Chapter 1199

On the morning of the 28th, although the Spring Festival was approaching, for the normal operation of the Latin American market, major companies in Hong Kong dispatched a number of managers to Sao Paulo to take over the affairs there.

Li Guangyu and Cao Weiqing specially held a send-off ceremony for them in the third conference hall of Wheelock Building, and many executives and presidents of the Lee Consortium attended.

This time there was a lot of management involved. The total number of people in the major groups exceeded 80, including the heads of the headquarters of the entire Latin American region and the heads of affairs of Li's Industries in some Latin American countries.

At the farewell meeting, Li Guangyu said aloud: "The Spring Festival is only less than 20 days away. At this time, for the development of Li's industry in Latin America, you can give up staying in Xiangjiang to reunite with your family during the New Year. My sincere thanks to all of you.”

With the assistance of the staff in the secret room, Chen Dong and the others investigated very quickly, and some people could not bear the pressure and reported to each other, so the results there were very remarkable, but it also showed that the management of the entire Latin American region was broken. From the above In the next step, they will either integrate into Sun Shoutao's and their corrupt circle, or they will be wise and safe, regardless of this.

This time, Li Guangyu and the others are determined to carry out a major shake-up in the Latin American region. The various groups in Xiangjiang will dispatch their own elite personnel to the Latin American region, vowing to reverse the current situation in the Latin American region.

The staff present who are about to go to Latin America are extremely excited. In the past ten years, the Li Family Group has never held a send-off party for employees going to other places like this. They are the first batch to enjoy such an honor.

Among the 80 people here, the highest level is only the twelfth level, which is considered very high outside, but the real high-level inside the Li's consortium is just the existence of the tail of the crane.

And now, members of the Xiangjiang executive team and several presidents saw them off together, and Li Guangyu personally expressed his thanks to them. This kind of treatment was something they had never thought of, and they were very moved.

This time they were transferred to the Latin American region, many of them voluntarily, and many of them were promoted because of this, so it is right to give up celebrating the Spring Festival in Xiangjiang, after all, their salary has improved.

After the applause stopped, Li Guangyu continued: "This time you are shouldering heavy responsibilities. The business ecology of the Latin American region has been completely destroyed by some management led by Sun Shoutao, which has caused extremely bad effects on many of our companies in the local area.

I hope that after you arrive in Latin America, you can actively cooperate with Mr. Guo Fengtao's work, reverse the image of our company in the local area as soon as possible, strictly abide by the rules and regulations of the company, so that our company can achieve better and better development in the local area. "

These people are very clear about the situation in the Latin American region. The major groups under Li's group will use this as a lesson when they hold meetings these days, requiring each company and headquarters to actively conduct self-examination, and at the same time strengthen the integrity education of the management.

This is the largest incident involving a group that has harmed the interests of the company since the establishment of the Li's consortium, and it is also the first incident that a person at the president level has participated in it.

At the same time, this incident also allowed many managers of the Lee Consortium to see the fighting power of the secret room. This time, it can be said that the secret room overturned it on the side of the Latin American region, and many evidences were directly provided by the secret room staff. .

Now the secret room is a pair of eyes above them, the management, watching them in the dark at all times. It's okay if there is no ghost in your heart, otherwise you have to worry about whether they will be discovered by the staff in the secret room at any time.

After all, the inspection department is in the open, which is very easy to deal with, but the personnel in the secret room are hidden in the dark, and they don't know who is the staff in the secret room. I don't know if he is a member of the secret room.

This time, the secret room can be said to have become famous in the first battle. In the past, many managers thought that the secret room was more of a decoration. It has not affected it for more than a year, and the secret room has no achievements that can be achieved.

But now the secret room has a great deterrent effect on the senior management of the Li's consortium. Those managers who want to damage the company's interests and enrich their own pockets have to worry about whether there are secret room personnel watching them secretly.

This made them dare not reach out at will. After all, the Li's consortium has a large development platform and a very good salary, so it is not worth it.

Zhou Xiaoning said at the meeting: "Our financial personnel must conscientiously perform their duties. You are the most important line of defense in charge of industrial assets. We can't just do the accounts well. You also need to understand whether the accounts are reasonable and the prices are reasonable. Whether it is normal or not, if there is any doubt, it should be raised, and the declarer should come up with a reasonable explanation.

You have to remember that your financial personnel are not responsible for your high-level, you are responsible for our Li's industry, you are directly under the financial department of the superior, you are not the direct management subordinates of the person in charge of the company at the same level, but the financial department of the company at the same level management and supervisors.

Finances that have no reasonable explanation for everything can never be done, nor can finances whose prices do not conform to the market, nor can reimbursements that violate company regulations. If the person in charge of a company at the same level greets you, you should immediately report to the higher-level financial department. Our superiors Will take care of this. "

This time, if Chen Dong's inspection department is the most dereliction of duty, then their finance department is the second dereliction of duty. The financial department is also to blame for such a serious situation in the Latin American region.

The financial management of Li's industry has always been relatively independent, the same as the inspection department, legal department, security department, and secret room. These departments are directly under the superior department, and the personnel arrangement and transfer are also the responsibility of the superior department and their headquarters.

However, this time in the Latin American region, many managers of their finance department also participated in it, which also had an extremely important impact on their finance department.

You must know that the heads of the major groups have long hoped to take these major departments into their own hands, especially their finance department, and the presidents of the major groups have always been unwilling.

As soon as this incident broke out, some presidents once again proposed at the meeting that the jurisdiction of several major outbound companies should be under their own jurisdiction, so as to better achieve integration.

Fortunately, Li Guangyu did not agree here. The reason why these major departments are directly under their jurisdiction is to limit the power of the presidents of major groups and independent companies. This is also the fundamental guarantee for Li Guangyu to control the Li's consortium.

Only with the existence of these major departments can the balance of the Li family consortium be achieved, and the power of the president below will not be too large to cause an uncontrollable situation.

Then Zhou Xiaoning, Li Xuelan, Du Yuemei and Yuan Tianfan also gave speeches respectively.

Cao Weiqing was the last one to speak, and she said aloud: "I know that many of them have joined Li's company as soon as they graduated. This work has lasted for many years. This time you are an expedition to open up the market for our Li's industry. I Here I wish everyone success in their work, and please believe that our Li family will not treat meritorious officials badly, and I believe that in the future, the senior management of the Li family will definitely have you."

After Cao Weiqing's voice fell, it also marked the end of the farewell party. The two buses outside the Wheelock Building were already waiting for them. After they boarded the bus, they went straight to the airport. The chartered flight over there was also waiting for them. It's ready.


(End of this chapter)

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