Super Doctor of the City

Chapter 758 The Master Comes

Chapter 758 Here Comes the Master (Part [-])
at the same time.

In Jiangzhou Gymnasium.

Fang Yu, Ye Wenjun, and Chen Daotian quickly hid themselves.

Quietly wait for the arrival of the enemy.

"Brother Yu, will they not come?" Chen Daotian asked with some trepidation.

"They will definitely come, such a powerful breath, if you don't look at it, who will rest assured."

While the two were talking.

Ye Wenjun suddenly raised his jade finger, put it to his lips and said, "Hush..."

The three were startled at the same time.

Can't help but look towards the field.

"Feng Ling!" Fang Yu shouted in a low voice.

A ripple echoed around, completely shielding the breath of the three of them.

at this time.

Above the middle of the arena, with a clatter, three long-haired middle-aged men in gray robes slowly descended.

The breath of the three of them is extremely calm, and their eyes are like falcons.

A powerful aura exudes from his whole body.

Fang Yu immediately flirted with Ye Wenjun and Chen Dao, shook his head, and signaled that the enemy was too strong to attack.


in the field.

The three of them stood in a triangle.

All stand with their hands behind their backs.

Watch the nose with the eyes, watch the heart with the nose, and listen to all directions!

Everywhere you look, there is an invisible pressure.

It's like scanning a machine.

Three people, facing three different directions, the entire stadium is only so big, and it only takes a while to scan the entire stadium.

After a while.

One of them said:
"There is still a special energy aura remaining here, indicating that the target has not gone far. It's a pity... it's a step late!"

Another said:
"This breath is very strange. It is the most vital energy among the energy breaths I perceive. It should be a treasure. Alas, it is a pity that we are a step late. If our three brothers can get this treasure, the speed of practice will definitely be faster. increased in magnitude."

The last person said:
"That's right... Now the strength of our three brothers has reached the realm of the holy rank Tianji. There is only one step away from the star rank. Although the current world's aura is recovering, it is still incomparable with the secret realm. We can't make progress in the secret realm. When I come back now, I can only rely on some special treasures."

"Well, don't be discouraged, if he can appear the first time, he will appear the second time."

"It's not suitable to stay here for a long time. If the energy breath is exposed, there may be other ancient sects coming to look for it. We don't need to make enemies."

"Second brother is right. There is still a lot to be familiarized with in modern civilization. Take your time, don't worry. It's a great fortune to be back this time. Let's go!"


The three of them tiptoed a little.

It entered the direction of the ceiling of the gymnasium, drilled into the air, was as light as a swallow, and disappeared without a trace in an instant.


After these three people leave.

Chen Daotian gasped heavily!

"My god...Brother Yu, you almost killed us. Just now, the three of them are strong in the realm of heaven! My God! This is the sixth realm of the holy rank!"

Ye Wenjun and Fang Yu also resumed breathing.

Just now the three of them were so nervous that they dared not even breathe.

If it wasn't for this spirit array, they would definitely be exposed.

When the three people were scanning, their fine hairs stood up.

To avoid exposure, he even held his breath.

Fang Yu came out, looked up, and frowned.

Chen Daotian said again: "How do you fight this? Today I failed to lure the snake out of the hole! I didn't expect the opponent to be so strong! It's too scary!"

Ye Wenjun also said:

"This is also expected. We set up this trap to lure the snake out of the hole, and we also expected that stronger enemies might come. After all, this is one of our plans..."

They also expected such an enemy.

But unexpectedly, there is really a heinous opponent.

This is difficult.

Fang Yu squinted his eyes, looked up, and said, "Let's go... It's not like nothing, at least it shows that the opponent we are facing is much stronger than we imagined!"


The three stood up one after another, ready to leave.

Just about to leave.

There was a rushing sound outside.

"Wait!" Fang Yu immediately stretched out his arms to block Ye Wenjun and Chen Daotian.



The three of them immediately hid in the original spirit sealing formation again, waiting with bated breath.

as predicted.

Two men in black robes who looked like they were in their thirties jumped into the stadium.

The nose moved.

Look left and right.

"What about people?"

"Did it run away?"

"Impossible! Fengyu milk is the treasure of our family. Once combined with dragon scales, it will emit powerful vitality. This energy will constantly expose their positions! Now that the energy is gone, there is only one possibility!"


"They sealed the energy!"

in the corner.

Fang Yu and Chen Daotian glanced at each other.

Chen Daotian said in a low voice: "It's them...the group just now belonged to the strong men who were attracted by mistake. These two people came for Longlin and Fengyu."

They are not fools.

Both men have spoken out.

The two people in the field are still looking for it.

These two people are none other than Ye Renyu and Ye Xianggao from the True Phoenix Clan.

"Come out! No matter who it is, whoever gets the treasure of our family will always be the target of our family! I warn you, if you don't come out, I will release the poison!" Ye Renyu looked around.

"Come out quickly! Hand over the dragon scales and phoenix jade, otherwise... I will let you die without a place to die!"

It's all about this.

Is there any reason for Fang Yu not to come out?

at this time--

Ye Wenjun leaped forward and jumped out.

He looked at Ye Renyu and Ye Xianggao coldly.

"It's you who have been looking for dragon scales and phoenix jade?" Ye Wenjun shouted.

Ye Renyu and Ye Xianggao immediately turned around and glanced at Ye Wenjun.

What a beautiful person.

Make people shine.

At the same time, Fang Yu and Chen Daotian also came out.

Ye Renyu and Ye Xianggao glanced at each other——

"Three practitioners? Hengsha Realm?!"

When they mentioned the realm of Fang Yu and Chen Daotian, they were all startled.

Their practice is almost the same, and they can be seen at a glance.

This shows that they have a skill that can easily see the cultivation of others.

"You guys took the dragon scale and phoenix jade?" Ye Renyu said condescendingly.

"Yes, so what?" Ye Wenjun responded lightly.

"That's easy... Hand it over, and I can spare you! The three of you have finally cultivated to the Hengsha realm in this world. It shouldn't be easy, right? Wouldn't it be a pity if you were abolished?" Ye Ren Yu looked coldly and authentically.

"Hehe, you are quite confident!" Chen Daotian said with a smile.


Ye Renyu suddenly waved his arm!
A powerful force came to the surface.

Chen Daotian immediately mobilized the Dark Codex to resist.

The dark breath formed a round shield like ink.

But he was still blown away by Ye Renyu's move!
Ye Wenjun and Fang Yu frowned at the same time.

"So strong!"

(End of this chapter)

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