Super Doctor of the City

Chapter 28 Xiao Ting is crazy

Chapter 28 Xiao Ting is crazy
Fang Yu, who had just arrived near the president's office, heard this and looked around, and instantly understood the situation.

Jiang Wei's assistant pointed at Xiao Ting in the office with a pale face, and said sharply, "Xiao Ting, what are you doing?"

All eyes fell on Jiang Wei, but behind her, Xiao Ting held a small knife and put it on her throat.

as he sees it.

Jiang Wei was cornered by Xiao Ting!

In the past, Xiao Ting believed in eight words—sincereness and sincerity make gold and stone open!As long as he persists in pursuing Jiang Wei, one day Jiang Wei will become his wife.

However, just when he thought his dream was about to come true, Fang Yu's appearance broke his dream... Brother Xiao He was fired and told him that Jiang Wei's current boyfriend is Fang Yu!
For Xiao Ting, this is news with a devastating blow.

Almost all his past contributions and efforts were wasted!

He is angry!
He hates!

Why would Jiang Wei like such a sloppy bumpkin!Why!? Why does Jiang Wei like a male nurse! He is not worthy!
"Xiao Ting! Do you want to destroy yourself? I warn you! It won't do you any good if you do this!" the assistant continued to advise.

"Benefits?" Xiao Ting tightly held the small knife in his hand, emitting a piercing cold light. The small blade was pressed against Jiang Wei's fair neck. With just a slight movement, a fresh and beautiful life would be taken away!

Xiao Ting's expression was ferocious and terrifying!
All the anger and unwillingness in the past were all displayed on his face.

"It's ridiculous, who of you knows how much I hate?! No one knows how much I have paid for Jiang Wei, no one knows how much I like her!"

The reward for all this is cold ridicule and ruthless rejection!
All this is because of this woman!This proud woman!
Every time his eyes blinked, his body trembled uncontrollably.It makes people frightened, for fear that the knife is moving down!

"Pay? Like?"

Fang Yu's voice came from this tense atmosphere.

Among the crowd, Fang Yu walked over with a calm face, and the staff automatically dispersed——

"What did you pay for?"

Xiao Ting stared at Fang Yu who suddenly appeared in surprise, at this juncture, you finally appeared!

"In the past five years, I have sent Jiang Wei a rose every day! Who can do this persistence?" Xiao Ting said in a deep voice.

"It's terrible to be uneducated!" Fang Yu said coldly, "Do you know what it's called?"

"What did you say?!" Xiao Ting said.

"This is called being cheap!" Fang Yu showed a embarrassed and contemptuous face, "I believe that from the first day, Jiang Wei told you that she doesn't like you! It's you who put your hot face on your cold ass again and again! Not only So, every time you don't see Jiang Wei, just use the company's cooperation project as an example! Don't you think it's cheap?"


Xiao Ting stared at Fang Yu viciously.

"Is that how you insult my devotion to Jiang Wei?" Xiao Ting said awe-inspiringly, "Even if she refused to accept me, did she ever apologize for what I did in the past five years? She didn't! On the contrary, She spurned my efforts."

Fang Yu smiled.

Laughter permeates.

It spread to the corridor outside, making everyone shudder.

I thought I would have to wait a while to deal with the Xiao family... Now it seems that I am thinking too much.Xiao Shilang, you gave birth to such a stupid son in vain of your fame throughout your life.

"Do you think you paid a lot?" Fang Yu looked at him coldly, "Qingcheng Group has more than 200 employees who have worked for more than five years! More than 50 employees who have worked for more than seven years, more than half of them have worked for more than three years! If Put it in here, you are not even considered middle-level, and you still talk to me about giving?"


In Qingcheng Group, no one pays much.

Even if their efforts were not for Jiang Wei's feelings.But for the sake of life and work, it is also the biggest reason why they are diligent and persistent here.

For these people, what Xiao Ting did was nothing more than ordinary sacrifices.

What's more, what he wants is love!

This is--


"I'll tell you now! As long as you dare to do it! I will let her live or die!" Fang Yu said word by word.

"You threaten me?" Xiao Ting glanced at Fang Yu.

"Probably." Fang Yu said with a cold expression, as if he didn't care about Jiang Wei who was being blackmailed.

This scene made the people who saw it feel incredible.What is this?

The chips used by criminals to take hostages are often broadcast on television.But using the method of angering criminals, what is the difference between that and suicide.Didn't he know that by doing so, Xiao Ting might kill someone?

"Xiao Wei...Look...this is the person you like?" Xiao Ting laughed at himself, "It's all about now, this guy is still comparing me to me. Do you think he will care about you Life! No!"

"As long as my hand moves a little, you will die!"

When Xiao Ting chose this step, he knew that there was no way for him to turn back.

I can only bite the bullet and go on.

The appearance of Fang Yu made his determination stronger and stronger.

"How dare you!" shouted the assistant on the side.

"Now is a society ruled by law. If you dare to kill Mr. Jiang, we will definitely sue you. You don't want to be a tyrant here!"

Xiao Ting pretended not to hear, and laughed loudly: "Fang Yu, as a rival in love, you don't intend to send me off?"

He knew that there was a big gap between him and Fang Yu.So he didn't dare to let Fang Yu approach, but when there were still a few meters away, he would raise his hand to defend, or even take a few steps back.

Looking at Fang Yu, his eyes were full of hatred.

Hearing this, Fang Yu looked sympathetically, and said, "I'm the one you hate. Why make things difficult for Jiang Wei."

"What are you doing?" The female assistant was slightly surprised, and pulled Fang Yu back, "Let me switch with Mr. Jiang."

"Didn't I say I want to change with her?" Fang Yu said.


"Oh, I thought you had such a good relationship with Mr. Jiang, you would definitely make some shocking stories about her." The female assistant said awkwardly.


All the employees present gave Fang Yu a blank look, feeling very disappointed.

Hearing Xiao Ting's words, assistant Xiaoman's expression became more and more uncomfortable, and her heart tensed up.

Looking back on when she returned to China, if Jiang Wei hadn't let her join the Huaxu Group, how could she have achieved her current status and achievements.

There is a saying that the kindness of a drop of water should be repaid by a spring.

Just because Fang Yu couldn't do it didn't mean she couldn't do it.

So, the assistant Xiaoman came out, and said calmly: "Xiao Ting, let go of Qingcheng, I will be your hostage!"

As soon as these words came out, the audience suddenly.

Are you a hostage?

Just kidding! ?
Can your worth be compared with Jiang Wei?

Xiao Ting smiled contemptuously.

(End of this chapter)

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