Through the wealth life

Chapter 119 Chapter 124

Chapter 119 Chapter 120

As the dinner party got closer, the heads of those top families began to arrive.

Li Ka-shing, Lee Shau-kee, Guo Desheng, Zheng Yutong, Huo Yingdong and others arrived one by one.At the same time, some heads of families from Malaysia who were close friends with the Cao family also came here. Cao Weiqing and Lin Huiyin introduced these people to Li Guangyu.

When the dinner was half an hour away, Zheng Dong, the president of Xiangjiang Xinhua News Agency, and Hu Wenbin, the president of Xiangjiang Zhonghua News Agency, arrived one after another.

After thanking the two for coming, Li Guangyu asked Li Jiajie to lead Zheng Dong to Huo Yingdong's side, and then ordered Lin Jianyue to lead Hu Wenbin to He Shili's circle.

Not long after the two entered, MacLehose, the Governor of Xiangjiang, came to the Peninsula Hotel.

Li Guangyu and Cao Weiqing went up to meet him and said, "Mr. Governor, I really didn't expect you to come to our wedding. Thank you so much."

MacLehose said: "Li Sheng, you are now the richest man in Xiangjiang and have made great contributions to the economic development of Xiangjiang. I should come here to congratulate you on your wedding today."

Li Guangyu said: "The governor is honored, please come inside."

Li Guangyu asked Xu Jinheng to lead MacLehose to Luo Luocheng's side. Most of Luo Luocheng's side belonged to political families, and several of them were members of the Legislative Yuan.


Li Guangyu, Cao Weiqing and others waited at the entrance of the hotel until six o'clock in the evening. At this time, almost no guests came, so Li Guangyu and the others entered the hotel.

Because Li Guangyu and Cao's family had too many guests, the wedding banquet of Li Guangyu and Cao Weiqing started at 06:30 in the evening.

After completing some procedures, it was time for Li Guangyu to deliver a speech.

Li Guangyu said: "Dear elders, ladies and gentlemen, hello, everyone!"

"On this special day today, thank you for coming to witness the wedding of Wei Qing and me. Today, at this unforgettable moment, I would like to express my heartfelt thanks and respect for your presence." Li Guangyu After speaking, he bowed to express his gratitude to the guests who sat down again.

Li Guangyu said: "At the same time, I would like to thank my father-in-law and mother-in-law. They have worked so hard to cultivate Wei Qing to be so beautiful, virtuous, educated and reasonable. Today, they handed over Wei Qing to me. Thank you for your love for nurturing Wei Qing. I express my sincere gratitude to you. Guaranteed, in the future I will cherish her, take care of her, and give her a happy life."

Cao Wenjin and Cao Zhoumeiqi were also very pleased to hear Li Guangyu say this, and felt that their daughter did not choose the wrong person for this marriage.

You must know that since Li Guangyu has made such a guarantee on such an occasion, there is basically no possibility of giving up in chaos. You must know that the heads of the major families in Xiangjiang and some Chinese families in Southeast Asia are here today. Li Guangyu If in the future he does something inconsistent with what he said today, then his reputation among the major families will be ruined in one go.

Li Guangyu said: "I want to thank this beautiful lady beside me. It is because of her love and trust in me that we have entered the palace of marriage today, Xiqing, thank you."

After Li Guangyu finished his speech, the banquet officially began.And Cao Weiqing went to change clothes, because there was a toasting part in the middle, it was not convenient for her to wear this clothes.

When shark fin soup was served in the middle of the banquet, Li Guangyu and Cao Weiqing began to toast the guests.

Li Guangyu and Cao Weiqing first came to the table of Cao Wenjin and He Zuozhi to toast the elders.

Then there are Hong Kong Governor MacLehose and Luo Luocheng, followed by Huo Yingdong and Zheng Dong from Xinhua News Agency, He Shili and Hu Wenbin from China News Agency, then the top families in Xiangjiang, and the major families in Lisboa Southeast Asia, and then other families in Xiangjiang, The last one is the senior management of Li Guangyu Group.

Due to too many guests, there were more than 100 tables. It was because Li Guangyu controlled the number of guests, and only the directors of the group came, otherwise there were more.

Even though Li Guangyu drank very little every time he made a toast, he couldn't hold back the large number of people. Li Guangyu was still a little dizzy after the round.

Seeing this, Cao Weiqing quickly ordered the waiter to bring hot tea and gave Li Guangyu a cup.

The banquet came to an end at 10:30, and Li Guangyu and Cao Weiqing began to see off the guests.

When Li Guangyu and Cao Weiqing returned to Li Guangyu's home, He Hao, He Youfeng, Li Jiajie and others, as well as Guo Qiguang and their sister group, also followed. These people were going to have a bridal chamber tonight.This is also a kind of auspiciousness, saying that the newcomers will not make trouble or make trouble.

There were a lot of people here, especially a group of young masters and ladies from various families. After one o'clock, with the departure of these people, Li Guangyu's house was completely quiet.

At eight o'clock the next morning, Li Guangyu and Cao Weiqing went downstairs.

Seeing Li Guangyu and Cao Weiqing coming down, He Ma said happily, "Young Master, Young Madam, breakfast has been prepared for you, and there are also supplements for you."

"Okay, Mama He." Li Guangyu said.

After Li Guangyu and the others finished their breakfast, He Ma said with a smile: "Young Madam, if you don't feel well these two days, you don't have to go to school and take a few more days off."

Cao Weiqing blushed a little when he heard Mama He say that.He said to Wang He Yunfang: "Mother He, I know, I won't go to school these days."

After Li Guangyu had breakfast with Cao Weiqing, he went to the tombs of Li Yingliang, Li Wencheng and Li He Mengping with Wu Wen and Wang He Yunfang.

After putting out various sacrifices, Li Guangyu said: "Grandpa, Daddy, Mommy, I have already found a virtuous and beautiful wife, and I came to see you specially today. I think you must be very happy now. You Don't worry, I will pass on the Li family and make the Li family the real top family in Xiangjiang, accomplishing the goal that grandpa and daddy have always wanted to accomplish."

After Li Guangyu finished speaking, Cao Weiqing also said: "Grandpa, Daddy and Mommy, don't worry, I will take good care of Guangyu. When Guangyu is struggling outside, I will take good care of the family affairs."

The one who is most excited here is Wu Wen, who still can't help crying when he comes here.During the war years, I followed Li Yingliang and watched Li Wencheng's birth. His wife passed away within two years.

During the War of Liberation, he followed Li Yingliang to Xiangjiang. Unmarried, he became Li Yingliang's housekeeper for decades.Watching Li Wencheng marry a wife and have children, he is sincerely happy for Li Yingliang.

But the sky failed, and the originally happy family only had the young master in just a few years. During that time, Wu Wen was hit hard, and he became much older.

Wu Wen said: "Master, Eldest Young Master, Young Mistress, have you seen that the Young Master has brought the Young Madam to see you, and the Li family has also developed and grown under the leadership of the Young Master, I think you must be doing it for yourself now." The young master is happy."

Wang He Yunfang also said: "Master Li, Miss, Uncle, the young master is married now, I think you are also very happy, don't worry, I will watch the young master."

Li Guangyu and the others returned home after worshiping. Today, Li Guangyu did not plan to go to the company, but stayed at home with Cao Weiqing.

(End of this chapter)

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