Through the wealth life

Chapter 1212 Destiny Has Already Doomed

Chapter 1212 Destiny Has Already Doomed
After Li Guangyu hung up Zhang Ziyu's phone call, he ordered Gan Qintong's executive team members in Xiangjiang and the presidents of Xiangjiang to hold a meeting in the third conference hall at 10:[-] tomorrow morning. At the same time, he asked Gan Qinglin and Xie Tao to rush back to Xiangjiang to attend the meeting.

In the conference room on the second day, Gan Qin described the situation facing Donghua Trading Company to the high-level people present.

Anger, unwillingness, and helplessness filled their hearts. They knew that the G[-] was determined to take action this time, and they could only be forced to accept it. There were only one or two forces that could withstand the joint sanctions of the G[-], and they could bear it. The loss is also very large.

For the Li's consortium, if they want to avoid too much loss of interests, they can only follow the rules of the Group of Seven.

Li's consortium has no capital to resist, not to mention their Li's consortium, except for a few countries, whoever faces the sanctions of the G[-] can only make concessions to a certain extent.

The Li's consortium is fine with money, but force is not worth mentioning at all, and this is not the beginning of the century, and now there is no place for the Li's consortium to build a big force, let alone develop various weapons.

If the Li's consortium were to establish a small force, the Group of Seven would be even happier. In this way, the Li's consortium can only rely on a big country to survive. At that time, the Li's consortium will inevitably purchase various weapons for safety, and it will also need to ask for garrisons, otherwise it will not protect at all. Can not own safety.

And if the Lee Consortium establishes a small country in a certain place, they can sanction it for any reason, such as chemical weapons, nuclear weapons, or supporting evil forces.

On the contrary, it is not easy for them to manage the current Li's consortium. Now the Li's consortium has great influence. These countries are also known as democratic countries. The Li's consortium has a lot of employees in their country. There is also a world-class consortium under the Lee consortium.

And they also need to consider the special position of Xiangjiang, and the attitude of the mainland government. At this time, they are going all out to deal with the Warsaw Pact, and they all want to enter the mainland market. It will not affect the development of their enterprises entering the mainland.

And Li Guangyu in Xiangjiang, they can't just give him a label, after all, those labels are for the country and the region, and are of little use to the businessman.

As for supporting evil forces, they really didn't dare to detain Li Guangyu casually. They were also worried that Li Guangyu would mishandle the money and issue high rewards around the world, and they would kill their key personnel, which would cause them trouble. Willing to live in terror at any time, the consortium behind the Group of Seven will not let them do so.

The reason why the United States was able to persuade the Group of Seven to take action against Donghua Trading Company this time was mainly because Donghua Trading Company threatened the fundamental interests of the Group of Seven.

You must know that in the past few decades, in order to cope with the pressure of the Warsaw Pact member states, these countries have borne huge military expenditures every year, and they have to worry about the coming of war at any time. For this reason, they have been thinking about dismembering the Warsaw Pact member states , to reduce the threat to them from Warsaw Pact members, especially the Soviet Union.

Now the changes within the Warsaw Pact member countries have surprised them very much. The new leaders are also willing to communicate with their G[-], and some policies are developing in the direction they want.

It was only last year that Donghua Trading Company began to increase trade with Warsaw Pact member countries, especially the barter trade, which relieved some of the shortage of living materials in the Warsaw Pact countries and eased some internal conflicts. .

In the first half of this year, things intensified. In just half a year, bilateral trade exceeded 60 billion US dollars. This has already exceeded the bilateral trade volume of some countries in the G[-] and the mainland. How can this make them feel at ease.

They are very aware of the strength of the Li's consortium. If they don't come out to stop it, they believe that the bilateral trade can reach 60 billion US dollars in the first half of the year, break through 200 billion in the second half of the year, and reach [-] billion US dollars in the whole year.

In particular, Xiangjiang Petrochemical Group has completed the construction of oil storage bases in Xiangjiang, Goose City, Pengcheng, Huacheng, Shanghai, Beijing, and Jinmen, and many gas stations in these areas have been put into use.

Xiangjiang Petrochemical Group has more demand for crude oil and refined oil products, and China Gas has also penetrated into the mainland. At present, it has established Pengcheng Gas Company with the Pengcheng government, which has also increased their demand for natural gas.

Let the Li's consortium use the resources of the Warsaw Pact countries to supply the mainland market. If this continues, it is possible for the bilateral trade to reach 1000 billion US dollars in the future.

But with such a market, an economic foundation, and the guarantee of living supplies provided by the Lee Consortium, the pressure on the reform of the Soviet Union will be much less by then, and their plan of the Group of Seven will definitely not be realized.

Gan Qinglin is the most lost member here. The Donghua Trading Company has just started to make efforts, and his relationship chain there has just formed. As a result, he encountered such a thing. He knew it very well in his heart, and this basically announced that Donghua Trading The company's death sentence, at least until Eastern Europe has not undergone major changes, Donghua Trading Company will not have much future.

Originally, he also hoped to do a big job in the future to improve his status in the Li's consortium, but he didn't expect to encounter such a situation before he took action, and his heart was also full of unwillingness.

He really wanted to say that this is a normal commercial trade, so that Li Guangyu doesn’t need to care about it, but he is not that ignorant, whether it is a normal commercial trade or not, sometimes it is not determined by trade law regulations, some governments believe that you have violated its regulations, Sanctions should be imposed on them, even if they win the lawsuit at that time, they will lose. After all, the sanction order will not wait for anyone.

And if the Group of Seven freezes their domestic funds, the trouble will be even greater, which will be a fatal blow to the Lee consortium.

Li's consortium can only make concessions on their own, they don't have the strength to go head-to-head with the Group of Seven.

It is only because the Soviet Union is too strong that the Group of Seven is so united in this matter. Otherwise, the United States would not be able to easily persuade the other six countries to suppress the Li's consortium.

As the first executive officer of the executive team, Du Yuemei said: "From the meaning revealed by the British government, our Donghua Trading Company must stop, otherwise in order to bring down the Warsaw Pact member countries, they will definitely not be soft on us, even if they It does not hesitate to suffer some economic losses.

After all, the members of the Warsaw Pact have been a mountain on their heads for decades. They will never allow any strength to help this mud-footed giant out of the quagmire. Whoever helps is their enemy. Now our Donghua Trading Company clearly Their bottom line has been touched. "

The world is like this. Don’t think that you can trade freely just by doing business normally. That’s really overthinking. There are many protection mechanisms and restriction mechanisms in various countries, such as Batumi, which clearly defines many restrictions. Which one is violating Their regulations will become the target of joint sanctions by the signatory countries of Batumi.

Afterwards, many executives expressed their opinions and temporarily gave up such transactions with the Warsaw Pact countries. The fate of the Warsaw Pact member countries was already doomed, and the Lee Consortium could not intervene.

The decline of the Warsaw Pact countries and the reality of this organization are what any force except the Warsaw Pact member countries would like to see. The existence of this huge force is a huge threat to any party.


(End of this chapter)

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