Super Doctor of the City

Chapter 36 The little follower who fell from the sky

Chapter 36 The little follower who fell from the sky
"Is there any mistake? I am your savior. You actually thought of driving the benefactor away! Do you still have a conscience? Feel your conscience and say it seriously."

Fang Yu really did as she said——

"Fang Yu, are you done yet?!" Jiang Wei's eyes widened, and as she pushed the thing away, her knuckles turned white.

"It's not over!"

At this time-

Stomach started growling.

Seeing that she was no longer pursuing and pestering, Fang Yu was relieved.Immediately picked up the remaining half of the pancake on the plate, turned his head and said, "Hey, do you still eat the pancake? I can't bear it if I die from starvation."

Jiang Wei didn't even look at it, but said indifferently: "I don't eat the ones that have been slapped by a pig!"

"You're prejudice." Fang Yu picked up the pancakes, ignoring Jiang Wei's frosty face, stuffed them into his mouth, and chewed them with relish.


Jiang Wei felt that she herself was already the strangest kind of person in the world.But since getting to know Fang Yu, his previous cognition has been shattered to pieces.

She could have paid a high price to hire an indifferent and obedient bodyguard to stand outside the door, or guard by the car, and follow her all the way.But what is the difference between that and wood.Sometimes when I think back, the man in front of me sometimes gets nervous, which is quite interesting.

Perhaps, this is God's destiny.

"Bye, I have to go to bed. I have work to do tomorrow." Fang Yu was ready to leave after drinking and eating.

"What's the matter with you?" Jiang Wei asked mysteriously.

"Hey...don't tell you."


It was Jiang Wei's turn that her stomach started growling again.

The time is already 24 o'clock. This time should be a good time for the night meeting with Zhou Gong, but sitting here with your eyelids stretched out, discussing other people's lives, it really hurts to be idle.

Fang Yu was too sleepy to keep his eyes open.

Seeing her tired look, Jiang Wei also felt that she had gone too far just now.

Jiang Wei said calmly: "I'm making a supper, do you want more?"

"I don't want supper, just let me sleep for one night!"

"Get out—" Jiang Wei was angry again, shameless bastard, is this lustful?
Seeing that something was about to be smashed, Fang Yu hurriedly climbed upstairs, muttering, didn't you already promise to let me come back to sleep?How fierce is fierce, uneducated!



In order to sleep more soundly, Fang Yu turned off his phone.

Early the next morning, Fang Yu felt his nose itch before he woke up.

As soon as he opened his eyes, he saw a pair of big watery eyes, blinking and blinking at himself...

Fang Yu was startled, wiped his eyes——

It turned out to be Jiang Xiaoxiao, making trouble in pajamas...

This sister-in-law is not shy at all, she has exquisite curves and has begun to develop.With long hair fluttering and a slender figure, she just crawled in front of her quilt, holding a feather duster in her hand.

"Little don't sleep and come here to mess with me..." Fang Yu showed a bitter face. He drank alcohol yesterday and didn't sleep well today.

After finishing speaking, he fell back and continued to sleep.

Jiang Xiaoxiao wasn't too polite, with a naughty face, he lifted the quilt, put his hands on his hips and said, "My sister told you to send me to school. You're still sleeping in, it's almost nine o'clock!"

"What!? It's nine o'clock?" Fang Yu sat up suddenly.

Grandma's legs are going to be late again.

Fang Yu got up, rolled his eyes and said, "Little brat, why don't you hurry up and change your clothes, why are you dangling in front of me?"

After speaking, Fang Yu turned and left.


After seeing off his sister-in-law, Fang Yu went to the hospital.

As soon as he arrived at the lobby of Huada Hospital, a young man rushed over excitedly when he saw Fang Yu.

Fang Yu recognized it, isn't this the son of the woman he saved with a lot of internal energy that day?
The young man directly knelt down, kowtowed and said, "Benefactor! Save my life!"

Fang Yu was stunned and didn't know what it meant.

"Get up have already thanked me, what are you doing?" Fang Yu frowned, looking at the young man.

"No, I said before, as long as you save my mother, I will be your cow and horse for the rest of my life, and I will never break my promise!" The young man vowed.

"Please, what year is it?" Fang Yu was speechless.

At this moment, Xu Zhaopei came over, glanced at the young man with great interest, and explained:

"Fang Yu, his name is Li Dabai, and he came here to repay his kindness... I think he is very sincere, so I let him work as a cleaner in the hospital. Do you have any objection?"


Damn, this tigress looks weird in her eyes, is she looking for someone to watch over me?

Just about to object, Xu Zhaopei said again: "The contract has been signed. From now on, we will be colleagues."


you are vicious.

Fang Yu slandered in his heart, spread his hands, and glanced at Li Dabai who was full of excitement, and said, "Get up quickly. Also, don't call me benefactor, it sounds weird."

Li Dabai nodded heavily, got up, and looked at Fang Yu with admiration on his face: "Brother Yu, from now on, I will follow you. I will go wherever you let me go. I, Li Dabai, will never wrinkle." Frown!"

Fang Yu rolled his eyes at him and said, "Would you like to go to the women's restroom if I told you?"


As soon as I finished speaking here, Li Dabai rushed towards the women's toilet like an arrow from Li Xuan...

Fang Yu and Xu Zhaopei were stunned.

Damn, suddenly there is a little mindless follower.

This is too slow!
Not long after, there was a burst of shouting and punching and kicking from the women's toilet.


"Fang Yu, are you free today?" Xu Zhaopei stared at Fang Yu with a smile.

Fang Yu, who felt the strange eyes, instinctively said: "What are you doing?"

"Please have a meal."

"You are so kind?"

"Why so much nonsense."

Xu Zhaopei grabbed Fang Yu's arm and pulled it outward.

Fang Yu screamed loudly——

"Help, the female gangster is molesting! Help!"


In the hospital, the beautiful nurses covered their mouths and laughed.

"Have you found out that Director Fang and Dr. Xu are a good match?"

"Yeah, a match made in heaven..."

"It's not that enemies don't get together."



Fang Yu, who was forcibly dragged outside, had a bitter face.

Xu Zhaopei insisted on pulling him into the car.

"If I say I invite you to dinner, I invite you to dinner."

After a while, the car drove to a restaurant.

"Hey, are you not afraid that I will make you poor?"

Fang Yu wasn't afraid at all, and got out of the car with her and entered the restaurant.

The two found an elegant seat by the window and sat down facing each other.

As soon as he sat down, Fang Yu asked with a smile:
"Tell me, what's the matter?"

Xu Zhaopei complained, "Did you forget? You promised me to attend my grandfather's birthday party."

"How dare I forget... I mean, you invited me to dinner, just to eat?" Fang Yu couldn't believe that there was no other medicine in the tigress' gourd.

Xu Zhaopei lowered her head, showing a shy look——

Finally, she asked embarrassedly, "Today... am I... pretty?"

(End of this chapter)

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