Through the wealth life

Chapter 1198 Ludao Automobile Industry

Chapter 1198 Ludao Automobile Industry
In the afternoon, Li Guangyu also discussed with the senior officials of Fujian Province, and conducted further communication on the cooperation between the two parties.

At present, the Huapeng Expressway in Guangdong Province is under rapid construction, and the Rongguo-Chongqing Expressway in the inland province of Sichuan and Sichuan in the southwest hinterland is also under rapid construction.

However, Fujian Province, one of the earliest provinces to open to the outside world, lagged far behind in this respect, which made the senior management of Fujian Province feel quite regretful.

Last year, the economic development report of each province has been released. Sichuan and Shu Province have made great progress, and the growth of Rongguoyu Expressway is very obvious.

Rongguo-Yu Expressway plans to invest 240 billion yuan, and the construction period is four years. In the past few months last year, the actual investment was 32 billion yuan, which has driven the development of countless companies in Sichuan and Sichuan provinces.

The opportunity has been missed and missed, and the top management of Fujian Province can't force it now. After all, the two joint venture expressways are experimental products. It will take two years of operation before the central government will decide whether to relax this cooperation.

The focus of their discussions this time is still cooperation in the automotive field. Ludao is about to establish Ludao Automobile Company to build Ludao into an automobile production center on the west coast of the strait, focusing on attracting Baodao's auto parts industry to invest in Ludao.

The senior management of Fujian Province is very aware of the influence of the Bentley Group in Baodao. As long as the Bentley Group is willing to establish a joint venture with Ludao Automobile, it will have a very good effect on attracting Baodao's auto parts industry to settle in Ludao Automobile Industrial Park.

Li Guangyu knew in his previous life that Ludao Automobile Company was very good at producing buses, but he had established Changan·Hengtong Bus Company as a joint venture with Changan Automobile Company, and now this company is building a second production base in Guangdong Province, occupying a large area in South China. market, it is not good for him to enter into a joint venture with a second mainland car company.

Fortunately, the current Ludao Automobile Company has not yet been established, and the main business of automobile research and development and production has not yet been finalized. This company does not necessarily have to follow the path of the previous life. At present, some brands under Li Guangyu have not yet established joint ventures with the mainland. , but this aspect can be considered.

Currently, there are FAW-Kirin, Changan-Hengtong, Changan-Linghu, FAW-Jinniu, SAIC-Jaguar, Bentley and Maserati have no plans for joint ventures, but Lotus, Land Rover and Condor can be considered.

Especially Shenying special vehicles, which are still relatively lacking in the mainland, such as fire trucks, sprinklers, urban garbage trucks, etc.

Li Guangyu said: "Mr. Chen, the establishment of an auto parts industry center here in Ludao is indeed a very good plan. I am very optimistic about the future development of Ludao. At present, the mainland has a lot of support for fire protection, urban sprinklers, and urban garbage trucks. There is a shortage of special vehicles, and Bentley Group is willing to establish a joint venture with Ludao Automobile Company, Ludao Shenying Automobile Company, specializing in the production of special vehicles.”

Last year, the Bentley Group established a Condor special vehicle production base in Bangkok, mainly supplying markets in Southeast Asia, South Asia and Australia.

Mr. Chen is also aware of the layout of the Bentley Group in the mainland. Many brands already have partners in the mainland, and it is not easy for them to cooperate with the second one.

With the continuous development of the economy and the rapid expansion of cities, there are higher requirements for urban fire protection and urban cleanliness. The market in this area must be very good.

The currently prepared Ludao Automobile Company has no experience in producing automobiles. It will first establish a joint venture with the Bentley Group to produce a special vehicle production company. After gaining experience in the future, it can also enter other types of vehicles.

Moreover, there are still several models of Bentley Group that have not come in, nor has its ally Yulon Group. This time, as long as Baodao lifts investment restrictions on Baodao’s business community, Yulong Group is their opportunity. Other car companies do not have them Ludao Motors The company has advantages.

Mr. Chen said: "Thank you Mr. Li for your trust in Ludao Motor Company. I believe this cooperation is a win-win for both parties. Shenying special vehicles have been tested in many countries and regions, and the quality has been recognized by many governments. I believe that Shenying and Ludao’s joint venture to establish Ludao Shenying Special Vehicle Company will definitely not bury the reputation of Shenying Special Vehicles.”

Now the fire trucks of Bentley Group are designated by the governments of Baodao, Xiangjiang, Yinglun, Thailand, Kuala Lumpur, Brunei, the Philippines, Singapore and other regions to purchase products, and its high-quality products have been affirmed and recognized by all parties.

Then the two sides also discussed the issue of Baodao auto parts. At present, Ludao mainly needs to establish a car matching industry that complements Baodao. This will deepen the cooperation between the two parties and be more conducive to the development of Ludao's auto parts industry.

When talking about the issue of Yulon Group, Li Guangyu said: "President Wu Shunwen also hopes to develop Yulon Group to the mainland, but at present, Baodao still has some restrictions on them, so they are also powerless, but I believe it will not happen. How long will there be no major restrictions on mutual exchanges and investment between the business communities on both sides of the strait, and Yulon Automobile will inevitably choose a mainland joint venture to allow Yulon Automobile to enter the mainland market.”

Yulon Motors is currently a low-end brand. In the future, the main market will be the mainland, Eastern Europe, Southeast Asia, South America and other markets, especially the mainland market. They must not miss it.

With the influence of Li Guangyu, whether it is Heung Kong Capital or Formosa Capital, they value the mainland market more, and whenever they have the opportunity, they will try their best to let their industries enter the mainland.

Chief Chen still admires Wu Shunwen very much. After the death of her husband Yan Qingling, as a woman, she has resisted such a large industry and developed the Yulong Group even larger. This is not something ordinary people can do.

Now in Baodao, the Gu family in Lugang, the Lin family in Datong, the Yan family in Yulong, and the Gao family in the unified group are called the four new generation families in Baodao, and their strength far exceeds that of other families in Baodao.

Chief Chen also knew why this happened, and it was inseparable from Li Guangyu. This guy not only made a lot of money in his own business, but he was also very good at motivating his allies.

Whether it is these allies on the Xiangjiang side or the allies on Baodao, their wealth has risen rapidly over the years, and those who used to be able to compete with them or even beat them are now far behind them.

He said aloud: "Our Fujian Province welcomes the business community of Baodao to invest, and we are also willing to enter into a joint venture with Yulong Group in the automobile industry to promote the common development of our two places."

Li Guangyu also intends to let the Yulon Group and Ludao Motor Company form a joint venture, otherwise he would not have mentioned so much. Currently, Baodao is accelerating the government to allow Baodao business circles to invest freely in the mainland. With Lin Xianggang and the others in the government's proposal , with Gu Zhenfu, Lin Tingsheng and others echoing outside, Li Guangyu believes that a breakthrough will be made soon, and Ludao will be the first place for these capitals to invest.

In the previous life, Ludao's economy was not as good as Licheng in the province. In the plan, you need to believe that with his butterfly effect, Ludao's economy in this life will no longer face such a predicament. Seize the top spot in the province.

Later, Li Guangyu also discussed investment issues in other industries with the chief of the Fujian Provincial Party Committee. The focus was on the distribution of several major retail industries in Fujian Province. As for the petrochemical industry, Li Guangyu's current focus is still in Guangdong Province, followed by Jiangsu Province, and then Zhejiang Province. , Fujian Province will be ranked behind these.


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