Super Doctor of the City

Chapter 37 You Be My Real Boyfriend

Chapter 37 You Be My Real Boyfriend
Fang Yu became even more wary, this tigress looked weird today, could it be that his mind was flooded?

Seeing Fang Yu like a frightened bird, Xu Zhaopei became daring instead——

"Well, today, am I pretty or not?"

Fang Yu almost spit, Xu Zhaopei's eyes were like a wolf, and he was a lamb waiting to be slaughtered.The affectionate eyes and gentle expression gave Fang Yu a creepy feeling.

"Frankly speaking, you are beautiful." Fang Yu spread his hands.

"Hee look handsome today—"


It's all about what.

Is there such a thing as praising someone handsome?Those eyes looked like they were going to eat someone up, and they were lewd.

"I'm talking about Dr. Xu, can you be more reserved..." Fang Yu rolled his eyes.

"Don't call me Dr. Xu, from now on, you can call me Pepe..."

Fang Yu was completely speechless.

"Okay, please be normal, don't stare at me, it's not good for people to see."

"You are handsome..."


The waiter starts serving the food.

As soon as the food arrived on the table, Fang Yu started to eat, devouring it voraciously, as long as he could end the meal as soon as possible, he would feel more at ease.

This woman's temperament suddenly changed so quickly, there must be some kind of conspiracy.

"Huh? It's so hot!" Xu Zhaopei said.

Fang Yu frowned slightly.

Although it is hot weather in July, restaurants like this are all air-conditioned, why is it so hot?
"Aren't you hot?" Xu Zhaopei smiled.

"Is it hot?" Fang Yu asked back.

"Yeah, it's hot."

"Fang Yu, am I really pretty?"

Fang Yu was taken aback...

"Of course it looks good!"

"Then... how do I look good?"

Fang Yu was speechless.


"You are just perfunctory to me." Xu Zhaopei muttered dissatisfiedly.

"No way, you are really beautiful." Fang Yu said seriously.

"Then who is better looking, me or Jiang Wei?"


Fang Yu really didn't expect that Xu Zhaopei would compare himself with Jiang Wei.To be honest, the two are completely different styles.Jiang Wei is a high-cold goddess fan, with some characteristics of a strong woman, Xu Zhaopei is a fiery style, vigorous and resolute.But from the outside, the two have their own merits, and they are both top-notch beauties.

"To be honest, you are both beautiful. If I say you are more beautiful than her, you probably won't believe me. But... I think your temperament is more down-to-earth." Fang Yu said.



"Then do you like me?" Xu Zhaopei said.

"What the hell do you want to do?"

Fang Yu put down the bowl and chopsticks and glanced at Xu Zhaopei.

"If you don't say it directly, I will leave."

Hearing this, Xu Zhaopei was stunned for a moment, and there was a trace of hesitation in his eyes.

After a while, Xu Zhaopei said shyly, "Fang Yu, can you promise me one thing?"

"Didn't I agree to attend your grandfather's birthday party?"

"It's not about that."

"what is that?"

Xu Zhaopei looked at Fang Yu and said, "You agree first."

Fang Yu sighed softly, picked up the water glass, took a sip, and said, "Tell me, as long as I can help."

"Actually, it's nothing, you can definitely help me." Xu Zhaopei smiled and said, "Fang Yu, you can be my real boyfriend!"


Fang Yu just drank a glass of water and almost spit it all out.

"What's wrong with you?" Xu Zhaopei asked.

"Grandma...are you joking?" Fang Yu smiled wryly.

"I'm not kidding." Xu Zhaopei said.

"Please, I really can't afford this joke..." Fang Yu was helpless.

Hearing this, Xu Zhaopei lowered his head and became sad.

Blame myself for being too good, this young, good-looking, and an expert surgeon at Huada Hospital, this condition, put it at that, is the best of the best.

"Fang Yu, don't worry, I won't despise you!"


Fang Yu was slightly startled, and then exploded, "Please, don't you hate me! Xu Zhaopei, you really think you are excellent, can you compare with me in terms of medical skills? I'm still the director of Huada Hospital! , I still have a fiancee who is as beautiful as a fairy waiting for me."

Xu Zhaopei's face turned black with anger.

It's the same as when we first met, it's too shameless!

Surprisingly, she didn't get angry, but said stubbornly: "I don't care! You must be responsible!"

As soon as the words were finished, there was a burst of hearty laughter nearby——

"Hey, aren't these the two great doctors of Huada Hospital?"

Fang Yu looked over.

Xiao He?

What is this guy doing here?
Xiao He was smiling, and he couldn't see the sadness of losing his brother at all.

Came to the dining table and said hello: "Dr. Fang, Dr. Xu... We meet again."

Fang Yu didn't like him very much, and it was a matter of time before the Xiao family was dealt with.

"What are you doing here?"

"Dr. Fang's words are wrong. Don't you know that Dr. Xu is Young Master Sun's fiancee? Young Master Sun is my brother. How can I sit idly by?"

(End of this chapter)

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