Through the wealth life

Chapter 1272 Game

Chapter 1272 Game (thanks to sidneyliu for playing)
John Major, who arrived at Kai Tak Airport at three o'clock in the morning, was not greeted by the crowd, but vehicles from the Governor's Palace were waiting for his arrival at the airport.

This is completely different from the scene where Wilson left yesterday morning. At [-] o'clock yesterday morning, at Kai Tak Airport, Li Guangyu, Keswick, Sze Huaiya, Zheng Yutong, Li Zhaoji, Sutherland, Kadoorie, Bao Yugang and others saw him off at the airport.

Hong Kong reporters are extremely dedicated, even though John Major arrived at Kai Tak Airport at three in the morning, there were still many reporters waiting here.

In the morning, the news of John Major's arrival in Xiangjiang was broadcast on the morning news of the three major TV stations and several major radio stations.

And the headlines on the front pages of major newspapers today are the reports of Wilson leaving Xiangjiang, and the picture is a picture of him seeing him off from all walks of life in Xiangjiang.

This is in stark contrast to the arrival of John Major. Although the time of the two parties is not right, one is in the morning and the other is at three o'clock in the morning. When John Major arrives, none of the important people will show up at the airport. It can still be seen Xiangjiang executives currently have a mentality towards him.

On the way to the Wheelock Building, Cao Weiqing said: "Guangyu, Mei Jie came to Xiangjiang in such a hurry, I'm afraid the visitor is not kind, and our layout in Xiangjiang may be restricted a lot in the future."

Cao Weiqing was very aware of some thoughts in Li Guangyu's heart, but these ideas could not be effectively implemented only by Li Guangyu and the Li's consortium, and the government needed to cooperate in this regard.

In the past ten years in Xiangjiang, the cooperation between Li's industry and the Xiangjiang government has been very good, especially after the 50-hectare limit was introduced later. For the development of Xiangjiang, the government has been allocating land to Li's industry every year. Rules to help Li's industry expand.

For example, industrial land is converted to commercial land, and the land here can be exchanged with the government for land in other places on the same level, so that it can form a whole for subsequent development.

Regardless of whether it is the Xiangjiang Outlying Islands Petrochemical Production Base or the Western Australia Iron and Steel Company's Outlying Islands Production Company, the land of these two production companies was replaced by Li Guangyu and the government with other purchased factory land.

After John Major came over, it is basically impossible for such a situation to recur, and even the industrial land will not be transferred to commercial land, so as to raise the land price of Xiangjiang, and then promote the property price of Xiangjiang.

Cao Weiqing knew very well that high real estate prices were not what Li Guangyu wanted. Over the years, Li Guangyu had been trying his best to keep Xiangjiang real estate prices in a relatively reasonable space. For this reason, he worked with his allies to build a large number of residential areas to provide sufficient housing for the Xiangjiang real estate market. source, in order to achieve the purpose of suppressing property prices in Xiangjiang.

But now that there is no quota land transfer, and there is no transfer of industrial land to commercial land, it will be difficult to carry out this aspect.

The high land price will inevitably drive up the property price. Even if Li Guangyu suppresses it, it will not be able to make the major real estate businesses in Xiangjiang lose money, and the basic profit must be guaranteed.

Of course Li Guangyu was aware of John Major's intentions for coming this time, and Wang Hui conducted a more detailed investigation on him.

Li Guangyu didn't have much to do about this, as it involved the interests and competition of various countries, which he could not easily intervene in.

Without his Li Guangyu's industry, all countries in the world will still change, and if the Li's industry loses the markets of various countries, the Li's industry will have to die.

This time, as long as John Major did not specifically target his property, Li Guangyu was not willing to confront the new Governor.

A few days ago, through Wilson Lee's industry and its allies, they had obtained enough bargaining chips. In the next few years, they have enough resources to expand and develop. There is no need to worry about John Major's restrictions in this regard.

As for a few years later, no one knows what the situation will be like at that time, and we will talk about it at that time.

Li Guangyu said: "You don't have to worry too much. The current situation is still under control. I believe that John Major will not be so stupid as to target us specially. The special care has been stopped, so that we cannot acquire land at low cost, and this aspect will not have much impact on us in a short time.”

Cao Weiqing feels that the bigger the family's property, the more tired they are in life, the bigger the problems they face, and the more things they have to take into account.

In the past, they could only consider their competitors at most, and these opponents were at most commercial.

But now the major financial groups, governments of various countries, and local politics are all things they need to consider and face. There are still many games between countries, and these are also things they need to think about and take into account.

Such a change this time is mainly due to the game between the two countries, and it is also caused by the drastic changes in Eastern Europe. After the changes in Eastern Europe, the pressure on England, Western Europe, and NATO is very small. At this time, England also has a surplus. The energy takes care of it.

Last year, the regional GDP of Xiangjiang reached 645 billion US dollars, while Singapore's GDP was only 272 billion US dollars last year, which is more than twice that of Singapore.

South Korea’s GDP last year was US$1986 billion, and Xiangjiang was nearly one-third of it. Another treasure island of the Four Asian Tigers had a GDP of US$1465 billion last year, and Xiangjiang was less than one-half of it.

In terms of population, Xiangjiang had a population of 568 million last year, Singapore 285 million, South Korea 4200 million, and Baodao 1996 million.

In terms of per capita, Xiangjiang ranks first among the Four Tigers, with an annual per capita GDP of over US$11300.

The second is Singapore, with an annual per capita figure of US$9543.

Formosa ranked third, with an annual per capita of US$7340.

At the end of the four tigers is South Korea, whose per capita GDP reached US$4729 last year.

From these data, we can see the weight of Xiangjiang. At present, apart from some very few small countries and regions in Asia that rely on resource sales and are not well-known, only Japan’s per capita GDP is higher than Xiangjiang.

Even Lisboa’s per capita can’t compare with Xiangjiang’s. In 1988, the per capita reached 7692 US dollars.

This also made many people think about Xiangjiang, and some people even didn't want to see Xiangjiang continue to develop in such a prosperous way, so Wei Yixin was transferred from Xiangjiang in this way, and planned to replace him with someone who suppressed the development of Xiangjiang.

In particular, many members of Parliament in England are planning to create a mess and leave it to the mainland, burying some hidden dangers for Xiangjiang.

She said: "Coslight, if it doesn't work, let's temporarily stop the development here. At present, many cities in the mainland welcome us to invest in the past, and the investment in the construction of urban CBDs is also very huge. There is enough for our development. After this Over the years, Xiangjiang has become much more relaxed after returning."

Now Shanghai Yangsi Town CBD is under construction, Huacheng CBD has also been negotiated, and several major design companies are in the process of designing.

At the same time, high-level executives from cities such as Ludao, Hangzhou, Pengcheng, Jinling, Qindao, Quancheng, Binzhou, and Jinmen in the mainland are also in contact with the high-level executives of Tianjiao Group, Starlight Real Estate Group, and Wheelock Group, hoping that these groups can go to their cities In order to invest, the municipal governments have also come up with their urban center construction plans.

Moreover, Cao Weiqing is very clear that Li Guangyu is very optimistic about the mainland real estate industry. Whether it is commercial office real estate or Wheelock Square commercial real estate, they are all very good now.

As for Starlight City real estate, Li Guangyu is relatively cautious. Currently, he does not intend to expand on a large scale in the mainland. The main reason is that there are many housing units there and the distribution system is still there. Starlight City's market was not too big in the past.


 This chapter counts as an update, five chapters will be updated in the afternoon

  At the same time, I would like to thank the book friend Jianzun 498419 for the reward of 100 coins

  Thank you book friends for having a name and rewarding with 100 coins

  Thanks to the book friend 8039 for the 100 coin reward

  Thanks to the book friend 0761 for the 500 coin reward

(End of this chapter)

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