Chapter 1231

After many years of operation by Wang Hui, his intelligence network in Xiangjiang was very efficient. When Li Guangyu arrived at the office the next morning, he saw Wang Hui waiting for him outside the door.

After entering the office, Li Guangyu asked Wang Hui to sit down, and began to listen to Wang Hui's investigation report on the incident in Fenshui New Town yesterday afternoon.

"Li Sheng, after a careful investigation by our Greater China Affairs Office, there is a shadow of the CIA behind this time. The other party is probably going to the north this time. I think they are going to cooperate with Eastern Europe to launch a joint effort to completely wipe out the Opposing ideologies are eliminated."

In fact, Li Guangyu had guessed a long time ago. This time, the reporters of several major radio and television stations in the United States reacted extremely violently, obviously they were ordered by his country.

The former Soviet Union, which made the entire NATO very fearful, has gradually gone away. Now the Soviet Union has fallen into the trap of the G[-], and is led by the nose by the G[-]. Its internal economic reforms have not only failed to improve the domestic economy , On the contrary, it also caused its domestic inflation, the ruble also depreciated further, and the internal national life became more difficult.

In particular, some of the senior leaders of the Soviet Union no longer firmly believe in Soviet socialism. The reforms are extremely radical, and the internal liberalization trend is surging, and the struggle between reformists and conservatives is extremely fierce.

In addition, the Soviet Union continued to shrink its power in the Warsaw Pact members, loosened its control over these places, and continued to compromise with the G[-], which made the pressure on the United States less and less.

But now the United States is making a lot of moves, and it seems that they are preparing to make trouble again, and Li Guangyu has heard about the big events that will happen in the mainland next year in his previous life, so it is not clear whether the United States is behind it. I was not born in 89, so I just listened to the elders and some rumors.

However, Li Guangyu has to be on his guard. You must know that the Greater China region is where his foundation lies. Although Li Guangyu has not intervened in Baodao, Lin Xianggang is the dean. Some difficulty.

At the same time, Wang Jie also returned to the position of mayor of Taipei again, and went further in the party. He was at the same level as Lin Xianggang and Lin Quansheng. The three jointly protected the interests of the Lee consortium and its allies from damage.

Li Guangyu said: "Send the person and address of the CIA to several intelligence agencies, and see what their plans are."

Of course, Wang Hui knew that Li Guangyu didn't want him to be sent to the special intelligence personnel of the two parties. He only needed to send him to the two famous people.

Now Wang Hui doesn't want to provoke such an opponent. After all, the nature of the two parties is different. Wang Hui is mainly responsible for business intelligence and mainly collects useful things for the development of the Li's consortium. The opponent is all-round and targets different targets.

On Li Guangyu's side, he just let go. The two parties who received the news were not easy to deal with. Wei Yixin deliberately communicated with the person in charge of MI[-] Xiangjiang.

He said: "Your speed seems to be a bit slow this time, please take a look at this information."

After reading the information, the person in charge said, "Sir, I don't know where you got this information, and what advice do you have on it?"

"Thomson, who do you think Xiangjiang now has the strength to investigate things so clearly in less than a day?"

Faced with Wei Yixin's rhetorical question, Thomson naturally thought of the institution established by the Lee Consortium less than ten years ago. Its name is the Political Research Office. According to his knowledge, it has the Greater China, Japan, South Korea, Southeast Asia, and North America regions. , South America, Eastern Europe, Western Europe, Australia and Latin America, a total of nine offices.

This agency not only studies the political and economic situation in various places, but also a huge intelligence agency, focusing on commercial and economic intelligence. It is said that the annual investment exceeds 3 million US dollars, and this number is still rising every year.

Moreover, the Lee Consortium also has an internal secret room, and the strength of this organization is getting stronger and stronger. Some of the employees of their MI[-] who were placed in the Li's Consortium were cleared out by this organization. In Xinshi Town, it is not ruled out that it is the investigation conducted by the secret room of the Li Family Consortium.

He said aloud: "Sir, this is from Li Guangyu's side, I think it should be the result of the Political Research Office."

"Thomson, it seems that your ability is degrading more and more. Although Xiangjiang is destined to be handed over to the mainland in 1997, at least we are still managing it now. Look at you. If such a problem arises, I ask you to investigate it. Did you What news, it turns out that a non-governmental organization in Xiangjiang has put the information in front of me, and I think your department needs to rectify it.”

Thomson also knew that this time it was indeed their problem. They were the famous MI[-], and it turned out that even a private intelligence agency was faster than them in this incident. This is really a shame to see people.

"Sir, I will definitely reorganize our department thoroughly, and be ashamed of this matter, strengthen the collection of intelligence work, and better serve you and the department."

Wei Yixin didn't want to say too much, he only had the right to lead Thomson and not the right to replace him.

Now it is mainly the problem that these CIA personnel are dealing with, and from this information, it can be seen that this is an intelligence group of the CIA, and now he is considering whether to take down this intelligence group.

Wei Yixin thought for a while and said, "What do you think I should do, should I invite these people to sit in Xiangjiang prison?"

Thomson said: "Sir, I think it's better to ask domestic officials for instructions. After all, they are members of the US Central Intelligence Agency. If we directly capture or even kill these people, I'm afraid it will cause huge trouble. Now we, England, don't have the strength to go head-to-head with the US."

If it had been at the beginning of the century, Thomson would not have thought about it at all, and would have directly arrested these people and interrogated them severely. America's back.

Wei Yixin didn't know about this, otherwise he wouldn't have asked Thomson, and he would have arranged for the police to arrest these people.

After all, the strength is still inferior to others, Wei Yixin said: "Arrange people here to monitor these people, pay close attention to their movements, and at the same time report to the headquarters, ask them how to deal with it, and tell them that this matter is not just ours. I already know it, the Li Family Group also knows it, and the mainland side probably knows it too."

Li Guangyu throwing out information like this is not only embarrassing for Wei Yixin, but also for the other side. They are also not easy to do it now, so they can only let him closely monitor the intelligence team of the CIA here, and at the same time report to the superiors. Make a report and ask your superiors for instructions.

Due to the incident yesterday afternoon, Huo Yingdong, who attended the Olympic Games in Seoul, also returned to Xiangjiang this morning.

And contacted all the members of Xiangjiang Real Estate Construction Chamber of Commerce to attend the meeting on Tuesday afternoon, the day after tomorrow. As for the specific matter, although Huo Yingdong did not say anything, Li Guangyu still had some guesses. The second estimate is for this matter.


(End of this chapter)

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