Through the wealth life

Chapter 1230 Governor's Mansion Press Conference

Chapter 1230 Governor's Mansion Press Conference
Wei Yixin absolutely does not want chaos in Xiangjiang, stability is the result he most wants to see. In order to deal with the powder water incident, he specially held a press conference and invited three major TV stations to broadcast live at the same time.

In addition, they also contacted Li Guangyu and asked him to arrange for the main leaders of several major groups to go to the Governor's Mansion to attend the press conference he personally held.

Li Guangyu also hoped that Xiangjiang would maintain stability, so after receiving Wei Yixin's call, he immediately issued a notice to several major groups and the Cao Weiqing Charity Foundation, asking their presidents or executive vice presidents and the president of Xiangjiang Medical University to go to the Governor's Mansion to attend the meeting. press conference.

At five o'clock in the afternoon, in the press conference hall of the Governor's Mansion, Governor Wilson Wilson, the Chief Secretary, the Chief of the Planning, Environment and Lands Division, Chen Linwen, President of Hengyu Supermarket Group, Guo Qingya, President of Wheelock Group, Zhao Qianyin, President of Starlight Properties Group, and Xiangyu Culture Yang Xiu, Executive Vice President of the Group, Sun Jianping, Vice President of Tianyu Financial Group, Du Chenwei, President of Xiangjiang Medical University, Shen Yifan, President of Starlight School, and Pan Yinghong, President of Cao Weiqing Charity Foundation.

The press conference was personally presided over by the director of the Governor's Office, and nearly a hundred media attended the press conference.

Office Director Jenny McGison said: "Reporters from all media are welcome to attend this press conference. This conference is mainly to explain the development of the new town of Fenshui in the North District. Now I will explain our government's policy. After the specific plan, you can ask questions from the media.”

Then Jenny gave a detailed introduction on the government's plan and some plans of the Li's consortium. This was not only introduced to the reporters present, but also to the citizens of Fen Shui.

Many citizens in Fen Shui are standing in front of the TV screen at this time, listening carefully to Jenny's introduction. The start time, planning node, and operation time of each project are introduced in detail, which also makes their hearts warm up again. .

As long as it can do what Jenny said, Fen Shui New Town will be able to change its old look in less than two years, and their side will definitely become one of the sub-centers of Xiangjiang.

After Jenny's introduction, the reporters began to ask questions. The first question was a reporter from Jiayi TV.

The reporter stood up and took the staff's microphone and said, "I'm asking the governor this question. I would like to ask Mr. Governor, regarding the development of the new town of Fenshui as a new city for cultural tourism and sports industries. Is there such a thing in our northern district?" Base?"

"Thank you for the reporter's question. Regarding the planning of the new town of Fenshui in the North District, there are still some things that have not been mentioned in the introduction just now. Some entrepreneurs in our Xiangjiang have already cooperated with some entrepreneurs in Japan, South Korea, Baodao, Lisboa and Southeast Asia. In order to communicate, they will set up the Asian Basketball Professional League, also known as the ABA, and at the same time set up the Asian Football Super League.

So far, [-] basketball teams from South Korea, Tokyo, Formosa, Lisboa, Xiangjiang, Bangkok, Kuala Lumpur, and Singapore have been confirmed, and [-] football teams, and the headquarters of the two clubs will be located in the new town of Fen Shui.

With the two major leagues in Fen Shui New Town, and our two Hong Kong clubs also in Fen Shui New Town, I believe that they can achieve good results in the development of the sports industry. "

After Wei Yixin answered, she immediately invited a second reporter to ask questions. This is a reporter from Baodao CTS. She got up and took the microphone and said, "I'm asking President Chen Linwen this question. Hengyu Supermarket Group plans to invest this time." 4 million Hong Kong dollars to build the Hengyu Basketball Sports Center in the new town of Fenshui, may I ask that the basketball club in Xiangjiang that the governor said just now was established by the Hengyu Supermarket Group?"

Chen Linwen said with a smile: "Thank you for your attention to our Hengyu Supermarket Group. Although our Hengyu Supermarket Group is mainly engaged in retail, we still love sports very much. This time our Hengyu Supermarket Group enters the sports industry. To make more citizens love sports, our Hengyu Basketball Club will be established soon, and we will welcome basketball elites to join our team.”

For Chen Linwen to take such an opportunity to advertise, others are also very speechless. Since Hengyu Supermarket Group has formed a basketball club, Tianyu Financial Group knows that it will definitely form a football club without asking, and these two also represent Xiangjiang.

They don’t bother to ask about the Cao Weiqing Charity Foundation. This is the Lee Consortium sponsoring the Hong Kong Sports Association and specially donating a multi-functional training center to them, costing one billion Hong Kong dollars. This is also a huge donation. Xiangjiang is currently only the Li's Consortium with such arrogance.

Unlike many media in Asia, the NBC reporter said when asking the question: "I am asking Mr. Governor this question. The reason for the problems in Fen Shui today is that one of the most important problems is the government's land quota. Xiangjiang as a Why is there such a magical regulation in an international metropolis, as a world-class metropolis, does the transfer of only [-] hectares of land every year have the power to restrict and suppress the development of Xiangjiang?"

Here comes the real theme of this press conference. The previous questions were all about hello, me, everyone, and they were not targeted. Now the NBC reporter started to provoke the relationship.

Whether such a regulation is good or bad, it doesn’t really matter why such a regulation was drawn up at that time, the most important thing now is to sell duck eggs, how to make good use of the 50 hectares of land development every year is the real business.

Now the stability of Xiangjiang is the most important thing, and everything else needs to be compromised for stability, and the American NBC reporter obviously wants to destroy the stability of Xiangjiang.

As a diplomat, Wei Yixin was very calm in the face of these situations. He responded: "Xiangjiang is currently a world-class city, and Hong Kong's economy has been developing rapidly over the years. There is no force that wants to suppress Xiangjiang and restrict Xiangjiang.

As for the regulation of 50 hectares, this is mainly because of the extremely small area of ​​Xiangjiang River. For the long-term interests of Xiangjiang River, we both made this regulation, and the annual transfer of 50 hectares is enough to meet the development needs of Xiangjiang River. You must know that we, such as schools Public facilities in hospitals, sports venues, and sports venues are not limited to 50 hectares, so citizens of Xiangjiang do not need to worry about this. "

Although Wei Yixin said this, it is obviously not convincing to many media and citizens. It is good that this matter was not revealed before. Now that it has been exposed, such doubts will continue, especially when housing prices are rising. .

When it was the turn of the American ABC reporter to ask questions, she stood up and said, "I am also asking the governor for this question. In the development of the new town of Fenshui, I heard the plan just now, and one of them is to transfer 5 yuan in the next five consecutive years. Hectares of land are given to groups such as Wheelock, Star Properties, and Xiangyu Culture, which means that the major real estate companies in Xiangjiang will lose one-fifth of the land purchase opportunities in the next five years. Is the government doing this unfairly?"

"In the construction of a city, we need to equip it with different functions, such as Wheelock Square, these projects require the government to prioritize the allocation of land.

This is not just a real estate project, it is also an industry. A Wheelock Plaza can provide tens of thousands of jobs. I don’t think there is any unfairness in this. I would also like to see other real estate companies in Xiangjiang Allocate land for its quota. "

Wei Yixin was quite clear about what the American media wanted to do, and he had no doubt that the Fen Shui New Town incident was caused by American forces.

Now the Soviet Union is getting weaker and weaker, reforms are underway, and there are many internal problems, which can no longer pose a big threat to the United States, so they are preparing to move their strategy eastward, and they are planning to find trouble here.

For the United States, Wei Yixin is extremely unhappy in his heart. He made a fortune by relying on the two World Wars, and now he is dictating everywhere.


(End of this chapter)

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