Through the wealth life

Chapter 1181 The Helplessness of Reality

Chapter 1181 The Helplessness of Reality

In the morning of the second day, Li Guangyu went to Hsinchu to inspect the industrial development there and visit the display R&D and manufacturing company that has been put into operation.

Li Guangyu originally wanted to change his fate against the sky, but he had no choice but to give up because of the suppression of the gods. It is better to develop his own business honestly. There is no freedom in life. If you don’t want to follow the rules, you will be buried in the soil up.

Monitors and display screens are extremely important parts of future TVs, computers, mobile phones and other products. Li Guangyu and his allies are naturally unwilling to put the initiative in the hands of others.

In the Hsinchu Science and Technology Park, Li Guangyu and Lin Tingsheng communicated with each other about the company's future development and management in the meeting room of Hsinchu Display Technology Co., Ltd.

Li Guangyu said: "Currently, Thomson, which was acquired by China Electric Appliances Group, has good display technology. They have an independent display and display manufacturing and R&D company. You can cooperate with them. The mutual transfer of aspects will promote the rapid development of the technology of the two companies in this area, allowing our two companies to compete with Japanese and American companies.”

The general manager of the company naturally understands Thomson Display Company, which is also the ace of Thomson's ability to become a top brand in Western Europe in the TV industry, especially in color TV. In terms of display technology, Thomson Company is not far behind domestic companies such as the United States and Japan. .

Jin Huali, the general manager, was very happy for Li Guangyu to allow the two parties to cooperate in technology and transfer the technology. Although it will cost a lot of money, the technology is the most important.

After the establishment of the company last year, they have been wanting to acquire some high-end technologies, but unfortunately the results are not very satisfactory. Many companies want to sell some relatively backward technologies. It is just a dream to think about the top technologies of major companies. Technology cannot be bought.

Well now, the Lee consortium has taken over Thomson. With the support of this technology, the company's development speed can be greatly accelerated, which can save a lot of time for them to develop high-end displays.

Jin Huali said: "Thanks to Mr. Li for his help and support to our company. I will contact Mr. Yu Daiqiu, the vice president of China Electronics Group, and the president of Thomson Company as soon as possible to communicate about the cooperation between the two parties."

Li Guangyu then made requirements for the direction of research and development. At present, the displays are mainly cathode ray tube displays, and the focus will be on liquid crystal displays in the future.

Of course, Li Guangyu has no unrealistic request for large-scale use of liquid crystal displays now, but in terms of technology, Li Guangyu requires the company to research and develop in advance, prepare in advance, and promote the use of products after the production cost is reduced.

Lin Tingsheng also knows that Li Guangyu attaches great importance to the LCD market, and he believes that with Li Guangyu's vision, the LCD market will definitely be huge in the future.

Prepare technical reserves in advance, so that they can seize the opportunity in the future development, and with the leading technology, they can compete for the high-end market.

He said at the meeting: "Our company has to walk on two legs now. We can neither relax the innovative research and development of the current mainstream cathode ray tube displays, nor can we ignore the research and development investment in liquid crystal displays, and we must pay attention to the research and development of liquid crystal displays. Carry out key guarantees, and try our best to allow our liquid crystal displays to enter the market in advance on a large scale."

Although there are some products that use liquid crystal displays, large-scale promotion is still impossible at present. First, in terms of technology, the production pass rate of liquid crystal displays is still very low. Second, it is the cost issue. If this aspect cannot be reduced, It is difficult to put it into use on a large scale.

Over the years, Datong Group has achieved rapid development by relying on the cooperation with Li's consortium. At present, Datong Group's market value exceeds 30 billion US dollars, and Lin Tingsheng's fund controls 60% of the shares. Only Datong Group, Lin Tingsheng has $18 billion in assets.

It can also be seen from this how nonsense the Forbes ranking list is. Many families hold various funds and do not use their own names to occupy shares. The Forbes ranking list only counts personal wealth, which leads to many families in the There is no place on it at all.

The development of Datong Group is inseparable from the efforts of Lin Tingsheng. Over the years, although Hsinchu Commercial Bank has invested in many industries and they themselves have invested a lot, Lin Tingsheng has always put his energy on Datong Group. It is managed by allies or professionals, and he will not disperse too much energy into other industries.

Jin Huali said aloud: "Mr. Lin, please rest assured that our company will do a good job in related work. We must speed up technical public relations and strive to make our LCD manufacturing pass rate more stable, while reducing manufacturing costs, so that our products can be sold as soon as possible." Put it into the market and become the main force in the global display market.”

After the meeting, Li Guangyu and Lin Tingsheng, accompanied by Jin Huali and company executives, visited the company, focusing on the research and development room and production workshop.

Li Guangyu himself didn't know much about this technology, and he just listened to Jin Huali's report on various parameters along the way. He didn't interrupt, and let Lin Tingsheng and Jin Huali communicate.

Li Guangyu was inspecting the industries in the Hsinchu Science and Technology Park, and an important meeting had begun at the Xiangjiang side. This was an important moment, and it also marked the beginning of the three links between the two sides of the strait.

All parties are actively preparing, a new era is coming, and no one knows what the future will look like.

Li Guangyu received a call from Xiangjiang in the afternoon. He was quite unhappy, even a little angry. Unfortunately, no matter how powerful he was, he was powerless. For the sake of future development, he could only choose to agree.

He wants to change something, but unfortunately reality does not allow it, so he can only choose to respect history.

Li Guangyu also reflected on his past again, and he realized that he took himself too seriously. It was enough for An An to earn a little money for a living. He didn't need to worry about these big problems. Faced with risks at any time, it doesn't matter who is in the position and has nothing to do with him. As long as there are hundreds of thousands of employees, he doesn't worry about anything.

As for the future, if the rain is going to rain and Niang wants to get married, those things have nothing to do with him, as long as it doesn't affect his industrial development.

Li Guangyu met with his allies in Baodao that night, explained the situation to them, and made them mentally prepared.

Although some people inside were a little disappointed, they still understood Li Guangyu. After all, he still needed to survive. When he was powerless, he could only choose to give in.


 Baodao can’t write about this aspect. I’m very sorry for this. This ending is very aggrieved and seems very helpless, but I can’t help it. After all, I also need to live. After all, I am a full-time author. I hope everyone can understand.

  I'm going to hold a village meeting in the afternoon, so I may not have time to update it today, and it will be five more tomorrow.

  Thank you for your support.

(End of this chapter)

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