Chapter 54
On a lonely path.

There is only one street light at the intersection, and the light is yellow.There was an occasional breeze in the air, filled with a faint sense of chill.

Seeing the formation of this group of people slowly approaching, Xu Zhaopei, who has always been bold, couldn't help but tremble all over, and approached Fang Yu in fright.

She noticed that these gangsters were not only holding iron bars, but also carrying some metal weapons such as knives and wrenches on their bodies.

Obviously, this group came prepared.

There were gangsters on the road, and they walked the streets recklessly with knives. From her judgment, these people were probably outlaws.

"I'm asking you something, what the hell, are you Fang Yu?" the man said again.

Xu Zhaopei was taken aback when she heard the question from the man holding the stick——

This is obviously looking for Fang Yu!

"Did you offend someone?" Xu Zhaopei asked, tilting her head.

"Nonsense." Fang Yu quickly denied, "I'm just an ordinary worker, and I don't usually have any enemies. Who would attack me in such a big battle?"

Xu Zhaopei rolled his eyes at him and said, "Why do I think their target is you."

This guy has all kinds of problems, but he is so good at fighting, and he can't control his mouth, so maybe he offended so many people.At the birthday banquet today, he clashed with the Sun family and the Xiao family.

Is it...

Did they send someone to teach Fang Yu a lesson?
Xu Zhaopei thought, this is very likely.

This guy is such a troublemaker.As long as there is his place, nothing good will happen!
When I think of this, I feel even more afraid.

Seeing this group of people getting closer, Xu Zhaopei's face turned pale in an instant.

"It doesn't make sense. I've been very honest recently." Fang Yu said awkwardly, "Maybe the target is someone else, not us. Pepe, you go first."

"En." Xu Zhaopei was eager to leave quickly.

Just when I was about to leave, I saw that the intersection was blocked.

There were too many people coming, and the intersection was very narrow.

"Fang Yu, it seems that I can't get out, what should I do now?" Xu Zhaopei whispered.

"It's okay." Fang Yu looked ahead.

"He said it's okay, the road is blocked." Xu Zhaopei was about to cry.

"Won't you say that their target is me? If I don't leave, you'll be fine." Fang Yu showed an indifferent smile.

This smile made Xu Zhaopei feel strange.I don't know what he meant by that.

Just about to ask, Fang Yu continued, "You don't have to be afraid."

Then he said: "If I can't do it, you should call the police!"

Hearing this, Xu Zhaopei understood.

That's what he meant.

Mixed feelings for a time.

Fang Yu stood up in a daze, grinned at the hot group, and said:
"I am Fang Yu."

The man holding the iron bar sneered: "Then I'm sorry, brothers must treat you well today."

Jingle, jingle...

A group of people surrounded him with iron bars, all of them looked fierce.

This is no ordinary punk.

"Wait!" Fang Yu made a pause gesture——

"You are here for me and have nothing to do with this woman, let her go."


The leading man sneered and said:
"Do you think I'm an idiot? Let her go out and call the police? Today, no one can leave."

Fang Yu rolled his eyes and said: "Then you can kill me first... She is my wife after all, I don't want to watch her die first..."


It's all for this sake, are you still in the mood to joke?Xu Zhaopei was speechless.

Did this bastard actually want to use his own life to win a way out for himself?

"Do not--"

Xu Zhaopei called out decisively, expressing her attitude.

"Be obedient. This matter has nothing to do with you, you step back..." Fang Yu lowered his voice and said softly, "Cross over this railing and run to the underground garage..."

"I won't!"

Xu Zhaopei is as coquettish and self-willed as a child.

Fang Yu suddenly stretched out his hand, blocked her behind, and said indifferently: "Don't force me!"

Xu Zhaopei was taken aback.

From his indifferent eyes, I can feel the obvious stubbornness!

It was an irresistible look.

At the same time, Fang Yu's solid body made her feel an unprecedented sense of security!

Fang Yu said in a deep voice, "Remember my words!"

"What do you want to do?"

Fang Yu ignored Xu Zhaopei at all.

Glancing at the gangsters in front of him, he said with a relaxed face, "Nothing, just exercise."

Suddenly, Fang Yu patted her on the shoulder.

"move back!"

Hearing these three words, Xu Zhaopei was stunned for half a second, with a look of struggle on his face.

But seeing Fang Yu's decisive appearance, she finally chose to compromise.

Gritting his silver teeth, he climbed up the fence on the side of the road.

Seeing this, the gangsters immediately surrounded him, trying to stop——

Unfortunately, Fang Yu stood in front of him.

"Brothers, let's make this trash first, and then go find that woman..." The corner of the man's mouth sneered.

One iron rod after another made a tinkling sound on the ground.

The sound is getting denser.

Also getting louder.

"Noisy!" Fang Yu frowned, feeling very annoyed by these voices.

Judging from their appearance, they really don't look like gangsters playing around on the street.

After a while, Fang Yu was surrounded by Gaixin.

Fang Yu felt a cold killing intent from this group of people. .

Obviously, this group of people will not give up until they achieve their goals.

Fang Yu was also analyzing all kinds of possibilities when the group of gangsters approached just now.After his own analysis, he came to a conclusion that this group of people should be an organization similar to mercenaries.

He seems to be wearing gangster clothes, and at the same time, the weapons on his body seem to be sloppy.

From the way they walked and the killing intent in their eyes, it could be seen that they were definitely not ordinary people.

Fang Yu, who has been wandering on the tip of the knife all year round, has long developed a sensitivity to potential dangers.

He also knew that there must be an understanding of today's matter.

Fang Yu chose to stay.

"Fang suffers to death!"

"Should die?" Fang Yu's eyes suddenly became serious. Those who know him well will know that this is him becoming serious——

And this seriousness, no one dares to underestimate.

"Brothers, let's go together! Hack him to death!"

The man gave an order, and immediately all the gangsters raised the iron rods in their hands and charged forward.


This group of people swarmed up.

Iron rods whirred in the air.

Fang Yu suddenly opened his blurred eyes and moved——

The battle is intertwined!

Fang Yu got into the gangsters, and whenever he passed someone, he would make a dull sound, and then snatch the weapons from them.

Bang bang bang!
In less than ten seconds, nine people were lying on the ground, howling.

The rest of the group took a few steps back, but did not escape.

Fang Yu felt a strong killing intent from this group of people.

It can be seen that there are hidden masters among this group of people, and they are very likely to be killers as well.Only a killer would hide in the shadows like this, looking for an opportunity to kill with one blow.

The corners of Fang Yu's mouth curled up slightly.

At the same time, he glanced back, Xu Zhaopei should have run into the garage, right?Hope this stupid woman will open the car door!


"Brothers, don't give him a chance to breathe, I don't believe it, he has three heads and six arms!"

(End of this chapter)

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