Chapter 1219

The next morning, it was the day of the land auction in Shanghai, and the presidents or general managers of many real estate companies from Xiangjiang, Lisboa, Baodao and Southeast Asia went to attend.

Li Guangyu and Cao Weiqing visited Shanghai together, and went to Cao’s villa, which was built in 1925 and was purchased by Cao Weiqing’s grandfather in 1934. When Cao Wenjin returned to Shanghai in 1980, the villa was restored again. It was returned to the Cao family. Later, the Cao family redecorated it to keep it as it was in the 30s. The housekeeper and bodyguards of the Cao family are specially looking after it.

Because they attended the welcome banquet last night, they rested directly in the suite of Jiuhua Hotel. Today, Cao Wenjin will attend the land auction, so Li Guangyu and Cao Weiqing returned here.

The Cao family was a wealthy businessman in Shanghai at that time, and Cao Weiqing’s grandmother also opened a jewelry store on Nanjing Road in Shanghai. This villa was also where the Cao family lived at that time.

Not to mention anything else, just this villa, the future is beyond the reach of countless people.

However, Li Guangyu is not interested in hoarding these things. He can just do a good job in the development of his own industry now. Although the profits here are also good, there is no need for him to participate in it.

Today's auctions are relatively harmonious. Li Guangyu and the others basically don't compete for land in Puxi. Other real estate groups see that Zhao Qianyin and Li Guobao are eyeing the land in Pudong. They will not continue to compete with each other when the price reaches a certain level. Groups such as Starlight Properties, Chinese Land, Sun Hung Kai and others robbed.

This year they are finally able to get richer. Adding the 15 billion yesterday, this land transfer has increased their income by more than 23 billion yuan, directly doubling their annual financial income.

At the afternoon meeting, after listening to the report on land transfer, he said aloud: "We are not only concerned about the transfer of land, we also need to pay close attention to the start of projects. Only when these projects start construction can our economy be able to To really pull it up, the mere transfer of land does not have much effect on our economy, and this should not be the focus of our attention.

Our relevant departments here must do a good job in docking, strive for these funds to come in early, and build early. At the same time, we must do a good job in the service work of these companies, especially the approval of various procedures. We need to implement more multi-department one-stop services. Shorten the approval time of these companies and let these companies really move. "

Said: "Mr. Jiang, we will do a good job in the docking work in this area. This land transfer has basically saturated our commercial land construction in the past two years. I personally think that in the next one or two years we will pay more attention to the acceleration of the companies that buy land. Building, rather than focusing on land transfers to get funds, I don’t think it’s appropriate to have a land auction followed by a year or two.”

Agreed to the proposal, the most important thing is to focus on economic construction. If the government only wants to transfer land to increase government finances, it is completely putting the cart before the horse and is not conducive to the economic construction of the city.

Now the focus is still on the completion and operation of these projects. When these projects are truly implemented, they are more effective than ten auctions held by the government, but the sale of land will not create much social value. Only when these projects are put into construction and operation can they provide more. jobs, and at the same time drive the development of the upstream and downstream industrial chains.

Chief Jiang said: "The main investment this time is Heung Kong Capital. We must pay attention to Heung Kong Capital. The reason why Guangdong Province has been developing faster and faster over the past ten years is the result of Heung Kong Capital's investment in the past ten years.

Especially in Pengcheng, the growth rate of regional GDP has ranked first in the country every year for these years. If we don't speed up our development, our economic position as the first city in the country's inland cities may not be guaranteed in the future. "

Over the years, the speed of economic development in Pengcheng has been extremely astonishing, making countless cities feel envious and shocked. At the same time, Pengcheng is also one of the cities with the most headquarters of multinational companies in the Mainland.

In Pengcheng, there are now two group headquarters listed on the Hong Kong Stock Exchange. At the same time, the mainland headquarters of world-class companies in Pengcheng also has Starlight Real Estate Group, Nanhua Food and Beverage Group, Phoenix Group, Xingyu Game Group, and Xiangyu Culture. Group, Jinlin Toys Group, Hongyu Clothing Group, Feiyu Group, Xinglin Group, etc.

If they do not strengthen the work of attracting investment in the Shanghai stock market, it will be really hard to say in the future. Although their current Shanghai stock market has many advantages and the geographical location is better than Pengcheng, but this cannot stand the speed of the other party's development. If Xiangjiang and even Capital from all over the world is constantly pouring into Pengcheng, and it is not impossible for Pengcheng to overtake them.

This time, they also hope to use the business center built by Li Guangyu and others to introduce more multinational companies to put their mainland headquarters in Shanghai and strengthen the economic construction of Shanghai's headquarters.

At the same time, they are also conducting research on the issue of the stock market, hoping that the exchanges in the mainland can be placed in the Shanghai stock market. They know that Pengcheng is also planning to put the exchange in Pengcheng. This time they will definitely not be able to do so in this regard. Lost the initiative.

Said: "Mr. Jiang, we will organize the docking with various enterprises here. We also hope to strengthen the liaison organization of Xiangjiang in Shanghai Stock Exchange and establish a liaison office for Xiangjiang affairs to facilitate the communication between Shanghai Stock Exchange and Xiangjiang in the future."

If it wasn't because the conditions did not permit, he would directly suggest establishing an office in Xiangjiang, but unfortunately Xiangjiang is not in the mainland, they can't establish an office, so he can only settle for the next best thing, hoping to establish a business liaison office, so that they can be more Good communication with entrepreneurs and high-level executives over there in Xiangjiang.

In the past ten years of reform and opening up, Heung Kong Capital has attracted the most foreign investment in the Mainland. It can be said that Heung Kong Capital was the leader in the early stage of reform and opening up. Up to now, more than 75% of the foreign capital in the Mainland has come from Heung Kong companies.

This is also the reason why the Shanghai Municipal Government hopes to strengthen communication with Xiangjiang. Guangdong Province has already established an office related to Xiangjiang, which is mainly responsible for communication and cooperation with Xiangjiang.

At present, the Shanghai Stock Exchange does not have such a special department, and the communication with Xiangjiang has to go through several hands, and the communication between the two parties is quite troublesome.

After thinking about it for a while, Chief Jiang said: "You guys should make a report on this matter. At that time, I will propose that our Shanghai Stock Exchange can establish a department that communicates directly with Xiangjiang to promote the economic development of our Shanghai Stock Exchange."

Afterwards, arrangements were made regarding compensation for land expropriation and the relocation and resettlement of the masses, requiring relevant departments to make compensation in accordance with government regulations, and to do a good job in explaining to the masses to ensure that the land can be handed over to major companies as scheduled.

In this regard, the government is more confident. This time, Guo Qingya has already expressed her position on behalf of the Li Family Consortium. When it comes to the people in Yangsi Town, Hengyu Supermarket Group, South China Electric Chain Group, and Xiangjiang Petrochemical Group will give priority to recruitment.

The salaries and benefits of these major groups in the Shanghai stock market are very good. They believe that the people in Yangsi Town are very willing to work in these groups.

Their government now only needs to arrange compensation work. The expropriation and relocation put little pressure on the government.


(End of this chapter)

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