Through the wealth life

Chapter 1214 Representatives from 7 Countries Visit

Chapter 1214 Representatives from Seven Countries Visit

How to avoid the Group of Seven and continue to trade with the Warsaw Pact member countries has not been negotiated a good way, but the end of the Donghua Trading Company's barter trading method has been decided.

At the same time, they are also waiting for news from Zhang Ziyu, deciding on the follow-up approach, and seeing what the Group of Seven is going to do.

Before Li Guangyu could wait for the report from Zhang Ziyu, he welcomed Toshihide Iwasaki from the Japanese Mitsubishi consortium, Koniz Stillman, the vice chairman of the board of directors of First Citibank, the Duke of Westminster from England, and the Agnelli family from Italy. Umberto Agnelli and others jointly visited.

This is a very powerful delegation, and its own strength is quite terrifying, not to mention that they still represent their own domestic government this time.

This time they came here to stand up for the G[-]. If the Li consortium is unwilling to accept some of their conditions, then the G[-] meeting held in Japan will formally discuss the sanction plan for the Li consortium.

The reason why they came to Xiangjiang to discuss with Li Guangyu in such a grand manner this time was mainly because the strength of the Li family consortium was enough for them to offer such courtesy.

In terms of economy, the Lee Consortium is stronger than many countries. As far as these forces are concerned, Mitsubishi and First Citigroup are still qualified to compete with the Li Consortium. Representatives of other families and consortia are not qualified to compete with Li's consortium, even the Duke of Westminster's family is the same.

In the past half a year, the number of employees of the Li's consortium holding company has officially exceeded 100 million, and the number of employees in the United States has exceeded 10, England has 7 employees, Canada has more than 5, and France has more than 2 employees. [-] employees, less in Japan, but because of its location in Asia, the media under the Lee consortium has a great influence on it.

Although West Germany and Italy have less business and only a few thousand employees, these two countries are unwilling to fight with the Lee Consortium, so they also arrange representatives of important forces to come and discuss with it.

The G[-] governments just want to block the trade between the Lee Consortium and the Warsaw Pact countries, they don't want to drive the Lee Consortium's industry out of their country.

In addition to the impact of the stock market crash last year, except for Japan, the other six countries are still paying for it. The domestic economic situation is not very good. Once Li Guangyu chooses to completely shut down these enterprises, there will inevitably be great turmoil within them.

At that time, if the Li's consortium fanned the flames behind, the government would be very passive. After all, the employment situation in various countries is very severe now, and it can be resolved peacefully. They are not willing to take too much risk and fight against the Li's consortium.

Of course, if the Li Consortium is unwilling to make concessions, then they cannot be blamed. At that time, public opinion will side with their government, and the problem will be solved easily.

In the Sixth Conference Hall of Wheelock Building, Li Guangyu, Cao Weiqing, Chen Dong, Yuan Tianfan, Qing Hong, Li Xuelan, and Gan Qin met with these representatives.

After the two parties sat down, Li Guangyu said aloud: "The arrival of Mr. Iwasaki, Mr. Stillman and Mr. Agnelli today really surprised me! I don't know what is the reason why everyone is so mobilized to come here? "

They were also a little speechless about Li Guangyu's pretending not to know anything here. They didn't believe that Li Guangyu hadn't received any news.

As the leader of this battle, Iwasaki Toshihide didn't want to pretend to be with Li Guangyu either. It's better to be straightforward about this matter. You must know that the four northern islands have always been a pain for them in Japan, and they never gave up the idea of ​​​​taking them back.

Only when the Warsaw Pact and the Soviet Union collapsed, would they have a chance to take back the four northern islands. This time, they would not let the Lee Consortium destroy their plan. They must promote drastic changes in the Warsaw Pact member countries.

He said aloud: "Mr. Li, I also believe that you understand the current world situation very well. The maintenance of the current development of the Warsaw Pact member countries is in the interests of all of us, and it is also in the interests of your mainland. A strong Warsaw Pact organization is of great importance to the world. None of this is beneficial, it will only increase the risk of a global war, and I hope that Mr. Li can stop in time to avoid causing huge harm to the people of the world by helping the evildoers."

Li Guangyu was speechless. Now that the Warsaw Pact organization has become synonymous with evil in Iwasaki Toshihide's mouth, Li Guangyu's trade with the other party seemed to be a heinous thing.

Yuan Tianfan said: "Mr. Iwasaki, as far as we know, the countries behind you, the Group of Seven, have been increasing their loans to the Soviet Union in the past few years. You are wholeheartedly trying to help the Soviet Union out of its predicament. All the trade restrictions have been cancelled, if you want to say its harm, I am afraid that the harm of you directly lending money is even greater."

Koniz Stillman of the First Citibank said: "I'm afraid you have some misunderstandings. Although there are many reports from various circles that our Group of Seven supports the reform of the Soviet Union, at present we do not have a single amount of funds in the past, at least in the Warsaw Pact. Before the member states and the Soviet Union have made substantial changes, the support we give will always be lip service.

On the contrary, it is Mr. Li who is causing us a lot of headaches. Seeing that the other party is almost unable to hold on, you have given them a large amount of blood transfusion. This has made it impossible for us to proceed with many negotiations between the G[-] and the Soviet Union.

That's why we came here this time to persuade Mr. Li to avoid any unpleasant incidents between Mr. Li and the governments of the seven countries. We also don't want our friendship of nearly ten years to be ruined because of some trivial matters. "

Of course Li Guangyu is aware of the virtues of the Group of Seven countries, which are all hype, but it is impossible to ask them to give actual support. Now the Soviet Union is facing such a situation. The benefits promised by the Group of Seven countries are numerous. Just didn't see actual support.

Let the deteriorating economy within the Soviet Union continue to force the Soviet Union to make concessions in order to achieve their goal of reforming or even dismembering the Soviet Union.

Li Guangyu said: "Both of us are aware of the current situation. Many things can be clarified without trade rules. We are all the same kind of people. Please talk about your opinions. I hope you will not go too far. Those who know that I cannot accept Do not mention the conditions."

Those present are all at the helm of families and consortiums. Many things don’t need to be so hypocritical. They are not politicians. It’s useless to say that they are for the world or for the people. The eyes are always on whether it is beneficial to oneself.

Iwasaki Toshihide was very familiar with Li Guangyu's character, and he didn't want to hypocritically talk about it with Li Guangyu, which should be something they should do between the G[-] and Soviet politicians.

He said aloud: "Mr. Li, we don't have to pursue the trade orders signed by Donghua Trading Company before. We hope that from today, your Donghua Trading Company can temporarily stop purchasing products from Warsaw Pact member countries. Mr. Lee does not provide food to Warsaw Pact members.

As for other trade, it is your own business. We believe that the governments of various countries will not interfere with the normal operation of enterprises. "

Li Guangyu had expected this for a long time, but after they were prohibited from buying products from Warsaw Pact member countries, Donghua Trading Company’s business basically disappeared. The Warsaw Pact country did not have much foreign exchange, and the other party would not often do.

The Group of Seven is also ruthless enough. Knowing that the Soviet Union is short of food, it also restricts countries from exporting it.


(End of this chapter)

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