Through the wealth life

Chapter 1223 childhood sweethearts

Chapter 1223 childhood sweethearts
Li Guangyu didn't know that because of his butterfly effect, the American consortium's target this time was not only the Japanese economy, but also included the four Asian tigers in their attack range.

His trip to the ice city went very smoothly, and the investment of several major groups in the ice city was very welcome there, and the land price he purchased was much cheaper than that in the Shanghai stock market.

Li Guangyu and Cao Weiqing returned to Xiangjiang from Bingcheng by special plane on July 7th. As for the follow-up investment issues in the mainland, the senior management of the major groups would naturally be responsible, and he didn't need to worry about these.

Now it is the summer vacation, so the four children are at home. After seeing the car that picked up Li Guangyu and Cao Weiqing came back, the little ones immediately ran out of the house.

In a blink of an eye, Li Songtao is almost eight years old, Li Songqian and Li Songjie are almost six years old, and the youngest Li Songyi is almost three years old. Seeing these four people rushing out and constantly calling themselves and Cao Weiqing As a child, Li Guangyu's exhaustion from running around for several days also disappeared.

When they are outside, they always wear thick masks and say what they say when they meet someone. As a businessman, Li Guangyu always speaks nice things when he is outside, and he will never say anything bad. .

Only when you get home, you don't have to hide your emotions deliberately, and you don't need to wear a hypocritical mask.

Of course, now within the Li Consortium, Li Guangyu doesn't need to wear a mask to work, mainly outside.

Although Cao Weiqing also misses the children very much, as the strict mother of the family, he began to ask about the studies of several people as soon as he entered the house, especially Li Songtao, Li Songqian and Li Songjie.

Li Songtao will be in the fourth grade in September, and Li Songqian and Li Songjie will be in the second grade. Cao Weiqing has not relaxed his discipline on the children's studies.

Cao Weiqing will not let a few children study hard, but also cultivate their hands-on ability, so that children can be more creative.

In the afternoon, Cao Weiqing had to take care of the three children's studies, and Li Guangyu could only be the father, mainly taking care of Li Songyi, who was not yet three years old.

Fortunately, this guy is so big now, and now he can bring a lot, as long as he has toys and cartoons, Li Songyi will not make trouble all afternoon if he has something to watch and play.

In the living room, Wang Heyunfang came to Li Guangyu to chat with Li Guangyu about Wang Qian. Now that Wang Qian is the executive vice president of Zhonghua Electric Group, she can be said to be a high-ranking and powerful person, but she is already over 23 years old. There is still no one, and she is also a little anxious now.

Let’s talk about her at home. She always pushes her away because she has no time to be young. Wang He Yunfang knows the situation under the Li’s consortium very well. Many high-level women are in their thirties and have no one. She doesn’t want Wang Qian to be like this.

So today she specially came to talk to Li Guangyu, Wang Qian and Li Guangyu played together since childhood, if Li Guangyu can tell, maybe Wang Qian will listen.

When Wang He Yunfang mentioned this, Li Guangyu also felt a headache. In order to let these high-ranking women let go of their worries about losing their jobs after marriage, Li Guangyu's senior executives above the vice president are given annual leave for pregnancy after marriage, up to two years .

It's a pity that even so, many high-ranking women are still single at present. He Hongsen has approached him many times, asking him to persuade He Chaoqiong, and it is best to help He Chaoqiong match up.

His grandfather He Zuozhi also told him to pay more attention to He Qian, hoping that He Qian could find a good partner earlier.

Li Guangyu said: "Mom He, Wang Qian is only 23 years old now. I think we can give her a little time. After all, it is more suitable to find a marriage by myself. We others will arrange for her, even if she doesn't agree. It's unknown whether we can be happy together, so you don't have to worry too much, I'll talk to her in the next two days."

Wang He Yunfang doesn't think so. If Wang Qian is allowed to find her by herself, she doesn't know how long it will be delayed. Now this age is suitable for finding a partner, but it will be difficult when she gets older.

She said: "Wang Qian is not young now, now she is looking for a partner and getting along with her for a year or two, then it will be the right time to get married, but it will be difficult to find after a long time, now that she has grown up, her wings have hardened, We talk about her, but she won't listen, your words will probably be more useful than ours."

Li Guangyu can only agree to persuade Wang Qian as much as possible. As for the matter of arranging marriages, Li Guangyu will not do it. There are many problems in it, especially now that the mind is becoming more and more liberated, and few people who can arrange marriages can be happy. If there was a disturbance, Wang Qian would probably hate herself to death.

It's not easy for Li Guangyu to communicate with him as a man. Therefore, Li Guangyu deliberately raised this issue with Cao Weiqing at night, and asked Cao Weiqing to contact the senior management of the group's women if he had nothing to do. The high-level people have careers and lost their marriages.

Cao Weiqing was also a little speechless after hearing Li Guangyu's words. Half of the reason for the current result was Li Guangyu.

The first is that these female executives have become presidents and vice presidents of world-class group companies at a young age, which has raised their mate selection standards by N grades.

There are not many people who match their status and age, and they don't want to find a wealthy family, which makes it more difficult for them.

At the same time, there is Li Guangyu as a benchmark here. Whether it is intentional or not, these high-ranking women will always subconsciously compare the object with Li Guangyu, which is even more difficult.

What kind of benchmark is Li Guangyu? Cao Weiqing himself knows it too well. Not to mention business, there is probably no one who is better than Li Guangyu. The key is that Li Guangyu is simply a model husband. It can be said that there are only a handful of them.

If someone else was in Li Guangyu's position, I don't know how many goblins are raised outside, and there are probably many illegitimate children.

These high-ranking women want to find men who are not too different in age from themselves, but also have similar abilities to themselves, and at the same time, there should not be a big gap in status.

And there are some people inside who are thinking about small calculations. They don't think about finding a partner at all. Their hearts are already occupied by someone. Don't think that she doesn't know anything, but she just pretends that she doesn't know anything, so as not to get along with her. Li Guangyu made a fuss, and it would be a big loss for her to be taken advantage of by others.

This is the best way now, and those who are willing to do so can do so, as long as Li Guangyu can take care of the family, she will not worry about it when her children grow up, the future of the Li's consortium will definitely be inherited by her children.

Cao Weiqing said: "It's not easy for us to interfere in this matter. After all, we are not their family members. It is not good to talk too much. As for Chaoqiong, He Qian and Wang Qian, I will talk to them when the time comes. It might be of some use."

It's actually hard to say about these three Cao Weiqing, these three and Li Guangyu are childhood sweethearts, no one knows what's going on in their hearts.

Cao Weiqing sometimes felt that Li Guangyu was too good, and it was a very troublesome thing. If he had been jealous, it might have come to an end by now.

Li Guangyu didn't know what Cao Weiqing was thinking. Now he was thinking about how to help his younger sisters find a good husband's family. These girls grew up with him, and he didn't want them to have unhappy marriages in the future.


(End of this chapter)

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