Through the wealth life

Chapter 1182 The richest man in Hong Kong in 1988

Chapter 1182 The richest man in Hong Kong in 1988
Li Guangyu was already on the 15th when he returned to Xiangjiang. He left Baodao after paying homage to the president.

The old man suffering from illness finally left this world. No one knows where the treasure island will go in the future after losing him.

The only one who is clear is that Li Guangyu is not willing to intervene now, as long as his interests are not damaged, he said that all this has nothing to do with him.

The media circles on the Xiangjiang side are also full of reports on that side these days, there are all kinds of comments, there are praises but there are also belittlings. At this moment, the Hong Kong newspaper circles seem to have become the writers of history, writing about the life of the president. comment.

Li Guangyu didn't pay attention to the various public opinions in Xiangjiang. After returning home, Li Guangyu didn't rush back to work in the company, and took a rare two-day rest at home.

In the past two days, he has also rectified some of his previous practices at home, and corrected some naive thoughts.

On the morning of the 17th, which happened to be Sunday, many citizens were on vacation, and they didn’t take advantage of this rare rest day to sleep in. They didn’t even eat breakfast. The 7-11 convenience store or the newsagent stand bought a copy of the wealth magazine of Xiangjiang Economic News.

Today is the day when Hong Kong Economic News releases this year's Hong Kong Rich List. Although many citizens know that this list is playing tricks on their IQ, they still enjoy pursuing the celebrities on the rich list.

They also want to know, after the stock market crash in October last year, what changes will appear in this year's rich list.

Su Wengui is a young man who has only been here from the mainland for less than a year. Because his uncle owns a restaurant in Xiangjiang and has a little money, he was brought to Xiangjiang through some means.

As a newcomer to Xiangjiang not long ago, he doesn’t know much about legends like Li Guangyu. Even Li Jiacheng, Li Zhaoji, Guo Desheng, Zheng Yutong and others have been in charge of affairs in Tokyo for a long time because of the group’s business, Xiangjiang’s reports on them are relatively few.

The news he comes into contact with here, what he sees and hears the most is the presidents and vice presidents of the Xiangjiang Group, and at the same time the celebrities on the Xiangjiang Rich List.

Especially those celebrities on the Xiangjiang rich list have always been the objects of Su Wengui's admiration. The net worth of each of them is hundreds of millions, which is a great shock to Su Wengui who just came from the mainland. The ten thousand yuan household in the mainland is already extremely remarkable There is a million-dollar household in them, and the whole county will praise its name.

And these rich people here are all in the unit of 20 million. What a terrifying thing, especially the richest man Dickson Poon, whose assets exceed 20 billion Hong Kong dollars. Su Wengui often fantasizes about what kind of scene it would be like to put the [-] billion in cash in front of him. and experience.

Although his uncle also told him that the rich list is just a toy made by the people behind Xiangjiang Economic News, and these people are not yet on the stage in Xiangjiang, but he is skeptical about it.

To know which one of the above-mentioned people is not a wealthy person in the mainland, he estimated that the last one going to the mainland might be the richest person.

And there is still a perception in his heart, if these people are really not good, how can they be reported everywhere, and the major media also recognize their status as the richest man, but why did those so-called powerful people disappear?

He felt that if there were such people, they would have become famous long ago. He has been in Xiangjiang for almost a year, but why do he hear the most from Pan Dickson, Liu Luanxiong, Yang Shoucheng, Rong Zhixin, Le Yiling, Guo Qingya, Xie Tao, Du Yuemei, He Jin, Tang Zaichuan and others.

Looking at what I have learned in the past year, 75% of the Hong Kong media reports are related to these people. As for the other news, it is mainly international, or it is news about special events, such as about Baodao. The president's life has dominated the mainstream these days.

It's not that he hasn't heard about some topics, the focus of which is about the legendary boy in Xiangjiang, Li Guangyu who is proud and proud of countless Xiangjiang people.

However, in Su Wengui's view, this is more like a myth compiled by Xiangjiang people themselves. If Li Guangyu is so powerful, why has Xiangjiang not heard any news about him this year.

And he has also paid attention to some groups, those companies that are rumored to be Li's consortium, from which employees he learned that they don't know Li Guangyu at all, and the group's affairs are decided by the chairman of the board of directors and the chief executive officer.

And this is not what an employee of a group said. He asked the staff of the directly-operated stores of Hengyu Supermarket Group, Zhonghua Electric Chain Group, Feiyu Group, Pengyu Group, Xingyu Game Group, etc., and the answers he got were all Almost none of them knew whether Li Guangyu had any relationship with their group.

This also made Su Wengui seriously question some rumors. If these groups really belonged to Li Guangyu, how could the employees of these groups not know about him?

It is understandable that I have not been in Xiangjiang for a long time, but many of the shop assistants in these groups are native Xiangjiang people. If these groups belong to Li Guangyu, how could they not know.

Su Wengui didn't know that the employees who answered him were actually quite aware of the situation. Even though Li Guangyu had disappeared from public opinion for nearly two years, many people in Xiangjiang still knew the companies controlled by the Li consortium like a treasure.

It's just that some of their personnel have been given a gag order. The middle and lower levels of the group are not allowed to talk about the relationship between Li Guangyu and the major groups.

In this way, as time goes by, in five, ten, or 20 years, people will downplay the Lee Consortium and Li Guangyu, and newcomers to Xiangjiang will not know that there is such a behemoth.

Su Wengui doesn't have the energy to continue to verify those rumors now, and now he is watching the ranking of the rich list with relish, and this time the rich list is somewhat beyond his expectations.

Only one of the top ten billionaires last year entered the top ten. This change is really too big, and he only knows a few people who entered the top ten list this time.

Ranked first is Cao Weide, who ranked fifth last year, and became the new richest man in Hong Kong with 36 billion Hong Kong dollars.

The second place, Feng Yongxiang, took the second place operation with 35 billion Hong Kong dollars.

The third He Youguang became the third richest man in Hong Kong with HK$34.5 billion.

The fourth is Li Guobao, with assets of 34 billion Hong Kong dollars.

The fifth place is Chen Youqing, with assets of 33.8 billion Hong Kong dollars.

The sixth place is He Hongyi, with assets of 33.5 billion Hong Kong dollars.

The seventh place is Wu Guangzheng, with assets of 33 billion Hong Kong dollars.

The eighth is Zhao Shizeng, with assets of 32.6 billion Hong Kong dollars.

The ninth place is Li Zeju, with assets of 32.5 billion Hong Kong dollars.

The tenth is Guo Bingxiang, with assets of 32.3 billion Hong Kong dollars.


Su Wengui looked at this ranking and his head was a little confused. Why did he suddenly become like this? Last year he was called the top ten richest people in Xiangjiang, so why did he suddenly fall so far.

The only one who remained in the top ten finally saved a bit of face for the top ten richest people last year, and secured the position of the richest man.

Su Wengui began to look at the introduction of this year's rich people. He wanted to know how these people could have so many assets and trampled on those rich people last year.

You must know that these people were not even in the top [-] last year, but this time they suddenly occupied the top [-] of the rich list.


(End of this chapter)

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