Chapter 51

Fang Yu walked ahead, and when he reached the hall, he glanced casually.

He felt everyone's strange eyes, ignored them, and came to Xu Zhaopei's side.

Everyone is waiting for them.


Mr. Xu deliberately walked slowly, he just wanted to see how capable this kid is.To be honest, even though he gambled heavily on Fang Yu's real thigh, he kept an eye on it.

If, this kid is a lunatic, he made trouble.Then he pushes the fault away, saying that he is old and confused.

However, judging by his many years of experience, this possibility is very low.Various indications indicated that Fang Yu had a close relationship with the legendary master of the seventh level of martial arts, Lu Tianyuan.

Xu Zhaopei looked at Fang Yu suspiciously, and said, "What's the matter?"

Fang Yu grinned and said, "It's done."

Those present were shocked.

What's the deal?
Xiao He in the crowd asked coldly, "Fang Yu, what do you mean?"

Fang Yu said rather arrogantly:
"I'm sorry, Mr. Xu has already promised me to betroth Pepe to me... So, from now on, she will be my wife Fang Yu."

There was an uproar!

How can it be?

Mr. Xu, even if he is confused, it is impossible to marry his granddaughter to a bumpkin, a bumpkin!

Even people who knew Fang Yu's status as Iron Fist King didn't think Mr. Xu would marry Xu Zhaopei to him.

The King of Iron Fist was wiped out by the Sun family in front of him eight years ago, and now he is the only one left, and he will die sooner or later.Therefore, the way everyone looks at Fang Yu now is like looking at a dead person.

Just ask——

Who would marry his granddaughter to a dead man and offend the Sun family?

Hearing this, Sun Guoting's expression was ugly and extremely gloomy.

"Where's old Xu? He must give me an explanation in person!"

Fang Yu narrowed his eyes and smiled:

"Mr. Xu's old illness relapsed just now. I diagnosed him. It's not appropriate to come out and show his face."

He's a doctor, so that makes sense.

But, will anyone believe it?

Sun Guoting slammed the table down and shouted: "Let him come out, I, Sun Guoting, want to explain, no one can escape!"

This heavy drink made the audience silent.

Indeed, in the land of Jiangzhou, Sun Guoting can be called the number one person.Even Ji Qiubai from Jiangnan in Jiangzhou is inferior to him.

When he patted the table, who would dare to speak except Yanjing Zhao Wuyan——

"Hey, are you deaf? It's been said that Mr. Xu's old illness has relapsed, and you still ask people to come out, why don't you be ashamed?"


This time, everyone in the audience seemed to be a little surprised by the confrontation.

The current situation is, how will this Fang Yu die in the end!
This is what almost everyone thinks.

Sun Junzhong said angrily:

"Fang Yu, do you really think I dare not touch you?"

"Insulting my grandfather in public, courting death!"

While speaking, he rushed over.

Seeing this scene, Xu Zhaopei couldn't help feeling frightened. After all, she begged Fang Yu to help. If something happened to Fang Yu...

Fang Yu smiled and understated it.

At the same time, from the corner of the eye, he glanced towards the direction of the backyard, old man Xu, look out!

The moment Sun Junzhong swung his fist over——

Fang Yu greeted him with a punch, and Sun Junzhong was head-to-head with his single fist.

Sun Junzhong flew upside down, like a shot put.

The floor of the hall was smooth, and Sun Junzhong slid on the ground for more than ten meters before gradually coming to a stop.

When he struggled to support his body and wanted to get up——

A mouthful of blood sprayed out!
The ground is bright red!

The crowd was stunned.

Xu Zhaopei, Jiang Wei and the others all covered their mouths.

Grandpa Sun was shocked even more. He knew very well his grandson's strength. Even though he was not a martial artist, he was still a top-notch expert against ordinary people.


He couldn't even stop a face-to-face meeting!
how can that be?

Is it...

Fang Yu is a martial artist?

Xiao He and Zhao Wuyan in the crowd were also secretly surprised.

Zhao Wuyan didn't participate in the massacre of the Fang family, it was carried out by the elders, but he had heard about it.He knew that Fang Yu of the Fang family was a waste who could not enter Taoism.


That punch just now seemed to have the strength of the first level of martial arts!
Even if it is the first heaven, it is not something Sun Junzhong can resist.


Fang Yu lowered his fist, still looking downcast.

This punch shocked Mr. Xu Liu who was peeping in the backyard.His tiger eyes stared wide open, and his lips trembled: "Could it be that...Fang Yu is the martial arts?"

At this moment, the old housekeeper behind him came over, saw the shocked expression on the old man's face, and asked, "Master, what's wrong?"

"Uh, no... nothing..."

"Master, this kid is finished, and he injured Young Master Sun, why don't I find someone to drive him out." The old housekeeper said.

Mr. Xu Liu just slapped his face when he turned around, and angrily said: "What nonsense are you talking about? You want to drive my grandson-in-law away? Do you still want to do it?"

"—" The old housekeeper was stunned by the beating, his face full of grievances.

"When you meet my grandson-in-law, please be polite!" Xu Liu shouted.

"Yes, yes." The housekeeper said yes, but he was slandering in his heart, Nima, is this old man crazy, crazy!


in the hall.

The head of the Sun family, Sun Guoting, was enraged by this punch!

Just when he was about to make a move, a gentle voice came——

"Wait a minute, Old Sun."

Everyone was startled, and followed the prestige.

The one who spoke was none other than Zhao Wuyan from Yanjing.

Zhao Wuyan strolled in the courtyard and came to the front.

Sun Guoting was stunned for a moment, and his angry face had to soften: "Young Master Zhao, what's the matter with you?"

Zhao Wuyan smiled and said:

"I know this Brother Fang injured Brother Sun, you must be very angry. But it's justifiable..."

"How do you say that?" Sun Guoting was puzzled.

"Miss Xu Zhaopei is his girlfriend. As a man, it's normal to make trouble. Brother Sun is too excited, how can he hit someone?" Zhao Wuyan said slowly.

Everyone can't understand it.

Doesn't Zhao Wuyan hate Fang Yu very much?How to speak for him?

Sun Guoting also didn't understand.

"Grandpa Sun, I don't think brother Sun's injuries are serious, so let's forget about it. Otherwise, if it spreads out, it will be bad for our reputation." Zhao Wuyan said.

"This..." Sun Guoting seemed to understand Zhao Wuyan's intentions.

It is true that the reputation is not very good, bullying the small with the big, bullying others with the power, this is not what the big family does.Sun Guoting glanced at Fang Yu. On the surface, I am polite and magnanimous to you, but secretly, it is your death date.

Sun Junzhong, who staggered to his feet, also figured out this link, with a cold face, enduring the pain, he said:
"Grandpa, let's leave this matter alone. I'm too excited. Since Ms. Xu has someone she likes, let's cancel today's marriage..." His eyes turned cold, and he looked around, "Let's go."

Xiao He and several other subordinates followed him out.

Sun Guoting was also speechless, glanced towards the backyard, got up and said:
"Today, I will not remember the faults of villains, so please do it yourself."

After speaking, he shook his hand and left.

The audience present were stupefied.

That's it?
Fang Yu is making such a fuss, so let it go?
Who would believe it! ?


When Sun Junzhong just arrived at the gate, he said to Xiao He with a cold face, "Listen, I don't want him to see the sun tomorrow!"

"Young Master Sun, don't worry!" Xiao He vowed.

In fact, just now they were completely murderous.

You can't kill people in public, it's better to be magnanimous and act like nothing happened.

When Sun Guoting saw his grandson in front of him explaining the matter, he understood something.


Sun Junzhong stopped quickly: "Grandpa..."

"Very well done." Sun Guoting nodded, "Also, find out what forces this kid has recently come into contact with..."


"Not one left!" Sun Guoting's eyes burst into a cold light.

(End of this chapter)

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