Chapter 29
Since the last time Xiao Ting brought someone to Jiang Wei's office and was beaten away by Fang Yu, he made a fool of himself, and the whole company is spreading his glorious deeds.

He and Fang Yu are the real enemies and opponents!

At the same time this is an unforgivable humiliation!

"Please piss and take a picture!" Xiao Ting said contemptuously, "You can't exchange Jiang Wei's life for you now!"

As he said that, the movements of his hands became tighter.

The assistant's face was pale, but there was nothing he could do.

"You're right, I'm your hostage, it's the safest." Jiang Wei's face was indifferent, with calm eyes, she opened her red lips and said, "She's just my assistant, she doesn't have any value."

Xiao Ting laughed, and said: "Xiao Wei, what time is it, you still want to protect your subordinates. I have already reached this point, don't say I dare not kill you!"

"So what?" Jiang Wei looked calmly, "No matter what, I am your best hostage."

Even though Xiao Ting has a tendency to lose his mind now, it is undeniable that what Jiang Wei said is very reasonable, and Xiao Ting agrees with it.

Xiao Ting stared at Fang Yu, who looked downcast. He didn't know why he was so relaxed. The knife in his hand was already attached to Jiang Wei's neck, and Fang Yu was not worried at all.

"Fang Yu, do you want to watch Xiaowei get killed by me?"

The knife sticks closer.

A trace of blood flowed out, and a terrifying red mark appeared on the white neck. People in the corridor and outside the office, seeing this scene, covered their eyes in fright.

"What do you want?" Seeing this scene, Fang Yu's eyes froze, and he finally said.

"I'll make you kneel down and apologize to me!"

Xiao Ting smiled.

Those eyes looked down upon Fang Yu, as if announcing his victory to the world.

Aren't you very capable?
Don't you have a hard tone?
You still have to kneel down in front of me like a grandson!
Today, I will let you lose all your dignity, and let you experience what is worse than a pig or a dog!

kneel down?

Fang Yu's expression was normal.

He has heard these two words countless times.

Those who had made this request to him all fell at his feet.

He also once said to his enemies that he only kneels to the sky and kneels to his parents!
However, the scene in front of him made him control his rhetoric.

It is said that heroes are saddened by beauty.

Fang Yu, who was alone at that time, was very disdainful.

Now, he believed it.

"Tie Fang Yu to me!" Xiao Ting ordered.

No one thought that the irrational Xiao Ting could still do such a move, it was simply frenzied, not as good as a pig or a dog!

The staff next to them looked at each other in blank dismay, they didn't want to obey Xiao Ting's order at first.But they saw Fang Yu winking at him, so they had to temporarily pull a rope from a nearby box, and hesitantly came behind Fang Yu.

"Do you really want this?"

Although he was only an employee of the company, he was more on Fang Yu's side when things got to this point.A rich second generation like Xiao Ting should be punished as he should.

"It's okay." Fang Yu said calmly, "Even if I die, it's considered a work-related injury, and if I fail, I'll get a compensation."

The rope was tied and loosely tied.

Fang Yu said again: "Tighten it up. Since it is going to be done, it must meet the requirements of others. If they tear up the ticket, it will be too late to regret."

The boy nodded in embarrassment, and quickly tied the rope tightly.

Xiao Ting stared coldly, and said: "Come over slowly! I want to see you kneel down in front of me!"

Hearing this, Fang Yu walked over slowly.

Seeing Fang Yu's calm and relaxed face, Xiao Ting felt uncomfortable.He knew Fang Yu's skill, he was a master who even kicked him down with one kick, so he was afraid.

Glancing at Fang Yu, Xiao Ting made up his mind.

As long as you take the opportunity to knock him down when he is one meter closer, then everything will be over.


I want to see how you fight back!

Xiao Ting suddenly pushed Jiang Wei away, and rushed towards Fang Yu who had just entered the office. The small knife in his hand was retracted into the cuff in an instant, grabbed Fang Yu's hair, pulled back, and then slammed his knee hard It landed on Fang Yu's chest.


Fang Yu hummed in a low voice, and didn't dodge!Inner Yuan continuously resisted these forces... He knew that he had to make a very painful appearance——

call out!
The knife rested on Fang Yu's neck.

Xiao Ting smiled: "Fang Yu, Fang Yu, you are so stupid! Get out of the way!"

Jiang Wei leaned on the desk, motionless.There was a flash of light in her eyes, she didn't understand why Fang Yu would do this! ?

"Xiaowei, I don't want to hurt you! If you want to blame, blame Fang Yu! Order them to go away, otherwise, I will kill him!"

Before Jiang Wei could give an order, Fang Yu said first, "Get out of the way."

A group of security guards and employees retreated helplessly, and others dared not approach.

Xiao Ting became even more arrogant.

Fang Yu's complete surrender made him even more unscrupulous.

But at this time, Jiang Wei flashed to the door of the office.

Everyone was taken aback for a moment.

They didn't understand why Jiang Wei, who had just escaped from the tiger's mouth, made such a move.

"Go away!"

Fang Yu roared angrily!
Jiang Wei was shocked.Seeing the anger in Fang Yu's eyes, she walked aside helplessly.

But her eyes are always staring at Xiao Ting sharply!

No one is obliged to do this for you, no one is born to give their life for you... Jiang Wei realized that she was wrong at this time.When she thought that Fang Yu stayed by her side for profit, she was disappointed, but now... she was wrong.



How could she know that the hatred deep in Fang Yu's heart had only burst out a little.

Compared with the bloody storm eight years ago, one corpse after another, blood flowing into a river, Xiao Ting's behavior is no different from that of a child playing house...


He grabbed Fang Yu and walked towards the elevator.

Everyone backed away in fear.

Enter the elevator, and press the top floor.

"Fang Yu, today we have settled all accounts between you and me." Xiao Ting said with relief.

This makes me wonder, what is this for?
Fang Yu didn't know why Xiao Ting went to this desperate road, and he couldn't figure it out either.Could it be... the current Xiao family can kill people arbitrarily?There is simply no law.

In fact, when Fang Yu approached Xiao Ting when he entered the office, he saw the bomb on his waist.

So at that moment, he chose to forcibly resist all of Xiao Ting's beatings.

Otherwise, at that moment, Fang Yu had a thousand ways to make his life worse than death!
The only thing that can be judged is that Xiao Ting is crazy!

Xiao Ting thought to himself, as soon as he reached the rooftop, it was time to turn Fang Yu into a corpse!
(End of this chapter)

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