Super Doctor of the City

Chapter 47 Yanjing Zhao Family

Chapter 47 Yanjing Zhao Family
Even people from the Zhao family in Yanjing dared to use this attitude, they were really trying to die!
The three great families of Yanjing are the existences that other families look up to.

They couldn't believe that Zhao Wuyan from the Zhao family would appear here, not to mention Sun Junzhong, even the grandpa of the Sun family would not dare to talk to Zhao Wuyan like this.

and so……

At this moment, Zhao Wuyan felt sullen in his heart.

However, he was restrained.

Zhao Wuyan smiled instead of anger: "I am, this little brother is born in the face, what's his name?"

Look at his attitude, his self-cultivation!

You are a Yanjing martial arts family, and your attitude towards strangers is so approachable!

Women will be crazy when they see it, and men will worship it when they see it.

Fang Yu smiled and said:

"Who's the little brother? I'm several years older than you, so you're not ashamed. How can you be as virtuous as this surnamed Sun? You're so old-fashioned. How old are you? You can pretend like this, and you're not afraid of being struck to death by lightning?"


The people present were dumbfounded.

It's not that he has never seen a murderer before, and Fang Yu is definitely the first one who dares to say such ugly words in front of Zhao Wuyan.

Even Xu Zhaopei felt that Fang Yu was a bit too much——

She nudged Fang Yu with her elbow, and said in a low voice, "Hey, don't go too far, this person is not my guest, so don't mess around!"

Fang Yu ignored it.

Jiang Wei behind him just felt baffled, how could Fang Yu suddenly say such mean words to a stranger?

Zhao Wuyan was really angry in his heart, but on the surface he was still amiable.

"Sorry, brother, what's your name?"

Before Fang Yu could speak, Sun Junzhong on the side explained Fang Yu's identity.A trace of surprise flashed in Zhao Wuyan's eyes, which was fleeting, and then he smiled and said, "So that's how it is."

This time, Zhao Wuyan did not continue to entangle with Fang Yu, but said in a deep voice:
"Brother Sun, today is a good day for your engagement, it is not appropriate to see blood, let's go, let's go in."


Zhao Wuyan took the lead, walked in without looking at Fang Yu.

Those rich kids all rolled their eyes at Fang Yu. Although they didn't know about Iron Fist King, they didn't know about underground forces.However, the industry and wealth of the Zhao family in Yanjing, even in the whole of China, are amazing!
In their eyes, Fang Yu was done for offending Zhao Wuyan, so there was no need to pay attention.


Wait for everyone to leave.

Xu Zhaopei pinched Fang Yu's waist hard.


Fang Yu yelled, "Tigress, you are so ruthless!"

When I took the clothes off, they were all purple.

"Call you to moleste me!"

"Hey, I'm your boyfriend, why can't I kiss you?" Fang Yu argued.

"Still sophistry?" Xu Zhaopei asked angrily.

"Do you want me to call out?" Fang Yu stared.

As soon as these words came out, Xu Zhaopei froze immediately.Immediately his expression changed, and he smiled apologetically, "Honey, I was wrong——"

At this time, Jiang Wei took her younger sister Jiang Xiaoxiao and walked towards the yard.

When Jiang Xiaoxiao passed by Fang Yu, he made a face at him and said, "Smelly shameless!"




Inside the manor.

Zhao Wuyan walked quickly, expressionless.

Sun Junzhong hurriedly followed respectfully, and said in a low voice, "Young Master Zhao, it's all my fault. I didn't expect to meet Fang Yu here."

"Fang Yu, Fang family?" Zhao Wuyan only said these four words.

"It's him, don't worry, I will handle this matter properly, and I will never get your hands dirty." Sun Junzhong said frightenedly.

"Okay!" Zhao Wuyan said indifferently, and continued walking.

At the same time, Sun Junzhong winked at Xiao He.Murderous intent flashed at the corner of Xiao He's mouth, it's time to make arrangements!



in the hall.

It was very lively.

Today is the 70th birthday of Xu Liu, the old man of the Xu family, and all the big shots who can come are here.In addition, no one would have thought that the Sun family in Jiangbei would also come, and what was even more unexpected was that the Zhao family in Yanjing would also come.

Mr. Xu has high morals and high prestige, and he deserves his name to have so many big figures participate.

As soon as Fang Yu entered the hall, Jiang Wei next to her said indifferently, "Why don't you hug your little lover?"

"You look down on me too?" Fang Yu rolled his eyes.

"Is the pervert still reasonable?" Jiang Wei's eyes were like knives.

"Hey, I didn't mess with you again!"

With that said, Fang Yu walked towards Xu Zhaopei.

Xu Zhaopei was also very cooperative, hugging his arm without saying a word.

There are more and more distinguished guests...


The behavior of Fang Yu and Xu Zhaopei is incomprehensible.

"Hey, isn't the Sun family marrying the Xu family today?"

"That's right, why is Miss Xu's family together with this bumpkin?"

"No way, such a bloody drama is going to be staged?"

"I feel like I watched a good show today."

In the hall, there are discussions all around.

Xu Zhaopei had expected this situation a long time ago, and was mentally prepared to face it.

"Where's your grandfather?" Fang Yu asked.

"It's in the backyard, come out later." Xu Zhaopei said, "By the way, why does the Yanjing Zhao family look so arrogant?"

Xu Zhaopei knew that the Zhao family in Yanjing was very powerful, but... Sun Junzhong treated him like a slave.How could she like such a man!If you want to marry, you have to marry a man as steadfast as Fang Yu.

Fang Yu said with a smile: "He has the right to be arrogant and has a lot of background."

"Then you still punch him?"

"Although he has a background, in my eyes, he is just a weak chicken."


keep blowing!
At this time, a group of people came out from the back door of the hall.

The old man with white hair and a cane walking in the front is Xu Zhaopei's grandfather, Xu Liu.He is also the head of the Xu family industry.There was also an old man, dressed in Tang heavy clothes, but with his hands behind his back, accompanying Xu Liu, talking and laughing.

"The one holding the crutch is my grandfather, and the one next to me is Sun Junzhong's grandpa and grandson Guoting." Xu Zhaopei whispered.

"I know him."

"You know that too?"

"I don't know anything... I also know what underwear he's wearing."

Xu Zhaopei rolled her eyes.

Mr. Xu Liu and Sun Guoting sat on equal footing, their gazes sweeping across the crowd.

They should have the highest status here, but... when Sun Guoting saw Zhao Wuyan in the crowd, his face suddenly became serious. Just as he was about to get up, he saw Zhao Wuyan raise his hand to signal, the meaning was obvious, he wanted to Be low key.

Sun Guoting felt like sitting on pins and needles.

"Sit down." Xu Liulang said.

Everyone took their seats.

"Pepe. Come here." Xu Liu didn't see Xu Zhaopei, so he called her loudly.

Xu Zhaopei had no choice but to walk over.

"Why don't you greet Grandpa Sun soon?"

Xu Zhaopei lowered his head and stuck out his tongue, bowed to Sun Guoting and said, "I've seen Grandpa Sun."

Sun Guoting smiled and said, "Pepe, I haven't seen you for so long, you've grown into a big girl."

As he spoke, Sun Guoting took out an emerald ring from his bosom, and said, "Pepe, this is a ring from my family. Today, I pass it on to you."

Xu Zhaopei was taken aback.

She knew the meaning of this very well, once she accepted it, it meant that the marriage was settled.If you refuse, it is tantamount to slapping your face in public.What will happen to the relationship between the Xu family and the Sun family in the future?
All eyes were on Xu Zhaopei.

Even Sun Junzhong couldn't help looking forward to it.

(End of this chapter)

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