Super Doctor of the City

Chapter 282 Practitioners under the Law

Chapter 282 Practitioners under the Law (Third Watch)

As soon as he walked to the door, Fang Yu tilted his head and said, "Guan Wu, although my apprentice is my deputy, he is still a famous doctor in Yanjing. A master can't underestimate his apprentice, and his outpatient fees can't be reduced. .”

You have to be thick-skinned.

Wu Jingyuan was extremely embarrassed, the matter has come to this point, what else is unacceptable.

"Master Fang, don't worry, you won't miss a single point!"


Needle Wang Sunqing looked at Fang Yu with complicated eyes. With Fang Yu's ability, will he be reduced to the point where he is short of money?
He had heard a long time ago that Fang Yu became the son-in-law of the Ye family, with a respected status and no shortage of money.


Enter the hall.

"Master Fang, this way please."

Under the leadership of Wu Jingyuan, they came to the door of the bedroom.

The door opened slowly.

It's dark inside,
But the space is very large, there are two people watching nearby, and it can be seen from the clothes that they are the core figures of the Wu family.A man and a woman, both in their 50s and [-]s.

The person lying on the bed should be the boss Wu Deqiu of the Wu family.

"Master Wu, this is Doctor Fang..."

The Wu family looked up at Fang Yu and didn't have much hope, because too many famous doctors had seen them before, but they were all helpless. They also heard about the scoundrel that happened just now, but they just asked for help.If Fang Yu can't be cured, there is no way to have money or not.

In the bedding, a faint voice sounded:
"Miraculous doctor Fang... yes... I will trouble you."

The person next to him carefully lifted the quilt.

Although the light was very weak, Fang Yu could still see the scar on his abdomen at a glance.

Could not help frowning.

"Everyone else get out."

Fang Yu's voice was very soft and calm, but it contained an irresistible force.

This made the Wu family stunned for a moment.

No other famous doctor dared to speak like that. This commanding tone made people feel a little uncomfortable.

But at that moment, Boss Wu on the bed whispered, "Everyone get out."

Boss Wu opened his mouth, and the others bowed their heads like frost-beaten eggplants: "Yes..."

One by one they left the room.


For a while, only Fang Yu and Sun Qing were left in the room.

Fang Yu nodded, came to the bed, and sat down slowly, only then could he see Boss Wu's haggard face and chapped lips.

"Put out your hand."

Ude Choo did so.

When he stretched out his hand, he said slowly: "My illness is beyond the reach of ordinary doctors. If you can't cure it, you don't have to force it. I invite you to come because I just feel unwilling."

After speaking, he closed his eyes.

It can be heard that these words seem to be repeated a thousand times.

Fang Yu chuckled and said, "Who says I can't cure..."

Udeqiu opened his eyes suddenly... This is the only different answer he got from today!
"Can you cure it?" He was a little excited.

Fang Yu said:

"Traditional Chinese medicine pays attention to seeing, hearing, and asking. It's still the same... I ask you, and you answer truthfully."

Wu Deqiu nodded and said: "As long as it can be can tell me everything!"

"Who hurt your dantian?" Fang Yu asked earnestly, seeing his shocked face, he added, "You just need to answer my question."

When Fang Yu said the word dantian, Udeqiu was shocked and excited.

"Cultivation... a practitioner."

Sure enough, he is a practitioner.

Fang Yu nodded secretly, and said, "Why did he hurt you?"

So far, Boss Wu has made it clear that Fang Yu in front of him is an expert!Heartbroken, he replied:

"Take my spiritual energy!"

Hearing this, Fang Yu was startled.

"The practitioner took your spiritual energy?"

These words are completely spread out on the bright side.

Sun Qing, who was at the side, was confused and dared not speak up.

Wu Deqiu nodded and said: "Exactly!" When he said this, his face showed a look of grief, "I think I have worked hard for a year to achieve what I am today... Unexpectedly, I was still..."

"The law of the dark forest, you have exposed..." Fang Yu sighed.

"The law of the dark forest?" Udeqiu looked puzzled.

Fang Yu then explained the content of the law of the dark forest to Udeqiu.

When Wu Deqiu heard this, he was surprised and said: "Unbelievable! The person who can see the world so clearly and summarize it into laws must be an expert!"

"But what I don't understand is, why do practitioners take your spiritual energy?" Fang Yu asked.

"It's like plundering money. Some people want treasures, and some people directly absorb your life's aura..." Udeqiu said sadly.

"I see."

Fang Yu nodded secretly, all original sins in the world are caused by interests.

Big fish eat small fish because they want to fill their stomachs.

"Let me ask you, where do practitioners get their aura?" Fang Yu continued to ask.

Wu Deqiu glanced at Fang Yu with complicated eyes, but he still replied slowly: "Warriors are divided into nine levels... More than nine levels are innate. After stepping into the innate, you can reborn, gather spiritual energy, and become a practitioner. In other words... …A cultivator is an existence far higher than a warrior."

Sure enough, it was the same as Fang Yu expected.

"Boss Wu, what is your strength?"

Wu Deqiu laughed at himself, and said: "Although my strength surpasses warriors, it is insignificant among practitioners. For the past ten years, I have been staying at the threshold of congenital. It should be noted that the fourth-order cultivators of Tiandi Xuanhuang are divided into heaven and earth above congenital... ..."

"Heaven and Earth Xuanhuang..." Fang Yu murmured.

"Master Fang, my strength is low, and that's all I know..." Wu Deqiu said in a low voice.

Fang Yu also noticed that his voice was weakening.

If you don't give treatment, I'm afraid you will die.

"I can save you, but I can't help you recover your strength. Do you still want me to save you?" Fang Yu asked.

After all, for a cultivator, it is not like this to abolish his cultivation base.

Unexpectedly, Udeqiu said:
"Hey, I'm already bearish on the practice... The only thing I can't let go of is my family, old and young..."

"As long as you can figure it out."

"Little friend, can you really cure me?" Wu Deqiu asked.

"rest assured."

Fang Yu smiled, "Lie down."

Udeqiu looked happy and lay down on his back.

Clothes, quilts, all removed.

There was indeed a blood hole in his abdomen. When he cut his pulse just now, he had already lost the pulse in his dantian.

It can be seen that Wu Deqiu was once a master among warriors.


Being able to endure for so many years and embark on the path of cultivation is beyond comparison.

Fang Yu sometimes wondered, could everyone be as tolerant as him?It must not be so.

Practitioners, there are too many unsolved mysteries.

"Sun Qing, help me hold on!"



Fang Yu raised his hand and pinched the three golden needles.

Almost without looking at it, the needles started dropping.


"Taixuan fingering!"

Three gold needles fell.

Stuck at his Tanzhong, Qihai, Shenque acupoints...


The golden needle trembled at a high frequency.

At the same time, Fang Yu patted down with one palm.

Neiyuan surged out, approaching Wu Deqiu's dantian.

Wu Deqiu, who was awake, exclaimed: "Taiyi magic needle! Reiki!"

(End of this chapter)

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