Chapter 53
"Wait for me."

Xu Zhaopei called out and followed, after all, she was also a doctor.

She often sees grandpa's illness, but she has no clue.

Coincidentally, if Fang Yu can cure it, he will learn a lot.


In the backyard, in a separate room.

Xu Zhaopei stood aside, watching silently.

Fang Yu took a look at her, didn't say much, then put his eyes on Mr. Xu, and said, "Extend your hand."

Xu Liu stretched out.

Xu Zhaopei didn't know what he was going to do, but when Fang Yu put his finger on Grandpa's wrist, she suddenly realized.

Is this pulse?

Cutting the pulse is an amazing skill.At least for her it is.

Xu Zhaopei received Western medicine since she was a child. In her impression, there are almost no Western medicine doctors who can feel the pulse.

Unexpectedly, Fang Yu actually understood.

Looking at Fang Yu with a serious face, Xu Zhaopei was thinking, how much medical skills does this guy know?How many secrets are hidden in him?

After a while, Fang Yu completed his pulse cutting.

"I already understand the basic situation, let me help you with acupuncture first." Fang Yu said lightly.


Mr. Xu Liu was very happy.

"Take off your shoes."

Xu Liu did as he did.

Fang Yu took out a golden needle and quickly stuck a few needles in his footsteps.Immediately afterwards, he pricked a few more needles in the palm of his hand.At the same time, a small amount of inner element is delivered.

After a while, Fang Yu pulled out the golden needle again.

Immediately afterwards, he picked up a pen and wrote a prescription——

"In a short period of time, you won't feel anything. After the acupuncture, I will take this prescription once in the morning and in the evening, and you will be able to recover after taking it for half a year."

Kang... recovery?
Mr. Xu Liu looked at Fang Yu in disbelief.

This disease has plagued him for too many years. He has seen many doctors but he is at a loss. He never thought that Fang Yu could cure him so easily?

Xu Zhaopei looked confused.

"Fang Yu, the acupuncture method you used just now is the ghost gate thirteen needles?"

Fang Yu rolled his eyes and said:
"The Thirteen Guimen Acupunctures are used to treat some relatively evil diseases. Your grandfather is suffering from a physical illness... My acupuncture method is called Guiling Eight Methods."

"The Eight Laws of Guiling?" Xu Zhaopei had never heard of it.

Fang Yu stood up, stood with his hands behind his back, and began to pretend to be a master again——

"The so-called Guiling Bafa is a time-selected acupoint method based on the confluence of qi and blood of the eight extraordinary meridians of the human body, which are connected with the eight meridians. The eight methods refer to the calculation method of the gossip..."


Xu Zhaopei shook his head.

How could this be understood.

It's more confusing than reading a book from heaven.

Fang Yu shrugged and said, "Stop talking, I have to drink some wine."

As he spoke, his eyes were shining, and he walked towards the hall.

Mr. Xu Liu sat on the grand teacher's chair, looked at Xu Zhaopei with a sluggish face, and scolded: "Why are you still standing there, go find your man!"

Hearing this, Xu Zhaopei blushed.

"Grandpa!" She stomped her feet vigorously, and ran out without arguing.



at the same time--

Jiangzhou East District, in a dilapidated attic.

The corridor was pitch black, with only one light bulb hanging on the beam, emitting a dim light.

Mosquitoes swayed left and right with the light.

A man in a black suit stood upright with his back facing the door and his hands behind his back.

What is frightening is that there is an extremely dark coffin in front of this man!

Yes, it is a coffin.

The lid of the coffin was not closed.

In the middle lay a stinking corpse.

In this scorching summer, it is already a miracle to be able to preserve it like this.

In front of the coffin, there was a spiritual tablet with two words engraved on it: Xiao Ting!
The man's eyes were calm but cold.

The person standing in front of the coffin was none other than Xiao Ting's elder brother, Xiao He.

All this made the man in black behind him feel puzzled.

"Sirius, you're here—"

It turned out that this man was the captain of the Sirius team.

"Who is this person?"

Xiao He's gaze was cold, without turning his head, he said slowly, "My brother."

Sirius was slightly surprised.

"What happened to him?" Sirius asked.

"Fang Yu killed it!" Xiao He's eyes flashed coldly.

"Fang Yu?" Sirius was very surprised. In Jiangzhou, the Sirius organization basically knew about anything that killed someone.

"This person is the Iron Fist King who dominated Jiangzhou eight years ago!"

It is said that Sirius is interested——

"When did this happen?"

"Late last month." Xiao He sighed slightly, "It was said on the news that Fang Yu was acting in self-defense. But I know that my brother's internal organs were shattered to death by a fist blow!"

Hearing this, Sirius' eyes lit up, and it seemed to be interesting.

After all, news about dead people is rare, but the authenticity of the news is worth checking.

"I warned him a long time ago..." Xiao He continued with a cold tone, "If he had listened to me, he might not have died!"

"I see. You want revenge?"

The man in black turned around slowly, with a pair of cold eyes calm and tasteless: "If this Fang Yu didn't interest me very much, with your reward, you are not worthy of inviting me at all!"

Xiao He was slightly taken aback.

This organization is already the biggest reliance of his Xiao family, and they are still not satisfied with giving them so much money every year.It seems that it is imperative to unite with the Sun family.Although the Sirius organization is powerful, it is difficult to control.

"When do you plan to do it?" Xiao He asked.

"Just tonight!"

"My people have already explored the way first, and according to the time, we should meet up." Xiao He said in a deep voice.

Sirius walked to the side of the coffin, raised his hand, and put it on the edge of the coffin, from the beginning to the end, with his eyes on the coffin.

Looking at the corpse in the coffin, there was no emotion in his eyes——

"Don't worry, the person who killed your brother will not see the sun tomorrow."


in the manor.

As soon as Fang Yu appeared, as expected, the guests began to toast.


"I toast you!"

"I wish the two of you a happy marriage for a hundred years and an early birth to your precious son."

Fang Yu rolled his eyes and said:

"What nonsense are you talking about? I haven't written the horoscope yet. These are words used only for marriage."


At this moment, Jiang Wei walked over with her sister.

There was a faint smile on her handsome face, which seemed a bit forced.

Coming to Fang Yu, he raised the wine glass in his hand——

"Fang Yu, congratulations."

"Thank you, Mr. Jiang."

The two toasted and drank.

Jiang Wei drank it all in one gulp.

Jiang Xiaoxiao next to him took the opportunity to make a face at him.

After drinking, Jiang Wei said:

"Fang Yu, I still have something to do in the company, so I'm leaving first."

"Go, go." Fang Yu waved his hand.

When Jiang Wei and Xiao Xiao walked to the door, Jiang Xiao Xiao glanced back and said, "Smelly shameless, what are you looking at, why don't you go with your little daughter-in-law?"

"Hey, this girl!"

Fang Yu was very helpless.


After Jiang Wei left, Xu Zhaopei came slowly.

Followed Fang Yu and drank with everyone for a while.

Fang Yu hadn't had a drink for a long time, so every time someone offered a toast, he would drink it all in one gulp.The amount of alcohol can be imagined.

It's just, how can a single-handedly fight against so many people.

He knew that these people were just acting on the occasion, and he had offended Sun Junzhong and Xiao He, so how could they have anything to do with him.

However, Fang Yu just wanted to drink.

The afternoon passed quickly, Fang Yu didn't know how much he drank, and gradually began to feel a little dizzy.

Xu Zhaopei saw that he was drinking so crazy, she stopped him quickly, lowered her voice, and said, "Fang Yu, what are you doing!? Your goal has been achieved!"

Yes, he has done all the help he should, so why still drink?

Fang Yu smiled and said:
"Little daughter-in-law...won't you accompany me for a drink or two!"

"Screw you."

"Repent so soon?" Fang Yu's eyes widened, "I'll have a drink with you!"

Those present began to applaud and boo.

Fang Yu took the opportunity to wrap his arms around her waist.

"Fang Yu, you drank too much!" Xu Zhaopei pushed Fang Yu away, turned to the guests and said, "Sorry, he drank too much."

She knew she couldn't go on like this.

Also feel very wrong.

Everything that happened today felt wrong to her.

Xu Zhaopei forcibly dragged Fang Yu outside the gate, and was going to take a taxi to take him back.

"My wife...tonight, hehe...would you sleep with me..." Fang Yu grabbed Xu Zhaopei's ass.


Xu Zhaopei clenched her silver teeth angrily, and pinched Fang Yu hard.

But Fang Yu, who was dizzy from drinking, felt no pain at all.

Xu Zhaopei was so angry that his face was full of helplessness.

This is a luxury manor area, and there is no shadow of taxis at all.She had no choice but to drag Fang Yu forward.

At this time, Fang Yu muttered in his mouth——

"I didn't kill you with one palm today... It's a pity, if you let me touch you again, I will kill you with one palm!"

Xu Zhaopei was taken aback.

At this moment, she felt the cold breath on Fang Yu's body.

"You men are so annoying, you only know how to drink!"

Fang Yu chuckled, turned around, and hugged Xu Zhaopei——

"Don't worry, I will marry you...hehe..."


It's outrageous for her to be hugged by a big girl with yellow flowers.

With a sudden push, Fang Yu staggered back and bumped into a sycamore tree beside the road——

Fang Yu spat out the wine with a mouthful.

Instantly woke up a lot.

But he didn't have the energy to walk anymore, so he just sat down.

Seeing this, Xu Zhaopei walked up guiltily and asked, "You, are you okay?"

Fang Yu didn't answer, just sat under the tree and leaned against the tree.

"Don't go yet, I want to sit down for a while."

The words became normal.

Xu Zhaopei hummed softly, and said in a low voice, "I'm sorry..."

Fang Yu remained silent.

I don't know what he was thinking, Xu Zhaopei couldn't speak.

It was already dark.

Xu Zhaopei didn't think much, walked up to Fang Yu, and sat down too. The two were so close that they could even hear each other's breathing.

The moon and stars are rare, and the night is dotted with stars.

I don't know how long it took, and there was a clanging sound not far away——

Xu Zhaopei couldn't help but looked up.

At the end of the road, there were about forty or fifty men walking slowly towards them with iron bars in their hands.Some people put the iron rod on their shoulders, and some put the iron rod on the ground and dragged it.

That voice and posture are very scary!

Fang Yu also looked up at this moment——

"Hey... Wife, have you offended someone before?"

Xu Zhaopei glanced back and said, "What nonsense are you talking about? Who can I offend!"

"Oh, then it's okay, it's definitely not us, don't worry." The group of men came to a place less than ten meters away from the two of them and stopped.

Fang Yu raised his hand in greeting and said, "Hey, big brother, I didn't see anyone passing by, did you go the wrong way?"

The nodding man squinted his eyes, spat, raised the iron rod in his hand, pointed at Fang Yu and asked:

"You, are you Fang Yu?"

Hearing this, Xu Zhaopei was dumbfounded.

It's over!

(End of this chapter)

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