Through the wealth life

Chapter 1222 Target Expansion

Chapter 1222 Target Expansion

Such differences within the American consortium are also caused by the interests of the major consortiums. Currently, the western consortium headed by the California consortium and the Texas consortium are in dispute with the interests of the Li consortium. host.

At present, the Microsoft operating system and the Phoenix operating system are competing for the global market, and in Western Europe and Asia, the share of the Phoenix operating system is close to that of Microsoft. You have to know how long the Phoenix operating system has been released. If this continues, Microsoft is likely to gain from the Asian market and The Western European market lost out.

Eastern Semiconductor Group has also challenged Texas Instruments and competed fiercely with Texas Instruments in many markets.

In addition, the Lee consortium and the Hsinchu Bank consortium are still entering other industries. Xinhong Technology is competing with Cisco, and Xinyu Technology is competing with Oracle. There are many high-tech enterprises in its Hsinchu Science and Technology Park and Xiangjiang High-tech Park. The technology industry is incubating, which is definitely their Silicon Valley rival.

Silicon Valley is an important investment place for the Western Consortium. Now that the two major technology parks established by the Li Consortium and its allies pose a huge threat to them, they naturally hope to suppress the Li Consortium first.

As for the Japanese consortia, the most competitive ones are Morgan, Rockefeller, Cleveland, Mellon and other consortia.

Essenke Morgan knew that they would die if they didn't work hard this time, and the western consortium was obviously unwilling to target the Japanese consortium again.

He said aloud: "Everyone, at this time, I hope that everyone can let go of the grievances and defenses between each other. Now it is a critical juncture. If these forces are not suppressed now, once the Warsaw Pact member states collapse, these forces are bound to become Our biggest competitor, I am afraid that we will not have the opportunity to continue to occupy the market in these regions."

Once there is no threat of the Warsaw Pact, no matter Western Europe, Japan or South Korea, the consortia in these regions may have other ideas. The United States is bound to become their number one opponent. At that time, de-Americanization is likely to appear everywhere.

Therefore, the US consortium and the US government have long planned that the Soviet Union can collapse, but there must be a country that poses a certain threat to Western Europe, Japan and South Korea, so that they and the United States can better control Western Europe, Japan and South Korea.

If the Soviet Union collapsed and became small countries without any threat, I am afraid that Western European countries, Japan and South Korea will immediately try to sweep them out of the American power, which they think is not allowed.

These consortiums here, Rockefeller, First Citigroup, Morgan, California, Texas and other consortiums all have their own arms companies. They don't want to lose these big customers. If there is no threat to Western Europe in Eastern Europe, their arms business will be Can't do it.

Now countries in Western Europe are jointly developing fighter jets, which can be seen as the beginning of their cooperation. Once the European Community forms an all-round cooperation alliance, and when the time comes to develop weapons with the common technology of all countries, and there is no threat to them in Eastern Europe, then the United States is likely to do so. Lose control of Western Europe.

It's a pity that these people at the helm don't have a fuel-efficient lamp. Even if they are internal alliances, they can't let go of their guards. What's more, some consortiums have tens of hundreds of years of grievances, and it is simply impossible for everyone here to work together. Impossible things, everyone is guarding against the knife that may come from behind.

Nick Giannini said: "Esenke, don't say these high-sounding words. We are not those politicians, let alone passionate youths. It is better to say something practical. For example, if you Morgan are willing to be the main force, we in California are very willing to provide help."

Essenke Morgan was a little speechless about this. If Morgan was the main force, he would not have convened everyone to discuss with Rockefeller. They are very aware of the strength of the Japanese consortium and the Lee consortium. There will be heavy losses, and maybe the current position of the consortium will be pulled down by then.

This time, he and Rockefeller hope to continue to let the joint consortium pass, so as to avoid too much loss for their family consortium, and at the same time weaken the strength of the joint consortium.

The family-type consortium on their American consortium is becoming more and more blurred. Many of its companies are jointly controlled by other consortiums, which are far less pure than the Asian consortium, especially the Li's consortium. There is only one voice in the Li's consortium's holding companies. That is Li Guangyu.

And they can't do it at all now, such as General Motors, which they Morgan and Mellon jointly control, and he still can't make a decision with one word.

Due to the great differences between the parties, Morgan and Rockefeller did not achieve the desired result in this negotiation.

However, although internal opinions are different, everyone agrees on the issue of suppressing the Japanese consortium and the Lee consortium, and all parties have reached some agreements on this.

Its plan has also undergone some adjustments. Before it was planned to only deploy the Japanese economy, but now it has added the economies of Baodao, Xiangjiang, South Korea, and Singapore. When the time comes to multi-pronged, it will inevitably cause heavy losses to the major Asian consortiums and families. Let these forces attach to them, so that no consortium in Asia will jump out to oppose them.

The Japanese consortium is the most powerful force in Asia. This time, eight consortiums including Morgan, Rockefeller, California, Texas, Cleveland, Ford, the Central Consortium, and the Southern Consortium made the move together.

Heung Kong is the foundation of the Lee consortium and its ally, the Heung Kong Bank consortium. This time, First Citigroup, Mellon, the New York consortium, and the Southeastern United consortium will jointly take action.

Formosa was sold by the DuPont consortium and several medium-sized consortiums, in South Korea by the Boston consortium and several medium-sized consortiums, and in Singapore by the Chicago consortium and several medium-sized consortia.

This time, the ten top consortiums in the United States and many medium-sized consortiums are focusing on Japan and the four Asian tigers. They want to solve the hostile forces in Asia and make the Asian capital market their back garden in the future. threat to them.

Johnny Stillman said with a smile: "This is the biggest action we have taken against the Asian capital market in the past few decades, and we are dealing with forces that have just developed for a few years except for the Japanese consortium. I hope everyone will not Stab in the back, and if we don't achieve the desired results, we will become the laughing stock of the world."

Stillman is very clear that the most difficult thing to deal with this time is Xiangjiang, which is under the charge of Citigroup and Mellon. The Lee consortium and Xiangjiang Bank consortium are very strong, and the total value of Xiangjiang's stock market is not high. They are likely to repeat the same situation as last year. Mistakes in July.

Fortunately, Li's consortium has invested heavily in various places in the past year. There are more than 100 planes alone, all of which are cash, and the group has no debt at all.

The highways and ports invested by the Jiulong Group are also under rapid construction, and they also do not have any loans.

These aspects have consumed a lot of funds of the Li's consortium, and the amount of funds in the hands of the Li's consortium should not be much now. If they have a proper layout, they still have a good chance.

The leaders of all parties promised to work together this time to suppress the major consortiums in Asia.

But how much of it can be trusted is unknown, and the competition and defense between the parties will not be reduced because of this negotiation.


(End of this chapter)

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