Super Doctor of the City

Chapter 369 Seeing Life and Death Again

Chapter 369 Seeing Life and Death Again (Fourth)

Chen Daotian from the audience shouted: "A life-and-death fight is a life-and-death fight. I'll be the first!"

He was just about to jump on it.

The bright giant Jiang Shang waved his hand and said, "It's all my fault that the dark web has come to this day. It was me who didn't restrain the second and third children. It was I who allowed them to kill innocent people indiscriminately. power. Today’s life-and-death struggle, let me solve everything.”

His voice was soft and steady.

spread to every corner of the venue.

The fig leaf of Tang Yan and Lei Hao was also completely torn off.

The words of Jiang Shang, the giant of light, are undoubtedly the most important in the dark web.

So far, people who have joined the dark net in a steady stream have all taken a fancy to Jiang Shangli's purpose.

"Brothers, if you join the darknet, you are my brothers... I hope you will continue to stick to your heart and not be confused by them. I hereby promise you... the darknet will be your eternal home."

These sincere words reminded the darknet members of their vows to join the darknet.

Suddenly, many people joined Fang Yu's camp.

Lei Hao's expression changed.

In any case, the influence and prestige of the Bright Giant in the dark web is also number one.

At the beginning, they didn't kill the giant of light, they just wanted to keep a hole card and be able to call on everyone at critical times.


They never expected that the Bright Giant not only escaped, but also recovered his strength.

Since you can't use the banner of doing justice for the sky.

Then tear your skin apart completely——

Tang Yan, the giant of the dark night, said coldly: "What a brother... If you really treat everyone as brothers, why would you set up those cold rules for everyone to abide by; if you really treat everyone as brothers, how could you hide until now?" Come out and see—is that the hot head under the high platform all around you, your brother?"

Those dead heads on the ground, with their eyes wide open, looked a little creepy.

Seeing those heads, Jiang Shang was completely angry——

"No rules, no rules... In the name of the No. [-] dark net giant, I will inform all my brothers that from now on, Tang Yan and Lei Hao will no longer be members of the dark net!"

The figure is like electricity, and the palm wind blows.

Jiang Shang and Tang Yan fought fiercely together in an instant.

Bang bang bang.

Bang bang bang.

"Gang Qi!"

"Nine layers of stellar energy!"

"My God, I didn't expect that the dark night giant and the light giant are both masters of the ninth level of martial arts!"

Dabbles of stellar energy rippled in mid-air, deafening.


Another bang.

Tang Yan and Jiang Shang flew out at the same time and landed on both sides of the high platform, facing each other far away.

"Ninth level of martial arts! I never expected that you can still maintain the ninth level of martial arts!" Tang Yan's voice was hoarse.

"I also didn't expect that your strength would increase so much in two years." Jiang Shang said.

Tang Yan, the giant of the dark night, suddenly laughed wildly——

"Ignorance. Then I will show you what real strength is!"

While speaking, Tang Yan started to dance in place.

Seeing this scene, Fang Yu couldn't help being surprised, and said, "Be careful, his strength is above the ninth level of warriors."

Jiang Shang said:

"No matter what strength he is, today either he dies or I die!"


Tang Yan's figure seemed to have a phantom.With a leap, he came to the top of Jiang Shang.

"Thousands of pounds fall!"

Suddenly, the surrounding air pressure seemed to become heavier.

Jiang Shang's expression changed slightly, and he asked in surprise, "What kind of martial art is this?"

The whole person has become a lot heavier, it is difficult to breathe, and it is oppressed.

Tang Yan's attack came to him in an instant...

Jiang Shang wanted to dodge, but found that it was too late, so he raised his arms to block.It's a pity—Tang Yan's strength is too strong, and he was knocked into the air with one move.


Spit out blood and spray it to the sky.

Seeing this, Chen Daotian stepped on the floor and jumped to catch Jiang Shang, the giant of light.

So strong!

Even the bright giant is not Tang Yan's opponent.

Lei Hao hasn't made a move yet!
Tang Yan succeeded with one blow, and righteously said: "Listen, everyone, those who follow me will prosper and those who oppose me will perish! Today, those who help the evil and abuse us will die! Those who defect will be imprisoned on Alcatraz Island for life; a chance……"


The camp behind Fang Yu lost dozens of people in an instant.

Chen Daotian yelled: "A group of villains who follow the trend, are not worthy of being people in the dark net!"

Jiang Shang's face turned pale, he grabbed Chen Daotian's arm, and said, "I didn't expect... They really, really broke through... Under the Nine Layers, they can't be the opponents of practitioners...! I, I tried my best..."

"It's too early to give up lightly now. For the rest, let's watch Brother Yu perform well... eat this, and with Brother Yu here, even if Yama of the Tenth Temple comes personally, he won't be able to detain you!"

Hearing this, Jiang Shang's eyes rekindled hope.

Looking at Fang Yu on the high platform, he was as indifferent and calm as ever.

The expression didn't fluctuate in the slightest.

At this time, someone saw the giant of light falling down, so he got up and shouted——

"Fang Yu, the head of the Jiangzhou Branch, is lawless and kills people indiscriminately. Please, the giant will punish him on the spot!"

The others followed Shanhu.

"Let's do justice on the spot!"

"Let's do justice on the spot!"

"Let's do justice on the spot!"

Tang Yan stood with his hands behind his back, not knowing what kind of expression was behind the mask——

"Iron Fist, have you seen it? I will capture you without a fight, and I will keep your whole body. Your death is the will of the people. Life and death, endless... I can spare Jiang Shang a dog's life first, do you have the guts to fight me?" World War I?!"

Lei Hao behind him nodded indifferently.

Their effects all appeared.

Although the process was a bit unexpected, fortunately, everything was planned.

Use this to establish your prestige, determine the position of your leader, take the opportunity to kill the chickens to warn the monkeys, and finally kill Fang Yu and seize the aura!

Fang Yu raised his head indifferently and said:
"It's a fight for life and death! Everyone listen—if you want to live, just watch, whoever dares to move, I will kill him!"

As soon as this word comes out.

There was an uproar.

The Killing God team was trembling all over, not knowing whether to move or not.

The number one on the combat power list seems to be worthy of the name.

"It's all up to this point, and I don't know how to live or die. I will teach you a lesson today..."

Tang Yan said in a deep voice, "Above warriors are practitioners. The world is dark and yellow, and the universe is prehistoric. And you are just an innate rookie who has just broken through the ninth level of martial arts... It's a pity that the first lesson for a practitioner is to You have to pay the price with your life, what a pity, what a pity..."

Fang Yu's gaze was as calm as water.

Seeing that he was indifferent, Tang Yan couldn't help but snorted coldly, jumped into the air——

"Thousands of pounds fall!"

The surrounding air is oppressed.


Fang Yu's expression remained the same.

Tang Yan couldn't help frowning slightly, and shouted again: "Heavy fall, double skill!"

It was five times the pressure before,
Now ten times steeper.

Everyone held their breath, watching this scene on the high platform.

At the same time, Fang Yu's face was indifferent, and he slowly raised his hand——

"Great star Luoshou, quartet!"

PS: The climax is coming...

(End of this chapter)

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