Super Doctor of the City

Chapter 52 He is my grandson-in-law

Chapter 52 He is my grandson-in-law
Zhao Wuyan didn't want to be involved in such troubles.Even the Zhao family and the Sun family have the ability to eliminate the fact of the murder.However, what Zhao Wuyan didn't understand was how could this old fellow Xu Liu make such a stupid decision after spending so many years in Jiangzhou?
This doesn't make sense.

Zhao Wuyan looked up at the time, it was getting late, and there were still important things to do.Shou Xing was not there, so he said to Xu Zhaopei:
"Miss Xu, this is my birthday present to Mr. Xu. In addition, please send my regards to him. I have something important to do, so I won't stay."

Xu Zhaopei nodded and said softly, "Thank you."

Fang Yu gave her a blank look, and said, "Thank him for what? You don't even thank me."

Zhao Wuyan was not angry, but kept smiling, nodded, and led the people out of the hall.


The other rich children who came here were all relieved.With Sun Junzhong and Zhao Wuyan around, they were very nervous. Now that they are gone, there is no such pressure.


Today, many people came here for Sun Junzhong's face, but now that he is gone, everyone doesn't know what to do.

Neither sitting nor walking.

All the gifts are given, if you don't eat a meal, you will die!

Fang Yu walked to the center, scanned the crowd, and said loudly: "Everyone don't stand, sit down, you're welcome, you should eat and drink."


Jiang Wei froze for a moment, then pulled her sister to sit down.

The younger sister Jiang Xiaoxiao's big eyes seemed to be poisonous, and said angrily: "Sister, why is he so shameless?"

"You ask me, who do I ask?"


Just as everyone sat down, Fang Yu walked towards the center of the table.

Then Yin Yang said strangely: "Huh? Who are those people who made me miserable at the gate just now? Why can't I remember... Wait, let me think about it..."

"It's weird, I can't remember, don't make me remember, or I'll have to pee and run him away!"


Those rich kids who were taunting Fang Yu at the gate before, their faces changed slightly when they heard this, and they dared not stay any longer.He was so frightened that he got up and left, and ran out of the door in desperation.


Jiang Xiaoxiao, who was sitting in the seat, cursed in a low voice: "Not only is she shameless, but she is also very narrow-minded."


The rest of the people sat down one after another, but no one moved their chopsticks.

They knew that Fang Yu was not the host, so they should just smile at what he said.

as predicted--

Mr. Xu Liu came out from the back door.

It seems that Mr. Xu is not worried at all, and even secretly pleased.


Xu Zhaopei thought it was all caused by herself, so she was a little frightened for fear of her grandpa scolding her.


Mr. Xu Liu was not only not angry, but very happy.

"Good granddaughter, grandpa's birthday, why are you so sad?"


Xu Liu laughed.

The guests also looked at Xu Liu, feeling baffled.

They were wondering, did this kid named Fang Yu deliberately put on a show to drive away his popularity, and now that Mr. Xu has come out, can the lie continue?


On the contrary, Xu Liu said heartily:
"I'm sorry, the old illness relapsed just now, and I was delayed for a while. Doctor Fang said that it's not appropriate to come out to see people, but I don't think it's appropriate."

The tone paused.

Everyone also nodded.

This is the way of hospitality.However, Sun Junzhong and the others have already left, isn't there an explanation?

Xu Liu continued to speak loudly:
"Also, I need to announce to everyone—"

"My future grandson-in-law, he is Fang Yu."

There was an uproar.

There was a lot of discussion.

Their expressions were so rich that they couldn't believe it.

Even Xu Zhaopei himself felt like he was dreaming, how did this bastard convince Grandpa.The more I think about it, the more incredible it becomes.

When Jiang Wei heard the news, for some reason, her heart fluctuated. The feeling was inexplicable, like a stone falling into a deep well.A little uncomfortable, but nothing.


Everyone has a question in their hearts, why is this happening?
At this time, Xu Liu looked at his granddaughter, full of kindness and doting——

"Pepe, I've made it clear. As elders, you shouldn't be separated. Since you and Fang Yu love each other so much, you should treat each other well and cherish each other in the future. Do you understand?"

Xu Zhaopei looked at her grandfather with complicated eyes, lowered her head and said, "Got it."

No matter what grandpa thinks, as long as she doesn't marry Sun Junzhong, she will be happy in her heart.

"Everyone, don't stand still, just eat whatever you want."

At the table, let's start.

The guests came forward to toast one by one.

Xu Liu really has an old illness, so he shirks it and refuses to drink it.

Seeing this, Fang Yu thought that this old man really knew how to hide.According to the rules, after paying homage to the old man, it is probably my turn, so how can I do it?

"Grandpa Xu, I can cure your illness." Fang Yu said with a smile.

"What? Can you cure it?"

Xu Liu laughed, "I've had this old problem for decades, and I've seen many famous doctors, but there's nothing I can do. The best way is to rely on medicine to maintain it. You can't cure it."

Fang Yu shook his head, and said, "That's because you didn't meet me... I did meet you today, so let's just be a good person and help you fix it."

Everyone almost forgot.

He is a doctor.

Xu Zhaopei believed him, and Jiang Wei also believed him.The others looked at him suspiciously.

Will Mr. Xu Liu believe it?
The old man almost forgot, Fang Yu is no ordinary doctor, he has the Taiyi magic needle!This is a magic skill!

"Bring a pen."

"What are you going to do?" Mr. Xu Liu asked with a smile.

"Nonsense, of course I will write the prescription."

When he said the word "nonsense", everyone was taken aback. This kid must be crazy again.

However, Mr. Xu was not angry at all. Instead, he lowered his posture and said embarrassingly:

"Okay, you write..."

The pen and paper were delivered quickly, but Fang Yu didn't write immediately.

Holding a pen and paper, he walked to Xu Liu's side, put his arm on his shoulder, and said:
"Old man, what's wrong with you, I can only see it with my own eyes... Come on, let's go inside."

"Good good..."

The two hooked their shoulders and walked towards the backyard together, like two brothers.

at this time--

The entire hall was silent.

Needle drop is audible.

Everyone felt that the three views they insisted on were completely shattered by everything in front of them.



Come to the backyard.

Old man Xu Liu asked gently: "Can Taiyi Shenzhen really cure this disease?"

"Of course it can be cured."

"Xiao Fang, Sun Qing's Taiyi Magic Needle..."

Just halfway through the conversation, Fang Yu interrupted him with a wave of his hand and said, "Don't mention him to me! In terms of seniority, he is later than me—"

Hearing this, Xu Liu's heart stirred up a turbulent wave.

This is tantamount to acknowledging the fact that Fang Yu came out of the Lu family.

The reason why Sun Qing is feared and respected by others, he doesn't know any martial arts, and he doesn't have any power, is because he also came out of the Lu family - the sect with the seventh heavenly master of martial arts!
(End of this chapter)

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