Super Doctor of the City

Chapter 93 Jiangzhou I am King

Chapter 93 Jiangzhou I am King

The sound of "It's your turn" made the entire Sun family's disciples tremble in fright.

The Xiao family only leaked information back then, but they ended up like this. They were not allowed to step into Jiangdong, and they died again. Their arms were broken and their eyes were blind...

So what about Sun Guoting?

On a rainy night eight years ago, Sun Guoting teamed up with Yanjing martial arts family to encircle and suppress the Fang family.

Overnight, no one in the Fang family escaped except Fang Yu and his master.

Fang Yu will never forget the scene of blood flowing into rivers, and it is impossible to forget it.


Ji Qiubai guessed that Fang Yu must have hatred for the Sun family, and it is very likely that he will help him deal with the Sun family when he returns to Jiangzhou.Now it seems - he thought too much.

Fang Yu, standing on this stage, is like a king.

Even though there are enemies all around, no one dares to fight on stage!
The fourth level of martial arts is enough to look down on everyone.


Sun Guoting saw murderous intent in Fang Yu's eyes.He knew that today might be a bad day.

Rather than waiting to die, it is better to fight to the death!
Sun Guoting gritted his teeth suddenly, looked at Fang Yu, and said with hatred:

"Today, the old man will die with you!"

Everyone was shocked.

On the stage, Sun Guoting's eyes were red, and the moment he staggered to his feet, he made a forward posture.


"do not want!"


Sun Guoting's two sons shouted wildly behind him!
For the other bigwigs in the audience, they were not worried, but admired——

"What a powerful momentum!"

"Inner strength! It's inner strength!"

"The invisible halo that appeared all over Grandpa's body is the result of the explosion of inner strength!"

"This kind of explosion is tantamount to squeezing out all the internal energy in the whole body and exerting it in an instant. However, once the internal energy is exhausted, the cultivation level will decline at least, and the inward bending will be injured at worst, and you will not be able to practice for the rest of your life!"

"Grandpa Sun's eruption, his cultivation is almost at the fourth level of martial arts! Using this self-destruction method, even Yanjing Zhao Youdao dare not be careless!"


Hearing the expert's analysis, Ji Qiubai was in high spirits, his eyes glowing.

Very good!
The result he most wants to see is to lose both sides, so he, Ji Qiubai, will be the biggest beneficiary!
From now on, I will be the king of Jiangzhou!

Yan Hu and Jiang Xiaoxiao looked worried——

"Brother Yu, be careful!"

"Brother-in-law, be careful!"


Sun Guoting was confident that even if Fang Yu couldn't be killed by this close-range self-destruct method, it could at least injure him severely.

too close.

It happened suddenly and quickly.


Just when everyone thought Fang Yu must be seriously injured.

Fang Yu still strolled leisurely in the courtyard, the wind was calm and the clouds were calm.

He seemed to have entered a state of forgetting things and me, and everything slowed down, like a movie being slowed down by a beat.

In Fang Yu's eyes, Sun Guoting was like a tortoise, advancing slowly.

Fang Yu was overjoyed, could this be the induction boost brought by the fourth heaven of Shenlongjue?

Shenlongjue really defies the sky.


Looking at Sun Guoting who was attacking, Fang Yu shook his head, what a poor guy... Poor people must have something to hate.


Sun Guoting gritted his teeth and punched Fang Yu in the face.

The huge impact is contained in the inner strength.

This move is equivalent to the power of a bomb!
Everyone's heart is tugging.

Why is Fang Yu still not moving?

Does he want to die?


Just when Sun Guoting's aura reached Fang Yu——

Fang Yu moved.

His movement is very simple, just raised his fist.

At the same time, a visible golden light appeared on Fang Yu's fist.

From the perspective of the side, it looks more like a golden gas!

boom! ! !
With a loud noise, Sun Guoting flew upside down.

The crowd was shocked.

In the arena, a discerning person lost his voice and said, "Wuzhong! This is the inner strength that only Wuzhong has! Golden inner strength! My God!!"

There was an uproar!

There was a lot of discussion.

They suddenly realized that they had made a huge mistake. The Sun family and the Xiao family were probably not as good as Fang Yu's leg hair!


Sun Guoting's adoptive son ran over screaming, and they wanted to catch Sun Guoting by force.However, the power was too strong and knocked them into the air.

The three fell to the ground.


Sun Guoting sprayed a mouthful of blood into the air, like a faucet.

Bright red blood was dotted densely on the floor, as if someone had spilled a basin of water.

Sun Guoting's eyes were full of fear.

How can it be so strong?
In the way of self-destruct, he also couldn't catch a single move.


"Brother Yu is domineering! Once Brother Yu comes out, who will fight for the top! He will dominate the world and last forever!" Yan Hu kept praising behind him,

When Fang Yu heard this, he couldn't help but cast a blank glance at Yan Hu——

"Don't brag, I'm not Ding Chunqiu!"

"Hey." Yan Hu scratched the back of his head, a little embarrassed.



at the same time.

Sun Guoting finally heaved a sigh of relief.

Lying on Yizi's body, he looked at Fang Yu in horror.

", aren't you at the fourth level of martial arts?" Sun Guoting asked with a face full of shock.

Fang Yu looked at Sun Guoting, who was on the verge of death, and glanced left and right.

The members of the Sun family did not dare to rush forward at all.

No matter inside or outside, Ji Qiubai's people were watching one-on-one everywhere, and whoever dared to move would be chopped off.

The so-called tree fell and the monkeys scattered, no one thought that Sun Guoting would fall!

Fang Yu smiled and said:

"Have I ever said that I am a fourth level martial artist?"

Everyone was surprised.

Someone in the crowd noticed this.

"What he said just now is that he has already surpassed the fourth level of martial arts! Be careful, he has already surpassed it!"

"Yes, that's what he said!"

"This, how is it possible... If this is the case, how strong is he?"

"Judging from the performance just now, there are at least five levels."

"It makes sense. From the looks of it, his strength should be at the fifth level of martial arts."

Everyone nodded.

At this moment, someone in the crowd raised a question: "It may also be six or seven!"

As soon as he said this, everyone looked at him with contempt.

"Do you think the sixth level of martial arts is that easy?"

"In other words, in Yanjing, it is said that there is only one master of the seventh level of martial arts. What does his name seem to be, Lu Tianyuan?"

"If you are above the sixth level, you will be enlightened. Human senses and consciousness are far beyond ordinary people. It can be said that it has completely broken the limits of human beings."

However, the person who raised the question refused to accept it:
"That's your ignorance. The world is so big, there are so many wonders, the universe is vast, and the galaxy is vast. How do you know that there is no more powerful person in this vast world?"

Everyone was startled, speechless.

That's the case, but, who has seen more powerful ones?

But no matter what, Fang Yu's strength once again refreshed everyone's three views.

Even if it is only the fifth level of martial arts, it is enough to gain a foothold in Yanjing.

Ji Qiubai felt parched, and even had difficulty breathing... The stronger Fang Yu was, the less likely his plan would succeed.

Sun Guoting had lost all resistance, so all that was left was to clean up.


The dying Sun Guoting's mind went blank.

His eyes also became slack, and one terrifying picture after another appeared in front of his eyes.

"Don't come here! Don't come here..."

Sun Guoting waved his arms vigorously.

"It's not me who wants to kill's not's the Zhao family, it's the Jin family...not me..."

Just when he was about to get up, his breath was short, and his breathing was rapid, and the whole person was carried down.

Completely out of breath.


The hall fell silent again.

Sun Guoting's adoptive son cried his eyes red.

Fang Yu didn't look at them, but turned around, glanced at Ji Qiubai, and said, "This is the result you want, right?"


"Now that the Sun family has no leader, isn't it time for you to kill them all? Why are you still standing there, do it!" Fang Yu said with a smile.

"Fang Yu, I—" Ji Qiubai was a little incoherent.

"I'll let you do it!" Fang Yu's voice sank.

Hearing this, Ji Qiubai's heart skipped a beat, he waved his hand, and said, "Take away all the core personnel, and anyone else who refuses to accept it, come to me, Ji Qiubai... Don't blame me for not advising you, come and kill one by one. , come and kill a pair!"


On the second floor, those thugs attached to the Sun family dropped their weapons and fled in all directions.

Some core personnel wanted to take the opportunity to escape, but they were all controlled by Ji Qiubai's people one by one.

(End of this chapter)

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