Through the wealth life

Chapter 118 Chapter 123

Chapter 118 Chapter 120

October 10th is also the Chinese Mid-Autumn Festival, Li Guangyu's wedding was held today.

Li Jiajie, Xu Jinheng and others came to Li Guangyu's house early in the morning, and Li Guangyu himself got up early.

After Li Guangyu and Li Jiajie had breakfast, they started various preparations, while Du Yonghong and the others had already driven the wedding car team outside the door and waited.

At eight o'clock, Li Guangyu and others left Li Guangyu's house, got into the wedding car and headed towards Cao's house.

At 08:30, Li Guangyu's motorcade stopped in front of the Cao Mansion, and at this time a group of ladies were waiting for Li Guangyu's arrival in front of the Cao Mansion gate.

After Li Guangyu and others got out of the car, Li Guangyu said: "Jin Heng, Jiajie is up to you, I think it will be easy for you young masters to deal with those young ladies."

According to Xiangjiang's custom, at this time, Li Guangyu's side was going to negotiate with them, and they wanted to keep the road money for the future.According to one's own strength, starting from nine means auspiciousness.But this time Li Guangyu and the others started talking at ninety-nine thousand nine hundred and ninety-nine cents, and Li Guangyu's cash was in the back car ready.

Today, Li Guangyu's best men obviously do not have the ability to dominate the shopping malls like later generations, and this negotiation is not at all the opponent of those bridesmaids.In the end, the price was directly doubled by the group of ladies, 99 Hong Kong dollars.

After Xu Jinheng paid the group of sisters with money in the car, and distributed the red envelopes prepared by Li Guangyu to the relatives and friends of the Cao family, Li Guangyu was able to enter the gate of Cao's mansion.

As soon as Li Guangyu entered the gate, Guo Qiguang and others made things difficult for him.Each of these eight young ladies set a test for Li Guangyu.

The tests for the others were relatively simple. Guo Qiguang, Li Yunlian, and Huang Yanzi deliberately made it more difficult for Li Guangyu.Fortunately, these young masters on Li Guangyu's side were not simple characters, Lin Jianyue and Luo Weiting directly dealt with the intentional difficulties of these three.

After some trials, Li Guangyu finally met Cao Weiqing.Next, Li Guangyu and Cao Weiqing were going to pour tea for Cao Wenjin and Cao Zhou Meiqi.

Li Guangyu and Cao Weiqing stood side by side, offering tea to Cao Wenjin and Cao Zhou Meiqi respectively, and Cao Weiqing also accompanied them in turn.

Although Cao Wenjin and Cao Zhou Meiqi were very satisfied with the marriage of Cao Weiqing and Li Guangyu, Cao Zhou Meiqi couldn't help crying when she saw that the daughter she raised was about to belong to someone else.

After Li Guangyu and the others completed the procedures here, they rushed to the church with Cao Weiqing, his family and Cao's relatives.

On the way to the church, Li Guangyu and the others came to the Marriage Registration Management Office of the Xiangjiang Immigration Department. Li Guangyu met several staff members and went to the church together, and signed the certificate after the wedding ceremony in the church.

Li Guangyu and Cao Weiqing stood side by side in front of the statue in the church, and some relatives from Cao's family and Li Guangyu's side witnessed this moment below.

The pastor said, "Did you come here to receive the baptism of holy marriage under the guidance of Jesus Christ?"

Li Guangyu and Cao Weiqing replied at the same time: "Yes."

The pastor said, "I'm going to ask you both the same question. It's very long. Please listen before answering."

"Mr. Li Guangyu, are you willing to marry this beautiful and kind lady next to you as your wife..."

After the pastor finished speaking, Li Guangyu replied, "I am willing."

The pastor then said: "Ms. Cao Weiqing, would you like to marry this handsome and talented young man next to you as your husband..."

Cao Weiqing replied, "I am willing."

The pastor said, "Please exchange tokens now."

Li Guangyu and Cao Weiqing respectively put on wedding rings for each other.

The pastor said beside him: "The ring is gold, which means that you must give each other the most precious love, like the most precious gift..."

After the exchange of rings, the pastor said, "Mr. Li Guangyu, please follow me sentence by sentence."

Li Guangyu then said: "This is my wedding token for you. I want to marry you, love you, and protect you..."

Then Cao Weiqing followed the pastor and said, "This is my wedding token to you. I want to marry you, love you, and protect you..."

The pastor said: "" Please follow me. "

Li Guangyu and Cao Weiqing said together: "Wherever you are going, I will also go..."


After going through this series of procedures, Li Guangyu and Cao Weiqing came to the side for marriage registration. Since the church already had a set of procedures just now, Li Guangyu and Cao Weiqing only needed to sign separately.

As Li Guangyu and Cao Weiqing's two witnesses, Luo Luocheng and Xu Shixun, also signed their names on it.

From this moment on, Cao Weiqing is Li Guangyu's legal wife, and tomorrow, Cao Weiqing's name will be preceded by Li's surname.

After Li Guangyu and the others completed this series of activities, Li Guangyu and his party went to the Peninsula Hotel.

After having lunch at the hotel, these relatives started playing mahjong in the hotel.The official wedding banquet will be held in the evening, and the guests will come back in the afternoon. Due to the great influence of Li Guangyu, guests began to arrive one after another shortly after lunch.

Li Guangyu and Cao Weiqing greeted the guests at the entrance of the hotel, and Li Guangyu's best man team and Cao Weiqing's bridesmaid team also accompanied them to welcome the guests.

And in the hotel with He Zuozhi, Luo Luocheng, Cao Wenjin, He Hongshen, He Shili and others accompanying the guests, Li Guangyu was able to welcome the guests outside with confidence.Otherwise, it would be embarrassing for Li Guangyu to greet guests outside without anyone to accompany him inside.

The directors of Li Guangyu's major groups came first, and they were the first group of people to come.

Among Gao Qinglin and his party, there was Fujiwara Tomohime of the Fujiwara family, the current vice president of Xingyue Real Estate Group, who came here on behalf of the Fujiwara family.

Li Guangyu said: "Mr. Fujiwara, you are welcome. This is my wife, Ms. Cao Weiqing."

"Mr. Li, Ms. Cao, congratulations. Our patriarch Fujiwara Sanjian asked me to send his blessings to you on his behalf. He was unable to attend your wedding in person due to work reasons. Let me express my apologies to you." Fujiwara Tomoken said.

"It doesn't matter. I am very happy that you can come to attend. Qinglin, you bring Mr. Fujiwara in. While accompanying Mr. Fujiwara, you will also introduce some people to Mr. Fujiwara." Li Guangyu said.

"Alright Mr. Li, let's go first." Gan Qinglin replied.

After Fujiwara Zhiqian and others presented red envelopes, they followed Gan Qinglin into the hotel.

As the time came to four o'clock in the afternoon, a family head came to the hotel. Today's Peninsula Hotel is destined to be very lively. All the heads of the famous families in Xiangjiang have come here.

But there was a group of reporters not far from the hotel, all of them were stopped by Li Guangyu's bodyguards.Although it was impossible to photograph Li Guangyu and the heads of these families at close range.But these reporters still didn't give up, they started shooting from a distance one after another, and kept recording today's participants.

 Thanks Jiangzuo Meilang for the reward of OBQ100 coins
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(End of this chapter)

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