Super Doctor of the City

Chapter 757 Luring the Snake Out of the Cave

Chapter 757 Leading the Snake out of the Cave (fourth more)
Early the next morning.

Fang Yu and Ye Wenjun left the Fang family.

In order not to implicate other people, the two deliberately avoided everyone in the Fang family, and did not mention this matter to the five great temples.

By the way, Chen Daotian was notified.

Three Hengsha-level powerhouses should be enough to lure the enemy.

Moreover, the three of them are all first-class masters.

As for other masters of the holy rank, such as Lin Weifeng, Xu Huanwen and others, they stayed in the temple to guard.

Today, the mysteries abound.

No one knows, from which secret realm will suddenly appear many masters.

If these people come from ancient times...then they will definitely have plans for these ancient ruins.


ten o'clock in the morning.

In a stadium in Jiangzhou.

"Brother Yu, this is the best place I found. With the emergence of the Hesitant Secret Realm and the recovery of the aura, basically no citizens will come to the gymnasium to exercise. With the aura in their bodies, they are all trying to learn martial arts. In In this pavilion, there is a secret realm, which is dead, blue, and should be the ocean. I tested it with Jiang Ren, and there is nothing unusual, so the dark net brothers did not station here." Chen Daotian said.

Fang Yu looked at the surrounding environment.

The venue is very empty.

There are basketball courts and football fields.

Surrounded by chairs.

It is extremely rare to find such a huge indoor venue in a city like Jiangzhou.


The flood of aura made the place deserted in an instant.In the past, here, which day was not overcrowded.

"Wenjun, Daotian, please sit next to me first, and I will arrange the rest."


The two went to the next seat.

Fang Yu set up a magic circle in the venue.

Drawing a magic circle is a labor-intensive thing.

But for a master formation master like Fang Yu, all that is needed to describe the formation is time.

He walked back and forth in the stadium, drawing various formations from time to time.

It took more than an hour to stop.

Seeing Fang Yu busy, he gestured to the air like a psychopath.

Chen Daotian couldn't help laughing and said: "This formation is really amazing, who would have known that Brother Yu, which seems to have nothing, would be so powerful?"

Array Master.

It has always been the nemesis of thousands of troops.

It's just not there yet.

After drawing.

Fang Yu sighed: "I don't know if this formation can trap the masters of the holy rank... My cultivation base has reached the holy rank Hengsha, but the sub-professions such as the formation master are still at the highest level. It seems that I have to find someone The opportunity has been studied. Above this, there must be a formation of the holy order."

In this regard, he is convinced.

At this time.

Ye Wenjun and Chen Daotian walked over.

Seeing Fang Yu standing and resting.

Chen Daotian asked: "Have you finished the characterization?"

"Yeah. Now I'm ready to start... Wenjun, take out Fengyu."


Ye Wenjun took off the ancient phoenix jade and put it in her palm.

Fang Yu also took out the dragon scale.

Looking at these two treasures, Fang Yu said: "I hope these two things can attract them to come..."

Fang Yu raised his hand abruptly.

A flash of vitality.

Haoran's righteousness is colorless and odorless, but the breath is really surprising.

Chen Daotian, who was a dark breath, felt the deepest oppression.

Even if the dark breath is the purest ink-like dark breath, they are still afraid of this pure awe-inspiring righteousness.

Chen Daotian couldn't help but took a few steps back.


The dragon scales floated up.

A magic circle of gathering spirits appeared in front.

When the magic circle appeared, the red light on Longlin's body bloomed. Originally, the dragon scale had absorbed aura, which was not regarded as aura, but it was vented at this moment.

Like a waterfall, flowing down from the dragon scales.


Ye Wenjun also used the same method to cast inner energy on the ancient phoenix jade.

While Neiyuan wrapped the ancient phoenix jade, a wave of spiritual energy was released.

Phoenix ancient jade, from the very beginning, especially likes to absorb spiritual energy, this characteristic is still the same when Ye Wenjun is promoted to the holy rank.

Huge amounts of energy converged into a river.



A miraculous scene appeared.

I saw the energy of the dragon scale and the phoenix jade, the combination of the dragon and the phoenix, bursting out with colorful light.

"This is..." Fang Yu didn't expect such a situation at all, and his face was full of surprise.

Ye Wenjun was even more stunned.

"The combination of dragon and phoenix is ​​a match made in heaven. Brother Yu and sister-in-law, you are really a match made in heaven. These two treasures seem to be a pair too!" Chen Daotian said enviously.

Fang Yu looked at the dragon and phoenix energy, and couldn't calm down for a long time. How could this be?
A powerful breath was released.

If you can absorb all these combined energies, your cultivation will definitely go a step further!
"The breath is very strong... far beyond expectations. Bring back the speed!" Fang Yu said.

He can't guarantee that the law of the dark forest will be discovered by more powerful practitioners if he vents his energy so unscrupulously.

Showing too much energy, such a good thing, how could a master turn a blind eye.If it is ordinary rubbish, high-level practitioners will naturally look down on you and will not care about you.


Ye Wenjun also realized this, and quickly mobilized his inner yuan to take Fengyu back.

Huaguang flashed.

Energy disappears.


at the same time.

on the Kunlun Mountains.

in the hall.

Sensing the violent energy fluctuations, Ye Xie, the True Master of the True Phoenix Clan, frowned, and immediately worried all the elders.

"Lord Allah...the secret of Fengyu and Longlin seems to have been discovered. They have mastered the method of combination, and their cultivation will speed up their progress. But this also exposes their ignorance. Originally, only my true phoenix family can sense it. The energy of Fengyu. If you do this, I am afraid that even the high-level practitioners will sense it..."

"This is the problem. If it is sensed by a high-ranking practitioner, who will let such a treasure go."

"Master Allah, you are the leader of my Zhenfeng clan, please speak."

on the dragon chair.

Ye Xie pondered for a moment, his deep eyes looked embarrassing and energetic.

"Nowadays there are many secret realms, and it may be too late for high-ranking practitioners to appear... We have returned from the secret realm in a very short period of time. Even if there are high-ranking practitioners... as long as we take back the dragon scales and phoenix jade before that, and breathe Seal it, and you can sleep in peace."

"What the Lord God said is right."

Ye Xie said in a deep voice: "Ye Renyu just left Jiangzhou not long ago...Ye Xianggao, you go to support Ye Renyu quickly. Although he has enough cultivation, what I want is...double guarantee."

"Yes, this subordinate must fulfill his mission!"

Ye Xianggao bowed his hands to accept the order, and flew out of the Kunlun Mountain Hall.

The disciples of the Kunlun Sect looked shocked.

Especially Li Daochang, who looked at Ye Xianggao who was moving like a shadow all the way with horror on his face...

"This... is the cultivation base of the holy rank? Really, it's terrible!"

(End of this chapter)

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