Chapter 92
Chapter 93

The atmosphere became more and more tense.

The situation is changing rapidly.

Fang Yu's eyes swept over every boss present.

Finally, his eyes fell on Xiao Yuanshan not far away.

Xiao Yuanshan's heartbeat suddenly accelerated, but years of experience made him calm down.

It's a blessing, not a disaster, it's a disaster that can't be avoided.

Xiao Yuanshan knew that this matter would have to be faced sooner or later... From the night when the Sirius team was wiped out, he guessed that Fang Yu's strength was not simple, or that there was someone behind him.But... He never expected that Fang Yu himself was very powerful, so powerful that it was outrageous.

He also knew that Fang Yu was waiting for him to pass.


Xiao Yuanshan restrained his trembling forcibly, with a calm expression, he walked slowly towards the center of the hall.

When they came in front of them, everyone's eyes focused on Xiao Yuanshan.Xiao He didn't dare to come over from a distance, he seemed to understand that his younger brother told her that Fang Yu knew his father's name - Jiangdong's territory, it was too hard, could he digest it?


"Iron Fist King... I admire your courage and courage... At that time, my Xiao family did not do anything to frame the Fang family. After the Fang family was destroyed, my Xiao family just took the opportunity to occupy the Jiangdong territory. This is your Fang family. My dear, today, I will return the entire Jiangdong to you, and we will have to write off all grievances, how about it?"

Xiao Yuanshan spoke eloquently, speaking neither humble nor overbearing.

At this point, Ji Qiubai suddenly realized that he had missed a crucial point——

Bloody enmity will blind the eyes... Besides, Fang Yu's current strength is even higher than Sun Guoting!He does have this qualification, standing at the highest place in Jiangzhou.


This will mess up the plan!

The purpose of his carefully prepared plan is to make Fang Yu appear and intensify the conflict with the Sun family, and take advantage of it.Now, everything is moving towards an uncontrollable situation.

For a moment, Ji Qiubai's heart was in a mess.


"Xiao Shilang... You leaked the news about my grandfather going to Jiangbei, right?" Fang Yu asked.

Xiao Yuanshan was startled, his pupils shrank sharply, he knew, he knew everything!

"Xiao Shilang, I'll give you a chance." Fang Yu paused, "Break your arms and poke your eyes blind! From now on, you will never set foot in Jiangzhou again!"

Hearing this, the young and vigorous Xiao Hezai couldn't bear it anymore.

He ran up, pointed at Fang Yu and shouted:
"Fang Yu, don't go too far! My father's concession is because he is afraid of your strength... Don't think that you can do whatever you want after stepping into the martial arts... Are you not afraid of the Yanjing Zhao family?"

The bigwigs present nodded their heads.

What Xiao He said is quite right, Yanjing's three great families of martial arts are full of masters, but unlike here in Jiangzhou, they are all small fish and shrimps, a family sometimes only has one or two martial arts masters.

"Are you threatening me?" Fang Yu smiled and said, "It is said that you are a young man in Jiangzhou, smart and wise, I think...very stupid."

"You dare to scold me?!" Xiao He said angrily.

"Idiot, I dare to kill Sun Junzhong, what are you?" Fang Yu stared!
This sentence hits the point.

Xiao He was speechless for a while, his legs trembling with fright.

Xiao Yuanshan stared back, and said angrily: "Shut up!"

Followed by Xiao Yuanshan, lowered his voice, looked at Fang Yu, and said calmly: "Xiao He is young after all, I hope you let him go, you have already killed Xiao Ting, if I agree to your request, can I offset those grievances?"

"Father!" Xiao He's eyes turned red.

"I told you to shut up!" Xiao Yuanshan knew that it was impossible to escape this calamity.

Fang Yu looked at him and said, "I keep my word."

"it is good!"

Under everyone's surprised eyes, Xiao Yuanshan raised his right hand and was about to poke his eyes.

At this time, Fang Yu said lightly:

"Get out and find a place for yourself."

No one wanted to see such a bloody scene, and Jiang Xiaoxiao was there, so it seemed bad for her to see it.

Xiao Yuanshan was taken aback for a moment, but he had to bite the bullet and walked outside.

Yan Hu quickly reminded: "Brother Yu, are you not afraid that he will run away?"

"Let him escape... If he dares to escape, I will kill his whole family!" Fang Yu said with a smile.

As soon as he finished speaking, Xiao Yuanshan staggered a step and almost fell down.

"Then what if he finds someone to report to the Zhao family in Yanjing?"

Fang Yu still smiled and said:

"Don't say it's Zhao Wuyan, even if Zhao Youdao comes, I'm not afraid."

See how confident he is.

Everyone present couldn't help being extremely surprised.

What capital does he have to be so arrogant?

Everyone has this question.

Yan Hu still said: "But I heard that Zhao Youdao is a master of the fourth level of martial arts, and the Zhao family also has several masters of the third level of martial arts..."

Everyone nodded secretly.

This is indeed the strength of the Zhao family, and it is also the most important reason why the Zhao family is strong.

Four levels of martial arts, comparable to an elite armed force!

Ji Qiubai was thoughtful, and when he heard Yan Hu's question, he also wanted to know how Fang Yu would answer, and couldn't help showing anticipation, Fang Yu, what kind of capital do you have?

Fang Yu smiled, put his hands behind his back, raised his head and chest, and said loudly:

"I, Fang Yu, have no talent. After eight years of hard training, I finally stepped into the martial arts."

Yan Hu looked excited, no wonder Brother Yu was able to single-handedly kill Sun Ling and subdue Sun Guoting with one move!It turned out that he stepped into the martial arts and became a warrior!
"Brother Yu is mighty!"

Fang Yu continued:
"Zhao Youdao is just a reptile at the fourth level of martial arts. My strength has already surpassed the fourth level of martial arts!"

As soon as this statement came out, the audience was in an uproar!



Four levels of martial arts!

What does this mean?
This means that Fang Yu has the same strength and status as Zhao Youdao.

The bosses in Jiangzhou looked at Fang Yu in disbelief, but they had to believe it!Sun Guoting was such a formidable triple master, yet he couldn't resist even one move.Fang Yu said that he was more than [-]th level, he was not fake at all!

Everyone ignored Fang Yu's words, "has already surpassed the fourth level of martial arts", not the fourth level of martial arts... If everyone knows that his current strength is comparable to the seventh level of martial arts, how should they feel?

This is the special place of Shenlongjue!

Jiang Xiaoxiao doesn't know much about martial arts, but thinks her brother-in-law looks so handsome when he speaks. Everyone looks at him from disdain, to fear, and now to awe.

"Brother-in-law, it's great!"

For some reason, Ji Qiubai's figure flickered, and he almost lost his footing...

Four levels of martial arts, even if he is scheming, he can't help Fang Yu!
Ji Qiubai's face also turned pale.

In contrast, Sun Guoting and Xiao Yuanshan are all hopeless!
Sun Guoting completely gave up the idea of ​​resistance...

Xiao Yuanshan, who hadn't walked out yet, staggered and fell to the floor.

A martial artist at the fourth level of martial arts, can he escape?

"Father!" Xiao He ran up.

After a long time, Xiao Yuanshan woke up from despair, looked at Xiao He with a worried face, and said in a deep voice: "Break my arms, poke my eyes. It's worth it if my Xiao family is safe."


Looking at the backs of Xiao Yuanshan and Xiao He leaving, Fang Yu was not sympathetic at all.

The scenes that Fang Yu witnessed eight years ago are vivid in his mind, none of them are more miserable than his Xiao family!

Turning his head, Fang Yu looked at Sun Guoting and said:

"It's your turn--"

(End of this chapter)

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