Super Doctor of the City

Chapter 281 Sorry, I Was Wrong

Chapter 281 I'm Sorry I Was Wrong (Part [-])
It was the first time for Wu Jingyuan to see such a ignorant person, he would not eat or drink a toast!I don't even bother to talk nonsense with him.

He roared angrily: "Come here, break his legs and drag him out!"


Two children of the Wu family came up.

As soon as he came to him, Fang Yu raised his leg and kicked——


They were just two ordinary Wujia children, without any ability to resist, they screamed and fell to the ground.

Everyone looked at Fang Yu in disbelief.

So bold!

Make trouble at Wu's house!
Does this person want to die?
Wu Guanshi was trembling with anger, why did such a scoundrel come here, pointed at Fang Yu and said, "Bold!"

Fang Yu snorted coldly, and said slowly:
"Idiot, I kicked you..."

The genius doctor Fang lying on the ground was the most angry, baring his teeth and said: "Boy, if you dare to kick this genius doctor, you are finished, you are completely finished... Wu Guanshi, if you don't deal with him today... don't deal with him first Sickness, this sickness... I can't see..."

Doctor Fang said so.

Wu Guanshi's expression changed, he waved his hands and said, "Come here!"


Dozens of Wu family disciples instantly appeared around the courtyard.

"Son of the Wu family, warrior!"

The appearance of the martial artist suddenly made the atmosphere tense.

Wu Jingyuan didn't intend to save Fang Yu's face at all, and shouted: "Take him down!"

This violent drink made everyone feel relieved.

"I really don't cry without seeing the coffin!" Fang Yu sighed and shook his head.

At the moment when everyone was about to make a move——

A voice came from outside the door:

The crowd followed the sound.

Directly at the other end of the corridor, an old man rushed over, followed by the guard.

The doorman is young and runs faster.

When he was more than ten meters away from the crowd, he bowed and said: "Wu Guanshi! Yanjing's Acupuncture Doctor Wang Sun is here! He...he looks very anxious!"

Doctor Sun?
There was an uproar.

This is an iconic figure in the world of acupuncture and moxibustion!No one in Chinese medicine does not know Sun Qing!
His arrival surprised everyone.

Doctor Fang, who was lying on the ground, was ashamed and trembling when he heard this.

But the doctors did not know, but said:

"Master Fang, your students are here too! Get up quickly!"

"Master Fang, with you and your students coming to see the doctor, Boss Wu is absolutely fine!"

"Master Fang, what's wrong with you? Why are you sweating?"


Only Fang Yu didn't even look at these idiots, but stood with his hands behind his back, and looked at the other end of the corridor indifferently.Unexpectedly, it came really fast.

Wu Jingyuan was startled, and hurried forward to greet him respectfully.

Sun Qing walked quickly, very fast——

"Miraculous doctor Sun, I'm sorry, don't be angry, I will definitely severely punish the scoundrel who attacked your master!" Wu Jingyuan said politely.


Sun Qing ignored Wu Jingyuan at all and pushed him away.

Passing through the crowd in disgust, he came to Fang Yu, with an excited expression on his face, bowed and said, "Master! The apprentice is here—"



Everyone froze in place.

I was dumbfounded.

Each mouth is wide enough to stuff an entire egg.

All of them had rich expressions, as if they were feeling uncomfortable after eating a catty of flies.


what happened?

Miracle doctor Sun, why would you salute this bastard and call him master?

So quiet.

dare not speak out.

Wu Jingyuan frowned even more, wrinkled into twists.

Fang Yu said calmly, "It's good that you come."

"Master, you asked me to come in such a hurry, are you tired? Or, why don't you go back to rest early and let me see the rest?" Sun Qing said respectfully.

"No, I don't plan to see a doctor..."

Fang Yu turned around, and his eyes fell on the impostor lying on the ground.

Everyone was stunned, not daring to breathe.

at this time--

The so-called Master Fang immediately crawled over and begged for mercy: "Master Fang, I was wrong, I'm sorry...I was wrong! I shouldn't pretend to be you! Please forgive me, please..."

Bang bang bang!
Knocked his head on the ground.

This scene made those so-called famous doctors even more dumbfounded.

Wu Jingyuan changed from frowning tightly to a ferocious face.

They instantly understood——

It turned out that this was the famous Miracle Doctor Fang!

The person they had been fawning over for a long time turned out to be a counterfeit!

Wu Jingyuan was furious, and said angrily, "Drag him out! Chop him up and feed him to the dogs!"


The counterfeit was suddenly ashamed.

After being dragged out——

The scene became extremely embarrassing.

Wu Jingyuan's heart shuddered, and he bowed and said, "It turns out that you are Fang Miracle Doctor... I was the one who didn't know Taishan before! I'll make it up to you!"

The others also looked ugly, and quickly apologized——

"Master Fang, your lord has a lot, it's all our fault!"

"Oh! How could I make such a mistake!" After speaking, the man slapped himself very loudly!

Some people bowed directly and said, "Master Fang, it's all because of this liar... How offended you were just now! I apologize to you!"

Watching them apologize one by one.

Only then did Sun Qing understand what was going on.

Before Fang Yu could speak, Sun Qing shouted, "A bunch of quack doctors!"

Not to mention that Fang Yu scolded them like that, even if it was Sun Qing, they didn't dare to have any rebuttals.

"With your virtue, do you still expect to heal others?"

"Master, let's go!" Sun Qing snorted coldly.

Fang Yu glanced at it, turned around and was about to leave.

Wu Jingyuan panicked, and quickly said: "Master Fang, we are wrong this time! But Master Wu's illness, you must help me! I am willing to punish me however you want!"

As he spoke, Wu Jingyuan was about to kneel down.

Seeing this posture, Fang Yu couldn't help but frown. The man had gold under his knees, kneeling on his knees and kneeling on his parents.This Wu Jingyuan was devoted to his duty from beginning to end.

"Hold on."

Fang Yu stopped him from kneeling, "If you want me to see a doctor, you can..."

Hearing this, Wu Jingyuan showed great joy and said, "As long as you are willing to see a doctor for Master Wu, I will agree to any conditions!"

"That's about the same. My outpatient fee is very expensive."

"Money is something outside of the body, my Wu family has no shortage!"


Wu Jingyuan was stunned for a moment, and the others were even more surprised.

Open mouth is 1000 million!

You know, the Wu family recruits famous doctors, and the maximum bonus set is only 500 million, which is the premise of a cure!If it can't be cured, you will pay for running errands.

But it is an exaggeration to directly ask for 1000 million yuan, which is only a medical fee.

No matter how much money you have, you can't stand such a waste.

Wu Jingyuan hesitated...

"I can't afford it, what kind of doctor are you looking for!" Fang Yu said with blank eyes, "Teacher, let's go!"

With his hands behind his back, he walked towards the corridor.

As soon as he took a step, a weak voice came from inside the house——

"Wu Jingyuan...give...give him!"

Wu Jingyuan was startled, and immediately said: "Master Fang, I promise you! 1000 million!"

Fang Yu turned around, nodded and said, "It's not too bad! Take me in and have a look."


If there is a need for others, even if there are warriors in the Wu family, they can only be respectful.

"Teacher, since you are here, you can be my deputy."

"Yes! Master."

(End of this chapter)

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