Super Doctor of the City

Chapter 49 My Identity

Chapter 49 My Identity
It was said that Mr. Xu Liu actually sat down, without the vigor and anger he had just now.

Then he sighed and said nothing.

Xu Zhaopei has been a treasure in his hands since he was a child, and he made the decision to marry with great cruelty.It's just... being said in person, he couldn't hold back his face.In the end, he was always sorry for his granddaughter.

"It's not easy for the Xu family to have the current status in Jiangzhou... If you do this, aren't you afraid of donating all the foundations created by the Xu family over the years to the Sun family? Heh——you're so confused!"

Fang Yu's words showed no sympathy at all, and Xu Liu blushed with anger.

"This is my Xu family's business, it's not your turn to dictate!" Xu Liu said coldly.

"I'm Xu Zhaopei's boyfriend. This matter is also related to my happiness. Why can't I express my opinion?" Fang Yu said righteously.

"I have already made a promise to the Sun family on this matter. If you have any opinions, keep them to yourself!"

"Hey, old man, you are not only stupid, but also stupid!" Fang Yu raised his voice an octave and said, "Now that everyone knows that I am Pepe's boyfriend, do you think that Sun Junzhong doesn't mind at all? Today I made a compromise, and Peipei will find happiness in Sun's family? Sun Junzhong may use some method to torture her!"

Xu Liu was shocked.

What Fang Yu said was not false at all.

With Sun Junzhong's identity and status, what kind of woman is not available.If Xu Zhaopei was the eldest daughter of Huang Hua, she would be worthy of him.But now... Sun Junzhong only thinks that Xu Zhaopei is a broken shoe!

Fang Yu's words were already very tactful, he almost lied and said that he slept with Xu Zhaopei!

Even if you can't marry Sun Junzhong, it won't be your turn, Fang Yu.

Xu Liu snorted coldly and said, "Speaking so much is nothing more than a toad wanting to eat swan meat."

"Damn old man, it's a pity that Pepe has already let me..."

"To shut up!"

This little bastard who jumped out of nowhere has no upbringing or rules.

How could Pepe fall in love with this kind of stuff!
"Hehe, I'm so angry that I'm about to have a heart attack. Fortunately, I'm a doctor." Fang Yu smiled and said, "I'm too lazy to talk nonsense to you, so I'll just ask you a question. Do you really want to marry Xu Zhaopei to Sun Junzhong?"

Xu Liu was stunned.

To be precise, he didn't want to do this either, but for the sake of the whole family, someone had to make a sacrifice.

Although the Xu family has many industries in Jiangzhou, they are always ranked behind, not even the Xiao family.At the same time, he knew that the old man of the Sun family would hold a dragon and tiger banquet in Jiangbei next month, which was a signal to declare war on other forces in Jiangzhou.More importantly, the Sun family also had a relationship with the Yanjing Zhao family at this time.

This destined Jiangzhou to be the Sun family's world.

Jiangnan Ji Qiubai and Jiangdong Xiao Shilang will all perish.

The Xu family could not escape this catastrophe.

Only marriage can solve it!
The Xu family doesn't have a male until now, if Sun Junzhong is really as outstanding as he usually is, he can be regarded as a successor.

It's a pity that now...Xu Zhaopei is very unwilling!

"The Xu family has no choice..." Xu Liu said helplessly.

"You say you're stupid, but you still don't accept it!" Fang Yu said with blank eyes, "Look at the Sun family's sanctimonious appearance, it's because they want to annex you. When the fox's tail is exposed one day, your Xu family is no shit!"


Xu Liu gritted his teeth with anger.

Fang Yu continued: "It's in vain that you have lived so long that you don't even know such a simple and obvious truth!"

"Little Huangkou, you've said so much, it's all nonsense!" Xu Liu said angrily, "Tell me, what is your purpose for approaching Xu Zhaopei?"

Xu Liu was on guard. How could a person who could see the problem so thoroughly and understand the situation of the three great families in Jiangzhou be an ordinary person?
"The dead old man is really stubborn, stronger than a cow... My purpose is not simple. As long as I marry Xu Zhaopei, won't the Xu family's property be mine in the future?"

"Damn!" Xu Liu cursed, "I will give you 100 million and leave my granddaughter. This is my biggest concession."

"Then I'll give you 500 million and marry your granddaughter to me!" Fang Yu rolled his eyes.


Xu Liu thought he had already made up his mind.But this bastard didn't take his tricks at all.

If it wasn't his birthday today, he would have asked someone to kick him out long ago for fear of this kid yelling!

Seeing the old man's ugly face, Fang Yu also put away his smile and became serious.

"Okay, I'll talk to you seriously, too."

Fang Yu stood with his hands behind his back, as if he had changed suddenly, "The reason why you married the Sun family is nothing more than to curry favor with them."

"But... have you ever thought that besides the Sun family, you have better choices?"

Xu Liu frowned tightly. He could feel the change in this kid's temperament at such a young age.This is by no means developed overnight.

"In this Jiangzhou, apart from the Sun family, why don't you let me choose the Xiao family? And the Xiao family itself belongs to the Sun family! It's not wrong to hug each other for warmth!" Xu Liu said.

"You only set your sights on Jiangzhou?"

Xu Liu said: "Do you still expect me to curry favor with Yanjing's three major martial arts families?"

Fang Yu said calmly, "Of course not."

"Then who do you want me to choose?" Xu Liu couldn't help laughing.

"Far in the sky, close in front of you."



Xu Liu's fist was clenched so hard that his joints turned white.After talking for a long time, I came back!A bullshit doctor, dragged into such a virtue!

"Yes, it's me." Fang Yu said seriously.

Xu Liu sneered, "Do you really know the Sun family? Do you know what the Sun family represents in Jiangzhou?"

"In my opinion, the Sun family is nothing more than a group of ants."

Xu Liu was taken aback.

From the very beginning, this kid didn't put everyone in his eyes. He didn't talk back in public, saying that the Sun family is an ant, and you are God?
Old Master Xu snorted softly and asked seriously:
"So you're not a simple doctor, are you?"

Those eyes suddenly became sharp.

"I heard Peipei mention you. She said, you know how to use the Taiyi magic needle. The only person in the world who is good at using the Taiyi magic needle is Sun Qing, an old genius doctor from Yanjing. Sun Qing, is that your master?"

This level of relationship is also the main reason why Xu Liu is willing to chat with him for so long.


Just because Sun Qing is his master, he is not qualified to challenge the Jiangzhou Sun family!

You know, the Sun family in Jiangzhou has already established a relationship with the Zhao family in Yanjing.

Fang Yu shook his head and said, "I am someone the Sun family can't afford."

"Stop talking nonsense! Who are you?" Xu Liu's patience has been worn down.

"You don't know?" Fang Yu asked back.

"what do you not know?"

"The Sun family knows my identity, the Xiao family knows my identity, but you don't know?" Fang Yu stood with his hands behind his back, his eyes full of smiles.

Xu Liu shook his head.

Fang Yu said solemnly: "As I said just now, my real identity, not to mention the Sun family in Jiangzhou, even the Jin family in Yanjing has to be afraid of three points!"

(End of this chapter)

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