Super Doctor of the City

Chapter 46 Cooperate with the performance

Chapter 46 Cooperate with the performance
Jiang Xiaoxiao walked over with her sister Jiang Wei's arm in her arms.Today she didn't wear work clothes, but changed into a more formal dress, like a fairy falling into the mortal world.

Xu Zhaopei was dressed in red, hot and delicate.

"You two, why are you together?" Fang Yu asked.

Xu Zhaopei saw so many people at the door, Sun Junzhong was also present, and walked towards Fang Yu with a smile on his face.Before she could speak, Jiang Wei behind her said: "Dr. Xu saved me, Mr. Xu's birthday, I have to come no matter what."

makes sense.

Fang Yu nodded.

Everyone's eyes were also on Xu Zhaopei.

Devil-like figure, bright red clothes, like the most prosperous flower among all kinds of flowers.

Xu Zhaopei didn't rush, and came directly to Fang Yu's side——

Then, he hugged Fang Yu's arm like a little girl in love!


The children of the rich family present were dumbfounded again.

The three views are broken.

This is not true!

Must be hallucinations!
Miss Xu's status and status, how could she fall in love with this little bastard!


Xu Zhaopei was full of smiles.Obviously, she did it on purpose, just to show Sun Junzhong.At the same time, she also looked at Jiang Wei who was not far behind... This, but a potential rival in love.

Indeed, when Jiang Wei saw this scene, she didn't know why, but she felt a little disappointed in her heart.But soon calm down.

Sun Junzhong had just been punched, and now he is suffering both psychologically and physically.

Even though he has a calm personality, knows how to keep a low profile, and is cuckolded, he can't pretend that nothing happened!
This is unbearable for any man!

Fang Yu was speechless, this tigress really knows how to act!For the first time in my life, I was caught and used as a shield, so helpless.


Xu Zhaopei suddenly whispered: "Hold me tight!"


"Hold me tight, hold me tight!"


Fang Yu was a little confused. After so many years, it was a lie to say that he had no idea about women.It's been so long since I've hugged Xu Zhaopei at close range, and suddenly I'm a little cautious when facing such an active Xu Zhaopei.

Before he could make a move, Xu Zhaopei became anxious, picked up his thug, and put it behind Xiaoman's waist.

Seeing this scene, everyone present couldn't believe their eyes.

This is the eldest lady of the Xu family?Why does she look like a prostitute...

Looking at Xu Zhaopei's attire again, everyone suddenly realized... There is no difference in the attire of a woman who often goes to nightclubs.

Didn't you say that Miss Xu's family is a lady of everyone?

Jiang Xiaoxiao is young, but she has also reached the age of the blooming season. When she saw Fang Yu hugging a woman, she stuck out her tongue and said, "Shameless!"

Sister Jiang Wei didn't speak, just watched.


Xu Zhaopei realized that just this was not enough to ignite Sun Junzhong's anger.Immediately, he had an idea, and said with a smile, "Honey... give me a kiss!"

Fang Yu couldn't hold on to his three views.

With such a beauty asking for a kiss, even a man would not be able to resist.It's just... Isn't it good to be in front of so many people?
While hesitating, he saw Xu Zhaopei winking at her.

Well, I can only bite the bullet and kiss.The tigress begged me for nothing, and it didn't seem too good if she didn't help.As a man who makes a lot of promises, how can he break his word?


Fang Yu tilted his head, facing Xu Zhaopei's red lips without any difficulty——


Well, sweet, it feels good.


Fang Yu suddenly felt a flash of anger in Xu Zhaopei's eyes!

Followed by a low voice: "Who told you to kiss my mouth?"

"Oh, you didn't say it earlier. I know." Fang Yu turned his head and kissed Xu Zhaopei's cheek again——

Well, very smooth.


If eyes could kill, Xu Zhaopei would have killed Fang Yu.

However, she had to force a smile on her face.

"Honey, you're so kind!" He said, resting his head on Fang Yu's shoulder.


The audience who saw this scene were stunned.

Xiao He was secretly happy, the more he could provoke the relationship between Fang Yu and the Sun family, the younger brother's revenge would be avenged sooner or later.And more importantly, the Xiao family will be able to climb up to the Sun family's relationship from now on.

In addition, Xiao He got the news that the Sun family had an ambiguous relationship with the Yanjing Zhao family, and now they are planning to marry the Xu family, so the Xiao family should not be in the wrong team.


Among those present, the one who felt the most uncomfortable was Sun Junzhong.

The expression changes wonderfully, and the corners of the mouth twitch.

The atmosphere at the scene became stagnant, and the pressure doubled.

at this time--

Not far away, a young man, a middle-aged man, walked over slowly.

Everyone couldn't help but look over.

"Who is this man?"

"I don't know him, but he should be someone who can come to Mr. Xu's birthday banquet."

"It's quite imposing!"

The children of the rich family who were present did not know the person who came.


But Sun Junzhong recognized it at a glance, his eyes became a little flustered, he hurriedly greeted him, bowed and said:
"Master Zhao, why are you here?"

Seeing that Sun Junzhong actually saluted this young talent, everyone was shocked.This means that the identity and status of this person is extraordinary!

In Jiangzhou, who is the young talent who is more powerful than Sun Junzhong?

They really can't figure it out!

The well-informed Jiang Wei didn't know about it, neither did Xu Zhaopei, and Xiao He only knew about the Zhao family in Yanjing, but he had never seen it.

In fact, Fang Yu didn't know Zhao Wuyan either, but the hatred between the Fang family and the Zhao family was no lower than that between the Sun family and the Xiao family!

It's not that enemies don't get together!
God really has eyes, have all the families that destroyed our Fang family come here?No, there is still one family missing, the Jin family, one of the three major martial arts families in Yanjing!

"Today is Brother Sun's engagement day, we are brothers after all, how can I not come." Zhao Wuyan said with a smile, looking around, "Brother Sun, why are you standing at the gate if you don't go in?"

Sun Junzhong showed embarrassment and said, "I've just arrived too. Mr. Zhao is worrying."

"Don't be so cautious, let's go in, we can't keep Mr. Xu waiting for too long."

As he said that, Zhao Wuyan took the lead and was about to go in.

He didn't even look at the other people at the gate.

For him, not to mention these people, even Sun Junzhong is a low-level character, so there is no need to be polite.

However, Fang Yu said:

"You, are you from Yanjing's Zhao family?"

This question was heard by everyone present.

The audience was surprised.

The Zhao family in Yanjing, this name is enough to make people respect it like a god!

The children of the rich family understand, no wonder even Sun Junzhong has to be courteous, no wonder they don't know each other, it turns out he is a descendant of the Zhao family in Yanjing!

Oh my God!
Zhao Wuyan turned his head and looked over, his eyes cast a disdainful glance at Xia Yu——

"Are you asking me?"

When we met for the first time, we knew that he was from Yanjing, which was not surprising.However, in Jiangzhou, not everyone can greet him.

"Yes, it's you." Fang Yu also spoke straightforwardly.

The tone of the question made everyone present anxious to death.

Is this guy really wanting to die?
(End of this chapter)

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