and the pigmentation is also there. It has faded. Director Du is good at medicine and knows how to be self-sufficient."


Du Changgong was shaken all over.

He looked at Fang Yu in disbelief.

"So what if I have these problems? It's just a minor problem. I fainted today because of exhaustion. Don't talk nonsense here!" Du Changgong retorted.

Fang Yu shook his head.

His eyes are full of pity.

"Thank you for being a doctor... We have an old saying that the embankment of a thousand miles is destroyed by an ant's nest. Although an ant is small, it can bring down an elephant." Fang Yu stood with his hands behind his back, "Your face is yellow and thin, your seal is black, and your eyes Godless...every sign indicates that your body is about to collapse!"

"Impossible! You are talking nonsense! If these small problems, why can't the equipment detect them!?" Du Changgong said loudly.

"Look, come again!" Fang Yu said helplessly, "If you don't believe me, just press the position of your heart on your chest..."

For a while, the ward became quiet.

What Fang Yu said was like a lesson to the doctors.

Everyone listened quietly, listening to his analysis of Du Changgong's condition.

Du Changgong 1 did not believe it, he still raised his hand and pressed it.


Suddenly, Du Changgong lost his footing and almost fell down.

At that moment, his eyes were darkened, and his chest felt tight as if he had been crushed by a boulder.Immediately after that, his blood was surging, his whole body was trembling, and his back was sweating profusely.

Now, he believed it!

Fang Yu raised his hand, pointed at Du Changgong's heart, and said, "We all know that building blocks...every piece of the building blocks is normal and strong. The shape of the pile is also gorgeous...but, we only need Take one of them away, no matter how high or gorgeous the building blocks are, they will be destroyed at once... Your heart is the beginning of your collapse!"

Du Changgong was already powerless to refute.He felt it becoming difficult to breathe.

His face was pale, and he was sweating profusely.

The dean quickly said: "Hurry up and prepare oxygen!"

A group of doctors started to stabilize Du Changgong's condition.

However, Fang Yu stayed where he was and shook his head.

On the side, Xu Zhaopei asked seriously: "Since you know his cause, there must be a cure, right?"

Fang Yu turned his head, looked at Xu Zhaopei, spread his arms, and said with a smile, "There is no cure."

"Aren't they all minor problems?"

"As I said just now, his illness has exploded... Strictly speaking, his illness is incurable!" Fang Yu said.

This is like a hundred kinds of simple poisons gathered together to become highly poisonous.

Fang Yu knew it would be useless to talk too much, so he turned his head and left the ward.

Xu Zhaopei chased after him and grabbed him.

"You can definitely cure him. Is it because he targets you everywhere that you can't cure him?" Xu Zhaopei asked.

Fang Yu stared at Xu Zhaopei's big eyes, and said, "In your mind, am I that mean?"

"Then why didn't you treat him?"

Fang Yu pushed her hands away, his expression became serious, his eyes became sincere, and he said word by word: "Sorry...I can't save him..."



Return to the duty room.

Fang Yu sat quietly on the chair, watching the patients and doctors coming and going outside.

Thinking of what happened just now, I can't help asking myself.

Can it really be cured?

At the beginning, when he first entered Huada Hospital, he said that as long as people have breath, they can be saved.Such a bold statement.

In fact, Fang Yu has countless ways to heal Du Changgong.


The treatment of this disease must consume his internal energy.

Eight years ago, after Fang Yu entered the cultivation path of Shenlongjue, he possessed inner yuan.

The last time he treated the woman in the car accident, he almost exhausted all his internal energy.This time, how could Fang Yu take another risk.He didn't think that he would have such luck every time, that a dead tree would give birth to spring.


A person like Du Changgong is not worthy of enjoying such a righteous inner energy like Shenlongjue!


in the afternoon.

The sun was slanting to the west, and the sunlight was shining on the window sill of the duty room.

Longevity flowers are like the bright red lips of a woman, blooming with various charms.

Fang Yu still stayed in the duty room.

At this moment, he saw Xu Zhaopei at the end of the corridor, and the dean Wu Cunzhong and others.

Immediately afterwards, Du Changgong, who was sweating profusely and with a face full of pain, appeared.

He dragged his exhausted body, endured the pain, and came to Fang Yu with difficulty——

Du Changgong knelt down!
A face full of remorse and remorse.

"Doctor Fang! It was all my fault before! I was wrong, wrong! Please..."

"help me!"

After all, with a bang, he kowtowed.

Everyone watched and sighed.

However, Fang Yu looked indifferent, as if everything had nothing to do with him.

Seeing that he didn't respond, Du Changgong kowtowed again.


A male doctor couldn't stand it any longer, and pleaded: "Fang Yu, please help him. Although he always made things difficult for you in the past, doesn't he apologize to you now? You are so skilled in medicine, you must be able to treat him. "

this time.

Except for Xu Zhaopei and Wu Cunzhong, other doctors also followed suit.

"Yeah, save him."

"He's just a little bit mean, but he's not a bad guy."


Listening to what they said, Fang Yu lowered his head and glanced at Du Changgong indifferently.

"If you want to cure this disease, there is indeed a way—"

This made everyone look excited.

It also includes Du Changgong himself.

"any solution?"

"Life for life!"

Fang Yu said earnestly, "As the name suggests, exchange your life with someone else's life... Your body's organs are gradually failing... If you want to survive, then replace your heart with a new one, use a new liver Replace your liver . . . any organ that is failing must be replaced."

As he spoke, his tone turned cold——

"Since you want to save Director Du, well, which one of you is willing to donate your organs?" Fang Yu glanced at each doctor, "Don't worry, I promise, my replacement technology is more effective and safer than Western medicine!"

The voice fell.

The audience was silent.

This is an organ replacement!
Normal people have to think and think.

Moreover, even if it is replaced, it may not be able to save his life. Du Changgong obviously needs a new body!
Everyone's face is ugly!

Du Changgong staggered, his face turned pale, his eyes widened, and he collapsed to the ground!
(End of this chapter)

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