Through the wealth life

Chapter 1211 Helpless

Chapter 1211 Helpless
Li Guangyu is still focusing on the Hsinchu Science and Technology Park and the Xiangjiang High-tech Park, focusing on investing in these industries to promote the development of high-tech enterprises in these two places.

In the future, he will focus on investing in some industries in the mainland. He will only make a little money in the United States. It is simply a dream to want to control those companies there. When he is strong, he will reason with you. When he is not strong enough to compete Just play hooligans with you.

When there is a real crisis, the Greater China region is the safest for him. Who knows if other places will lose his assets directly one day.

Money can be earned in other markets, but they can never be used as their foundation. Li Guangyu has only one core, and that is the Greater China region, and the most core is Xiangjiang.

This is also the reason why he led a group of people to build so many colleges and universities, and made the price increase in the property market in Xiangjiang reasonable, leading Hong Kong enterprises to go out.

Only when Xiangjiang has been prosperous and stable can his industry be able to maintain stability, and now Xiangjiang is doing well.

Since Jiayi Mainland Cinema Company was put into operation on July 7 last year, it has achieved very good benefits in this year, and it has also played a good role in promoting the local economy.

Therefore, Jiayi Cinema once again ushered in expansion in the mainland, this time from the original Pengcheng and Shanghai stock market to now include Huacheng, Ludao, Yongcheng, Jinling, Jinmen, Qindao, Hangzhou, Quancheng, Rongcheng , Bencheng and more than ten cities.

This also allows Xiangjiang Films to rely on the mainland market and prevent Xiangjiang Films from declining.

Not long after Sun Jianping left, Li Guangyu received a call from Zhang Ziyu, which made him lose his good mood today because of the stock market rebound.

If he doesn't handle it well this time, he will face a very serious crisis. He didn't expect that he would be targeted by the G[-] even though he was only focused on making a little money.

Fortunately, his current influence in England is not bad, and the British government has revealed some news to Zhang Ziyu in advance, otherwise the trouble will be even greater then.

At present, the vast majority of Li Guangyu's enterprises are British-owned enterprises, so the British government's side is not bad at present, and the industries of the Lee Consortium can also expand in the Commonwealth market with confidence.

Li Guangyu said on the phone: "Ziyu, what is the attitude of the British government?"

"Last night, the Prime Minister specifically told me about the issue of the Donghua Trading Company. She hoped that our Donghua Trading Company would stop bartering transactions, and at the same time stop trading grain to Warsaw Pact members, and she hoped that we would stop trading grain from China. countries to purchase oil."

Li Guangyu was extremely angry when he heard these clauses. This was basically to cut off his trade with Warsaw Pact member countries. Donghua Trading Company is mainly engaged in trade in this area now, so what would he do if all these were stopped.

And in terms of oil, the prices offered by the Warsaw Pact member states are more than one-third lower than the market. They do not allow themselves to import from here, but buy from Saudi Arabia, Kuwait and other places at high prices.

After pondering for a while, Li Guangyu said, "If we continue to maintain this kind of trade, what is the plan of the Group of Seven?"

Zhang Ziyu naturally asked about this matter, and she conveyed to Li Guangyu exactly what the Prime Minister of England said.

"If our Donghua Trading Company continues not to stop, our Donghua Trading Company will be blacklisted by the Group of Seven. You must know that our Donghua Trading Company is registered in Xiangjiang, which directly declares Donghua Trading Company to be a death sentence. In addition, various countries will impose a series of sanctions, which will affect our other companies.

For example, China Shipping Group, Hengyu Supermarket Group, Xiangjiang Petrochemical Group, Nanhua Food and Beverage Group, Tianyu Financial Group, etc.

We cannot afford such a price. We must know that the G[-] market currently accounts for one-third of our current market, and the profit is close to one-half. This price is too great. "

At present, the major single markets are mainly the Group of Seven countries. If the markets in these regions are lost, it will definitely be a catastrophe for the Li Group. The barter transaction mode.

The purpose of the Group of Seven is obvious now, which is to bring down the Soviet Union economically. As long as the internal economy of the Warsaw Pact countries gets worse, the more voices for change in their countries, they will be able to launch the next action to bring down all these countries. On their side, let this deadly enemy who has been against them for decades completely fall apart.

If Li's consortium is allowed to do this, the scale of transactions between the two parties will become larger and larger, and its internal economy will be stable at that time, and its reforms will be smooth and transitional, then their previous plans will be in vain.

It’s okay if Li Guangyu agrees this time. If he disagrees, don’t blame them for being unruly. Large-scale trade with the member states of the United States.

Li Guangyu said: "Ziyu, you have been communicating with the British government, especially Thatcher, in the past two days. You tell them that we can agree not to barter, but we should not be restricted in terms of trade, and they have not. The right to let us buy high-priced things instead of low-priced ones."

"Li Sheng, I don't think it will be of much use this time. As you know, the Group of Seven has always regarded the members of the Warsaw Pact as the biggest threat. They have been weakening or even disintegrating the strength of the members of the Warsaw Pact. Our Donghua Trade The company obviously sabotaged their plan, and this time I'm afraid they will forcefully suppress us, especially the United States, this time it was proposed there."

Naturally, Li Guangyu knew that this matter might not be so easy to settle. He might be forced to choose to temporarily suspend the current transaction and learn some practices of European and American consortiums, so as not to be targeted specifically.

It's just that he still hopes to communicate with the British government and get more useful information from them. As for the trade with the Warsaw Pact countries, Li Guangyu can only find another way.

Now the main thing is that there are too many companies on the bright side. In addition to the Donghua Trading Company, the companies involved in the transaction with the Warsaw Pact, the China Shipping Group is responsible for transportation, and the Hengyu Supermarket Group is responsible for warehousing and transportation of Western European products, food The beverage group is purchasing grain, the petrochemical group is accepting oil from Eastern Europe, and the Tianyu Financial Group is responsible for the transaction account funds.

That's why the G[-] has a reason to target these groups. You must know that the United States has not canceled the export restrictions on grain to the Soviet Union, and Canada has also adopted measures to restrict exports.

In recent years, the grain imports of the Soviet Union were mainly imported from South American countries, such as Argentina.

Not here, Li Guangyu had no choice but to establish a new company in the mainland, supplying goods to the Soviet Union directly from the northeast of the mainland. Anyway, that company was only responsible for the transactions between the mainland and the Soviet Union, and Li Guangyu was not afraid of the G[-] blocking this company.

As for the issue of importing oil and natural gas, Li Guangyu will discuss with high-level officials to see if there is any way to avoid the restrictions imposed by the G[-] and even NATO member countries. The cost will soar by one-third, and it feels a little uncomfortable to have money but not make money.


(End of this chapter)

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