Super Doctor of the City

Chapter 48 Sorry, This Is My Wife

Chapter 48 Sorry, This Is My Wife

Xu Zhaopei didn't expect Mr. Sun Guoting to make such a move.Under the watchful eyes of everyone, the intention of presenting something inherited from the ancestors is also obvious.

Today is Mr. Xu's birthday banquet, big figures from all sides gathered, even Yanjing Zhao Wuyan was there.Sun Guoting's move was tantamount to forcing her to submit.

All the people present looked at Xu Zhaopei and Sun Guoting with astonishment.

When I saw Xu Zhaopei and Fang Yuqingqing at the door before, I was even more of a spectator.

Xu Zhaopei hesitated.

She has to weigh the consequences of refusal.

Seeing that she didn't object, Sun Guoting said with a smile, "Junzhong, come here... put it on for Peipei."


Sun Junzhong walked over respectfully.

But at this moment-

Fang Yu came out from the crowd, and said loudly:
"Sorry, this is my wife..."



At this moment, the entire hall fell silent, the air became stagnant, and everything seemed to freeze.Everyone looked at Fang Yu at the same time, that bumpkin who looked relaxed and indifferent.

Time passed very slowly, like a movie being slowed down.

Sun Junzhong's face changed slightly, and he glanced back——

"you again?!"

Hearing this, Sun Guoting, who was sitting in the chief seat, had a sullen face and asked, "Junzhong, who is this?"

"Fang Yu, a doctor." Sun Junzhong didn't want to cause a lot of conflicts on this happy day, so he didn't dare to reveal Fang Yu's full identity directly.


Sun Guoting's gaze was like a torch, and it fell on Fang Yu's body as sharp as a knife.

A little doctor dares to act presumptuously here.

That gaze was different.

Others only feel that the momentum is great.


Fang Yu knew, however, that this was a special ability common to martial arts masters.The energy and spirit of martial arts masters can override others, causing psychological and spiritual devastation.

Ordinary people can only accomplish this situation by coincidence, such as frightening, pretending to be ghosts and scaring people.

Martial arts masters often only need one look, which is enough.

Fang Yu smiled slightly, and greeted him with his eyes.

Not afraid at all.

Dealing with this kind of coercion is very simple... You can't be cowardly with your momentum, you can't boast of your will, your heart is like a rock, and you can sit as firmly as a mountain!
All of a sudden, Sun Guoting lost his momentum!
Startled, Sun Guoting stared at Fang Yu with a pair of tiger eyes, and asked, "Who the hell are you?"

He didn't believe that an ordinary doctor could withstand the pressure of his second level of martial arts.

"Who am I to care about you!" Fang Yu laughed.

There was an uproar.

It's over, this kid is completely over.

Offended Sun Junzhong first, and now offended Sun Guoting in front of everyone!
Isn't this looking for death?


Zhao Wuyan in the crowd suddenly became interested.When he was at the gate of the manor, he just felt that this man was stupid and dared to come back.Now it seems that it is not just a stupid question.On the surface, this Fang Yu is not as stupid as he imagined... If so, what basis does he have to dare to contradict Sun Guoting?

In this regard, Zhao Wuyan has already suffered a disadvantage, and his status is higher than that of Sun Guoting.Therefore, Zhao Wuyan was not surprised by Fang Yu's performance.

Jiang Wei and Xu Zhaopei were also surprised.

It is disrespectful to contradict the elders in public like this.

I invite you to be a fake boyfriend, not to find fault!
With such a fuss, the situation got a little out of hand.


Mr. Xu Liu, who was sitting on the left, asked in a deep voice, "Boy, who are you?"

His own birthday banquet was also a big day for his granddaughter's engagement. How could he bear it if he suddenly ran out and caused trouble by himself!

Fang Yu smiled slightly, cupped his hands towards Xu Liu and said, "Grandpa Xu is good! Happy birthday to you."

Mr. Xu's face became even more gloomy.

Fang Yu smiled and said, "I'm Peipei's boyfriend, maybe I'll be your grandson-in-law in the future."

The whole place was silent.

Everyone knows that today is the day when Sun Junzhong and Xu Zhaopei got engaged.What kind of drama did Fang Yu's words cause?

The old man Sun Guoting next to him said with a gloomy face, "Old Xu, what's going on?"

Xu Liu was angry and anxious.

"Boy, stop talking nonsense. If you want to make trouble, don't blame the old man for being rude!"

Fang Yu narrowed his eyes and said, "How can I talk nonsense, your granddaughter Xu Zhaopei is my real girlfriend... I usually like to call her baby, wife or something."

Xu Liu had black lines all over his face.

The ugliest one was none other than Sun Junzhong.

This is humiliating him in public!

"If you don't believe me, just ask her herself!" Fang Yu took a dose of strong medicine.

Looking at Xu Zhaopei who was full of uneasiness, Xu Liu was very angry.

"Pepe, what's going on?"

"Grandpa...I, I..." Xu Zhaopei said pitifully, "I was wrong...I shouldn't have kept it from you..."

The audience was in uproar again.

Although he didn't admit it directly, anyone who understands this can hear it.

Xu Liu was about to be blown up, his beard fluttered!
A pair of tigers stared at Xu Zhaopei and Fang Yu.

Words spoken are like water poured out. Since the Sun family has promised, the rules must not be broken.So, Xu Liu instantly thought of a plan in his mind——

"Brother Sun, give me some time, and I will definitely give you a reasonable answer."

Immediately afterwards, Xu Liu looked at Fang Yu and said, "You, come with me."



In the backyard of the manor.

Mr. Xu Liu and Fang Yu sat facing each other.

"Tell me, what do you want?"

"Grandpa Xu, haven't I made it clear enough? I want Peipei. Sun Junzhong can come to propose marriage, and so can I... Peipei and I are in love with each other, and we have already made a private decision for life, so Grandpa Xu took her Give it to me."

Xu Liu's face turned green with anger.

Why is this kid so dishonest.

"Marriage proposal? Hehe..." Xu Liu suppressed his dissatisfaction and asked, "Do you know who is outside the door?"

"Do you know it has nothing to do with me proposing marriage to you?" Fang Yu said with a smile.

"Fart! That's the Sun family in Jiangzhou! You're just a doctor, why do you propose marriage?" Xu Liu slammed the table down suddenly.

"Just because I can give Pepe happiness!"

Fang Yu also patted the table, speaking very seriously.

Hearing this, Xu Liu sneered again and again.

"Happiness? How can you give Pepe happiness? You don't have any wealth, status, or power!" Xu Liu sneered.

"I didn't!" Fang Yu also sneered, "But it's better than you sacrificing her happiness!"

Hearing the words, Xu Liu was slightly taken aback.

Two marriages, what else can you say?

Fang Yu noticed the change in his face and said with a smile:
"Although the Xu family can't be called a top family in Jiangzhou, they don't have to worry about food and clothing...Why are you so anxious to get involved with the Sun family?"

Xu Liu's face suddenly changed.

This kid doesn't seem to be stupid!
"The three major families in Jiangzhou, your Xu family ranks third, it's really not good... The Xiao family is not much better than you, no need to comment... As for the Sun family—"

Xu Liu didn't interrupt, waiting for him to continue.

Fang Yu paused, and said, "The Sun family is indeed the strongest in Jiangzhou, but it's not enough to make your Xu family curry favor... The only thing that can be explained is that you know that the Sun family will form an alliance with the Yanjing Zhao family!"

(End of this chapter)

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