Super Doctor of the City

Chapter 94 Flattery

Chapter 94 Flattery
Ji Qiubai's scheming played a vital role in making it to this day.

With Sun Guoting's strength in the third level of martial arts, he has never defeated Ji Qiubai, which has to be thought-provoking.

Some people say that he has deals with some martial arts masters, but no one knows the truth.

With Ji Qiubai's order, everyone was arrested.


"Fang Yu, I've already arrested everyone, how are you going to punish them?" Ji Qiubai knew that he would satisfy all Fang Yu's demands.

In the past, in order to preserve the Dragon and Tiger Club, he spent a lot of money to support martial arts masters every year, which was really not worthwhile.

Right now, Xia Yu is very likely to be a master of the fifth level of martial arts, and he must do his best to maintain this relationship.After all, they have shared joys and sorrows and shared weal and woe.

Fang Yu glanced at Ji Qiubai, and said calmly, "What do you think?"

He didn't say anything else, turned around and walked out of the hall.

Jiang Xiaoxiao followed immediately.

The bigwigs in Jiangzhou, acting according to circumstances, quickly gathered around, everyone holding a wine glass in their hands.


"Brother Fang, I'm the CEO of Hwaseong Group. Nice to meet you. Please do me a favor and have a drink together."

"Mr. Fang, I am the chairman of Jiangzhou Iron Fist Network. Iron Fist is a perfect match for your Iron Fist King. We are destined!"

"Mr. Fang, I am the president of the Jingxi Group. I have a daughter who is eighteen years old and looks like a fairy. I think Mr. Fang is a man of talent. He and my daughter are a match made in heaven!"


It was a bit chaotic.

Obviously, these people were trying to curry favor with Fang Yu.

You must know that the strength Fang Yu displayed is enough to have the strength of the fifth level of martial arts.If such a great master can be curried, he will benefit for the rest of his life.

Some want to drink, some want to give money, and some want to marry their daughters.

No wonder.

None of these could attract Fang Yu.

Eight years ago, when Fang Yu ruled Jiangzhou, he wanted the wind to win the wind, the rain to win the rain, rich and powerful... He enjoyed everything he should have enjoyed.

Is it possible to want him to follow these old paths now?

Fame and wealth will corrode a person's heart, and he will eventually fall.

In Fang Yu's heart, the only way is to practice one way!

"Go away—"

Fang Yu let out a deep cry, and everyone backed away in fright, afraid to speak.

Who would dare to provoke such a master?

Fang Yu hates this kind of villain who is following his power the most.

He didn't look back, he just called out, "Little."

Jiang Xiaoxiao groaned, and ran over with small steps.

"Brother-in-law..." Jiang Xiaoxiao ran to Fang Yu's side and hugged his arm.

Enjoying the awe-inspiring gazes from around, Jiang Xiaoxiao felt particularly proud... This feeling, even her sister couldn't give her.

She was still young, what happened today made her head feel like a mess.

No matter what the reason was, she had made up her mind that she must stand by her brother-in-law.

Fang Yu glanced at Jiang Xiaoxiao, then touched her head: "Aren't you scared?"

The fight just now, and, he killed someone.

This kind of visual impact is unbearable for most people.

Jiang Xiaoxiao smiled and said, "I'm almost eighteen, don't be afraid."

"Okay, let's go."

The two walked out of the hall.

The crowd dispersed automatically.

Who dares to stop it?


It was getting dark outside, replaced by the colorful night view of Jiangzhou, a bright moon was hanging in the sky, and the bright moon was divided into two halves by long and narrow clouds.

The beautiful scenery is pleasant, and the beauty is on the side.

The battle was won.

It should have been a good night.But Fang Yu walked quickly with a tense face and a serious expression.

As a delicate and sweet little girl, Jiang Xiaoxiao felt tired after following her for a long time.

"Brother-in-law, can you stop walking so fast!" Bending down, Jiang Xiaoxiao said out of breath.

Fang Yu, who only focused on walking forward, stopped, turned his head and stared at Jiang Xiaoxiao, without saying a word.

Seeing such an expression, Jiang Xiaoxiao didn't dare to speak anymore, and stepped forward to catch up.

Seeing her brother-in-law's melancholy expression, and a completely different look in his eyes from the past, the playful and lovely Jiang Xiaoxiao put away his past naughtiness, and stood obediently and quietly by the side.

When he leaves, she leaves.

When he stops, she stops.

"Fang Yu—"

When they reached the intersection, the two heard a voice.

Jiang Xiaoxiao followed the reputation and saw Ji Qiubai chasing up with a group of brothers.A puzzled expression appeared on his mature and steady face.He didn't understand why Fang Yu turned away without even saying hello.

"Boss Ji?" Jiang Xiaoxiao called excitedly.

Fang Yu frowned even tighter.

"Xiao Yu, why did you leave without saying hello?" Ji Qiubai walked over quickly, his face excited, "I really didn't expect you to come today!"

"Didn't expect that?" Fang Yu's heart sank.

"Yes, if you can defeat Master Sun and kill Sun Ling, even if I lose this Jiangbei New District, it's worth it." Ji Qiubai said excitedly.

"Oh." Fang Yu's expression was indifferent.

"Brother Yu, you are even more domineering than before." Yan Hu said with bright eyes.

Seeing that Yan Hu was there, Fang Yu took a deep breath, and said in a neutral tone: "Huzi, your brothers seem to be injured, you should take them to the hospital first."

"Injured?" Huzi scratched his head, hehe said, "It's okay, it's just a minor injury."

"Go if you are told!" Fang Yu's tone turned cold.


Yan Hu was startled, and with a wave of his hand, he took the brother who had suffered a fur injury and left first.Regarding this, Ji Qiubai didn't say much.

Yan Hu just disappeared from sight.

Fang Yu suddenly raised his foot and kicked Ji Qiubai's chest with a thunderous blow.

Even Ji Qiubai, who was tall and burly and also strong in resisting blows, had to grunt and stagger back.A mouthful of blood spurted out.

A group of younger brothers hurriedly supported him, but they didn't dare to fight Fang Yu at all.Had to stare at.

Ji Qiubai's expression became cold and indifferent, he stared at Fang Yu, and said solemnly and seriously: "Why?"

This is Ji Qiubai!
Jiangzhou Ji Qiubai!
Who dares to hit him! ?
Countless younger brothers regard him as a god, even higher than grandpa grandpa.As long as he says a word, countless people are willing to die for him.

It was such a high-ranking boss who was beaten up.

And the person who beat him was Fang Yu - his former brother!
This makes him lose face!
This made Jiang Xiaoxiao startled, it was clearly from his own family, why did he do it?For Ji Qiubai, she still admires and admires him.

But her admiration for her brother-in-law is Mount Everest, the height that no one can match.Although she was taken aback, she believed that her brother-in-law must have a reason for the incident!He quickly stood behind his brother-in-law vigilantly, staring at Ji Qiubai and the others with big eyes like thieves.

Fang Yu didn't care about this at all, "Ji Qiubai, don't you really want to be the boss of Jiangzhou?!"

After a while, Ji Qiu rolled his eyes in confusion, and said, "Yes!"

"Do you think I will compete with you for the position of the boss?" Fang Yu stared at him and said, "Don't say it is the boss of Jiangzhou, even if the position of the boss of Yanjing is given to me, I will not even think about it!"

Ji Qiubai was taken aback.

Fang Yu continued: "You want Sun Guoting's hand to get rid of me, don't you?"

Hearing this, Ji Qiubai turned pale with fright.

"Fang Yu, you misunderstood me, I have always regarded you as my dearest brother! The world can prove it!"


Fang Yu laughed, ironically:

"You treat Huzi as a brother, but you let him participate in the life-and-death struggle and remain indifferent. You call me a brother? Ji Qiubai, you don't have to be hypocritical in front of me, and you don't have to call me a brother. The kick just now was to kick Yan Hu." Well... today's matter, I don't care about it with you, even if it is to repay the kindness that you blocked for me back then! From now on, we will be strangers——

Gratitude and righteousness! "

The last four words were spoken by Fang Yu word by word.

Hearing this, Ji Qiubai said flatly: "Fang Yu, do you think it's easy to be the big brother? Everyone in Jiangzhou is coveting my position, and as long as I'm not careful, many brothers will die.

"Jiangbei New Area has been competing to this day, and as many as [-] brothers have died. These are my brothers! That's why I choose life-and-death struggle! Today, knowing that I am weak, I still take the initiative to propose life-and-death struggle. What is it?" Ji Qiubai looked around his brothers, "Am I for these lands in Jiangbei? Am I for those belongings outside of me? Fang Yu——I tell you, I would rather give up the Jiangbei New District than save my brothers !"

Fang Yu raised his head slightly.

Seeing the gang of brothers behind Ji Qiubai, fanaticism flashed across his eyes.He was almost certain that these younger brothers were all moved by Ji Qiubai's foresight and friendship.

Ji Qiubai, Ji Qiubai, you are still so scheming.

He's so smart it's scary.

Ji Qiubai eight years ago has completely fallen into this state, far beyond Fang Yu's imagination.

Fang Yu's heart ached!

What kind of scheming and forbearance is this.

Fang Yu wanted to laugh out loud, but couldn't.Staring at Ji Qiubai, Fang Yu said in a deep voice, "My words are already very clear, we will be strangers from now on..."

The corner of Ji Qiubai's mouth twitched, and he felt the pain in his chest getting worse!

(End of this chapter)

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