Super Doctor of the City

Chapter 55 Sirius Appears

Chapter 55 Sirius Appears
Since he is a killer, there is nothing to worry about.These people themselves are people who can't see the light. If they are killed, there is almost no possibility of exposure.

Just killing.

For Fang Yu back then, it was commonplace.

Looking at the fallen gangsters, Fang Yu seemed to have regained the feeling he had back then.

But Fang Yu didn't kill them, but knocked them down one by one.

Because, he was waiting...waiting for those masters in the dark to come out.


Fang Yu picked up an iron rod from the ground and started to dance.For a moment, it intertwined with those bastard sticks and made a roar.

Sparks fly.

Another dozen gangsters fell down.

Fang Yu still fought easily.

Now he is like a wolf, standing among the wolves, staring down at everyone.

After a fierce fight, the gangsters also became smarter.He was no longer as reckless as before, and started to retreat, dealing with Fang Yu cautiously.

For them, there is only one way to deal with such a master.

Crowd tactics.

In terms of the art of war, it is not the individual heroes who are powerful, but the tactical strategists who command and kill people.

Millions of soldiers cross the great river, but the strength of one person is ultimately difficult to defeat the crowd.


This tactic didn't seem to work for Fang Yu.

According to the pre-plan, even if one out of ten people can hit Fang Yu once, they will make money.Taking turns to fight like this, exhausting his physical strength, will always kill him.

But now, it's not.

Fang Yu was still standing in front of him vigorously, holding an iron rod, and at the same time had a contemptuous smile on his face.

"Isn't he drunk?"

"Boss, something is wrong!"

They were afraid.

Start to back off.

When one retreats, everyone retreats.

This is the gap, the gap between heaven and earth!

The leader rushed up, holding an iron rod, and yelled: "Kill him, 100 million! I want 100 million—"

Almost shouted red eyes.

Only two meters away from Fang Yu, Fang Yu dodged, and easily hit the gangster with a stick.

"Overestimating one's abilities." Fang Yu showed pity in his eyes. To deal with them, ordinary fighting skills are enough.

In the blink of an eye, the gangster fell to the ground, his eyes full of fear.

The gangster who was dazzled by money gradually regained his senses, staring at Fang Yu, he realized why the brothers kept retreating.

It's a pity that it's too late to regret.

They are just the young men of the Xiao family. To put it bluntly, they are employees of the Xiao family's company. To put it bluntly, they are lackeys.

If it weren't for the heavy reward, no one would want to fight against such a master.

Facing Fang Yu with such terrifying combat power, continuing to fight would be tantamount to death.

If you can't survive, no matter how much money you have, you can't spend your life, so what's the point?
But among this group of gangsters, there are a few with serious faces, and their expressions and eyes are completely different from other gangsters.

After fighting for a period of time, Fang Yu kept looking for these people.At the same time, it gradually locked on the target.

Different from punks.

These few people are real killers.

Perform tasks with high commissions.

Before you make a move, you will never leave.

"Come out!" Fang Yu swept the crowd in front of him, and at the same time looked behind several cars nearby.It was a dark corner, with no light to be found, let alone human figures.

If you don't look carefully, it's hard to find someone over there.

Take a closer look.

It was a man dressed in black, with a black trench coat wrapped around his head, very stylishly dressed, exuding a terrifying dark aura.That's a sign of danger.

This is a master.

The breath of a master.


The man stretched out his hand and gently pushed the car next to him, making a dull sound.Then he took off the windbreaker on his body.His thin and determined eyes were revealed.

A pair of bloodthirsty eyeballs were shining brightly.

Obviously, when this person came out, other killers also stood up one after another, explaining that he was not a hot guy.

The appearance of this person made the group of young people keep crawling backwards, giving way...

"A bunch of trash." The man in the windbreaker cursed indifferently, "This is the biggest skill of the Xiao family? I am so disappointed!"

The bastards blushed.

They also didn't expect Fang Yu to be so powerful.Even more exaggerated than the martial arts masters on TV.

When Fang Yu heard it, it was indeed the Xiao family.

The master in front of him didn't seem to have any intention of hiding anything.


Such a powerful killer, why would he sacrifice his life for the Xiao family?

For profit?

For a big bonus?A killer who walks on the tip of a knife to a certain level often cares not about money in the end, but may be the difficulty of killing or the art of killing.

Fang Yu doesn't think that an elegant killer has boring time.

Apart from these reasons, the rest is probably abnormal, Fang Yu really can't think of other reasons.

Watching the killer walking towards him, Fang Yu's eyes were calm.

I only heard the black-clothed killer's voice thick and indifferent: "My name is Sirius, the captain of the Sirius organization, and at the same time, Xiao He's brother-in-law..."

Hearing this, Fang Yu nodded silently.

So this is ah.

It was difficult for the Xiao family to endure it for so long before sending someone to seek revenge.

"My younger brother is a lunatic, and my elder brother is a killer. Your parents must be mad, right?" Fang Yu said flatly.

"What about you? How much blood are your hands stained with?" Tian Lang slowly approached Fang Yu, and the other four killers also slowly approached.Gradually surrounded Fang Yu in Gaixin.

"You're wrong, I'm no longer a jerk. I'm now the director of the Chinese Medicine Department of Huada Hospital, specializing in treating difficult and miscellaneous diseases. Everyone in the hospital calls me a miracle doctor, loves me, and respects me!" Fang Yumi Focus on talking.

Sirius locked his eyes tightly and stared at Fang Yu with all his attention.

"This can't change your past... Iron Fist King, show your strength. It's best not to let me down." Sirius said contemptuously.

"Hehe, you still know that I am the Iron Fist King... It's a thing of the past if a hero doesn't mention his bravery back then." Fang Yu said.

Sirius walked forward, and his brothers kept the same rhythm as him, stepping forward.

Such a method of siege meant that Fang Yu could not have an escape route.

This is a must-death situation!

"It seems that what makes you anxious is to kill someone who deserves to be killed? Sirius, it's a good thing to like challenges, but at least you have to figure out the strength of your opponent... Hehe." Fang Yu wrote lightly.

After hearing Fang Yu's words, his killing intent was high.

"Today, I will take your blood to pay homage to Xiao Ting!"

call out!
A cold light appeared.

At the same time, cold lights appeared in the other four directions.

Five directions, five daggers!
Stab at Fang Yu together!
(End of this chapter)

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