Through the wealth life

Chapter 1220 Wang Jimin

Chapter 1220 Wang Jimin

That night, Li Guangyu met with the executive deputy chief executive who came from afar, and the two sides had some communication on the economic development of Suzhou Province.

This time, Li's consortium and its allies have invested 800 billion yuan in Shanghai to build the Shanghai CBD. This is the largest project investment introduced by the mainland since the reform and opening up. As a neighbor of the Shanghai stock market, Jiangsu Province naturally hopes to introduce capital into Suzhou. province, in order to accelerate the economic development of Suzhou Province.

At present, Li's consortium is focusing on investing in Pengcheng, Ludao, Shanghai Stock Market and Goose City. Apart from hotels and retail stores, they don't have any major investments in Jiangsu Province.

This time, Li Guangyu came to the Shanghai Stock Exchange with great difficulty. It is very close to Suzhou Province. This time is a rare opportunity, so the executive deputy chief rushed over specially, hoping to strengthen communication with Li Guangyu, and it is best to introduce some projects back. At the same time, I also came here to meet several merchants whose ancestral home is Suzhou Province.

Now all the governments in the mainland know that as long as Li Guangyu can be introduced to invest, the project will cost hundreds of millions at the very least, and tens of billions at the best. As long as the provinces have the conditions, they all hope to introduce the industries under the Li consortium. Investment, Suzhou Province is no exception.

The current officials are people who sincerely serve the local economic development and the people. They will never pretend to be noble for the sake of the so-called face. They are willing to lower their profile to actively contact these entrepreneurs, and they can take the trouble to introduce the local situation and advantages. , They never evade their own disadvantages, and try their best to persuade the introduction of foreign capital and enterprises to invest in their local area to drive local economic development.

Of course, they will never bow down to foreign capital, they will only give some policies within the prescribed range, and at the same time, they will not make the slightest concession when it comes to national interests and the interests of the masses.

It is precisely such a group of people that allowed the mainland's reform and opening up to maintain steady progress in the early stages, and laid a solid foundation for the mainland's reform and opening up.

In the living room of Jiuhua Hotel, Li Guangyu met with Cao Weiqing, Qin Jiao, Guo Qingya, Lin Yanyun, the executive deputy chief Wang Jimin, and several department heads of Suzhou Province.

Deputy Chief Wang said: "Mr. Li, thank you very much for taking the time to meet with me. I have heard many legends about Mr. Li. It is a great blessing to meet Mr. Li in person this time. I have appeared for our Chinese nation. A business genius like Mr. Li is proud and proud."

The mainland has been reforming and opening up for ten years, and Li Guangyu has also been in trouble for ten years. 1978 is a very special year for the mainland. This year, the mainland officially reformed and opened up.

And 1978 was also a special year for Li Guangyu and the Lee Consortium. Since this year, Li Guangyu and his subsidiaries have become the center of public opinion again and again.

After the mainland's reform and opening up, the economy has developed faster and faster, and the Li's consortium has become stronger and stronger since 1978. In just ten years, the Li's consortium has become one of the world's top consortiums, spanning finance, real estate, and retail. , automobiles, hotels, electronics, clothing, food and beverage, transportation, infrastructure and other industries.

No one can tell whether this seemingly unconnected two parties are intentionally arranged by God. Anyway, the current investment of the Lee Consortium in the Mainland accounts for a very high proportion of foreign investment in the Mainland, and the number one foreign investment in many cities is Li. Enterprises under the consortium.

Of course, Wang Jimin does not believe this. In his perception, the reason for this is more accidental. It is just that Li Guangyu took over the formal rapid development of the industry and the reform and opening up of the mainland in 1978. There is no causal connection.

Li Guangyu said: "I am very glad to be able to meet with Deputy Chief Wang and the heads of various departments. Suzhou's economy has achieved very good results since the reform and opening up. Our companies attach great importance to the development of Suzhou. I believe that Suzhou's future prospects will be infinitely bright." , our subsidiaries will continue to increase their investment in Suzhou Province.”

Regarding Li Guangyu's words, Wang Jimin just listened to them. There were not many practical things in it. He hoped to get some real investment back from Li Guangyu, so as to add assistance to the economic development of Suzhou Province.

Now Suzhou Province can attract the industry of the Li Family Group. One is the construction of commercial complexes. The Shanghai Stock Exchange can do this. They don’t want Yangsi Town to be so big. It’s enough to pull a Wheelock Square past. One billion RMB has been invested.

The second is the automobile industry. Now Ludao has not only reached an agreement with Bentley Group to establish Ludao Shenying Motor Company, but also established a joint venture with Yulon Group to establish Ludao Yulon Motor Company.

Their Jinling auto parts industry has a better foundation than Ludao's. Even if they can't reach a joint venture with Bentley Group, he still hopes to reach a parts supply with Bentley Group to promote the development of Jinling's auto parts industry.

The third is the petrochemical industry. Xiangjiang Petrochemical Group had visited Haizhou in Jiangsu Province at the beginning, and this time he hoped to fight for it. He hoped that Xiangjiang Petrochemical Group could establish a second production base in the mainland in Haizhou.

During the subsequent communication, Wang Jimin began to communicate with Li Guangyu about some of the projects he had prepared. He did not expect Li Guangyu to agree to all these investments, as long as he could complete one project, it would be a huge victory for Suzhou Province.

However, the result was beyond his expectations. Li Guangyu directly agreed to the investment in Wheelock Plaza, and then the executives of Wheelock Group will go to Jinling for market inspection.

Regarding the failure of joint venture automobiles, Li Guangyu has no objection to the issue of auto parts. When Bentley Group invites investment in parts, it will send invitation letters to some auto parts companies in Jinling.

What surprised him was that Li Guangyu was willing to communicate on the establishment of the second petrochemical industry base in Haizhou to serve Xiangjiang Petrochemical Group in the North China and East China markets.

Unbeknownst to Wang Jimin, Li Guangyu had long been planning to enter the Suzhou market. Apart from several municipalities directly under the Central Government and Guangdong Province, Suzhou was the next province for Li Guangyu's petrochemical industry layout.

Moreover, the petrochemical industry chain is extremely huge. One Goose City production base is simply not enough to meet the development of Xiangjiang Petrochemical Group. Xiangjiang is more of a scientific research nature and small-scale production. The second largest production base is very necessary, especially for aviation fuel. The production of Lee's consortium is very lacking in this right now.

With the continuous increase of Li Guangyu's fleet, the amount of aviation fuel consumed every day is very large. Goose City mainly supplies automobile fuel, ethylene chemicals, asphalt, and chemical fertilizers, and there is no layout of aviation fuel at all.

However, the small output of Xiangjiang alone cannot meet its needs. Zhou Zhigang, the second chemical base, had already mentioned it.

Wang Jimin said: "Thank you very much for Mr. Li's trust in our Suzhou Province. I believe our cooperation this time will be a win-win situation. We welcome your high-level executives to visit Suzhou Province at any time. We also welcome Mr. Li and his wife to our Suzhou Province. Visits and tours."

Li Guangyu said with a smile: "Thank you, Deputy Chief Wang, for your invitation. If we have time, Wei Qing and I will definitely go to Jiangsu Province to appreciate the beautiful scenery and understand the ancient charm of the ancient capital of the Six Dynasties."

It took nearly two hours for the talks between the two parties to end, and it was already past ten o'clock in the evening when Li Guangyu returned to the suite upstairs.


(End of this chapter)

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