Super Doctor of the City

Chapter 368 The So-Called Conspiracy

Chapter 368 The So-Called Conspiracy (Part [-])


Has anyone talked to the dark web giants like this?

The middle-aged man on the high platform yelled violently: "Fang Yu, you are so courageous, dare to talk to the giant with this attitude, and find out your identity!"

That's right, it's just a hall master, who actually talks back to the giant.This is disrespectful.

Hearing this, Fang Yu was still smiling——

"Could it be that giants can kill people at will? Is the hall master not qualified to uphold justice?"

Fang Yu turned around, looked around at the members of the darknet, and said loudly, "The one kneeling on the high platform is your brother, the brother of the darknet... once went up the mountain of swords and went down to the sea of ​​fire... for the brother's ribs... the giant My lord says they have committed a capital crime, but at least I have to tell my brothers what the crime is, otherwise... how can I convince everyone?"

Although these words contradicted the giant.

But why not the thoughts in the hearts of the brothers.

Why join the dark web?If one does not seek fame and fortune, if one does not even have brotherhood, then what is the difference between it and a cold machine operated by people?
Many people began to bow their heads and discuss.

Seeing a slight change in the atmosphere on the field, the dark night giant said loudly with his hands behind his back:
"You want evidence, I can give you..."

A big wave.

Several members of the dark net were brought up nearby, their faces flustered and even terrified.

They knelt down on the ground as soon as they entered the stage, pointed at the prisoners and said, "It's them, it's them... They want to kill people... They want to kill the giant of the night..."

As soon as this word comes out.

There was an uproar.

"The evidence is so strong, what else can I say?"

Many people began to raise their hands to express their indignation——

"Kill them as a warning to others."

"It's too much, even my own brothers, and killed them!"

Tang Yan, the giant of the dark night, raised his hand again and pressed down, signaling for everyone to be quiet.

"Prepare, execution!"

Spoken by the giant himself.

Those executioners became more agile when raising their knives.


Fang Yu stopped again.

The middle-aged man on the high platform said, "What else do you want?"

"If you follow this logic... I killed Liang Qiu from the Liangzhou branch, shouldn't it be a capital crime?" Fang Yu said word by word.

The atmosphere suddenly changed.

at the same time.

Chen Daotian also stood up, and said frankly: "I also have a share in killing Liang Qiu, so should I also be executed?"

This time.

Everyone can't understand it anymore.

Including the Jiangzhou branch and the Yanjing branch.

To admit in public that you killed your own brother is even more heinous than a capital crime.

as predicted--

Without waiting for the giant of the night to speak.

The middle-aged man on the high platform shouted: "Since you all admit it yourself, there is no need to hold a meeting to discuss it... Come on! Take them down!"


Numerous members of the dark net surged up from all around and surrounded Fang Yu and Chen Daotian.

They held spears and looked serious.

Fang Yu said:

"Don't you all ask, why did I kill Liang Qiu?"

"It doesn't make sense... Killing people for life is justified, not to mention that you killed your own brother in the dark net, which is a capital crime!" the middle-aged man said in a deep voice.

"Take them down immediately!"

"To punish these traitors together!"

Those who held spears raised their weapons and stabbed them up.

Fang Yu raised his big hand and pushed forward.

The dozen or so members of the Darknet scattered with a bang, backed up, and all fell to the ground.

"My God, Gang Qi!"

"I'm not dazzled... This guy actually has aura!"

"No wonder you can sit at No.1 on the combat power list, so you have such a high strength!"

"Damn it! Is this his confidence to challenge the giants?"

"This kid is probably going to suffer. The strength of the giant is not just as simple as the strength."


Fang Yu's casual performance directly surprised the members of the darknet in all states.

However, Tang Yan, the dark net tycoon, did not make any movement at all.

Lei Hao, the thunder giant sitting next to him, said calmly: "You really guessed it right, this kid is an innate practitioner... It just so happens that his aura belongs to us!"

"Of course...I never do things that I'm not sure of. Let the brothers on the dark web take them down, and we won't expose ourselves...Best of both worlds."

The two finished speaking in a low voice.

Tang Yan, the giant of the dark night, took two steps forward.

"Fang Yu, as the head of the Jiangzhou Branch of the Dark Net, I order you not to resist!"

Everyone's eyes fell on Fang Yu.

Fang Yu smiled and said:

"I only accept orders from the giant Guangming... Besides, the reason why I killed Liang Qiu is very simple, because he wants to kill me first!"

"Could it be...should I sit and wait? Let him kill?"

As soon as these words came out, everyone was at a loss for words.

They capture the key meaning—

It was Liang Qiu who moved first.

"The bright giant has long passed away... One of the purposes of today's meeting is to elect the third giant. He is dead, so you can say whatever you want!" The middle-aged man continued coldly, "Including Liang Qiu too."

a time.

The situation becomes complicated.

The mother-in-law said that the mother-in-law is reasonable.

It's fair to say it's fair.

But more people stood on the side of the giants.

Then someone stood up—

"You don't have to confront each other to death. But I can be clear about one thing... Hall Master Fang is clearly the number one fighter on the combat power list. With Liang Qiu's strength, how could he be making fun of himself like this?"

There was a lot of discussion in the audience.

Fang Yu looked around and said:
"I just want to ask you... what is the purpose of the dark web?"

"Of course it's for heaven!"


Fang Yu's gaze froze, and he said, "It's a good one to do justice for the sky..."

He paused, and continued: "I have asked Chen Daotian to upload the numerous crimes committed by Liang Qiu to the public forum through the Internet. Those who are interested can go and have a look."

"In addition, who told you that the giant of light is dead?"

The audience was in an uproar, more surprised and shocked than ever before.

The bright giant is not dead?


How can it be?

Fang Yu said word by word: "I will give you a chance - those who want the truth, stand by my side..."


The whole place went quiet.

On the high platform, Lei Hao finally spoke, and said in a slightly playful tone: "I've been talking for a long time, and I want to give myself a bargaining chip... It's a pity that this is the darknet headquarters, not the Yanjing branch... Fang Yu, since you are here Yes, and admitted to killing Liang Qiu. According to the rules of the dark must plead guilty!"

"Is this what you keep saying to do justice for the sky?" Fang Yu couldn't help laughing.

At this time, Chen Daotian began to say:
"Liang Qiu, 35 years old, the head of the Liangzhou branch. He once persecuted ten girls from good families. He once thought it was his own selfishness and killed as many as five darknet brothers! He once participated in human trafficking in the southeast region..."

One crime after another was read out by Chen Daotian.


It's what you call doing justice for the heavens.

These crimes, like ears, slapped their cheeks, burning and hurting!
(End of this chapter)

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