Through the wealth life

Chapter 1273 HK TV Station

Chapter 1273 HK TV Station

Thursday was a very peaceful day. It seems that the American consortium has given up its plan to raise the Nikkei and is waiting for the final delivery point tomorrow.

The new governor, John Major, probably was too tired from the journey, and he did not officially take office on this day, and even the invitation letter for the reception after the governor took office has not yet been issued.

However, this calm surface was actually undercurrents. John Major did not rest during the day. He held a meeting with the main British senior officials of the Xiangjiang government in the morning.

In the afternoon, he had a discussion with the person in charge of the British-funded enterprises in Hong Kong and representatives of pro-British forces.

In order to restore England's right to speak in Xiangjiang Media, John Major hopes that Tian Yi'an will come forward to establish Xiangjiang's fourth TV station, and compete with TVB, ATV, and Jiayi for the right to speak in public opinion.

At the same time, I hope that Li Lexing will establish a newspaper office, and his opponents will be Xiangyu Daily, Oriental Daily, Sing Tao Daily, etc.

As for the construction funds, the two only need to contribute a small part, and some local British companies will contribute later.

Of course, John Major also told Keswick, Swire and others that the two companies also welcome them to take shares.

In addition, John Major told Tian Yi'an, Li Lexing, Zhang Jiaming, Xin Mengjie and others that in the future, the government will focus on supporting their companies to grow bigger and stronger, and enhance their influence in Xiangjiang.

Keswick and Shi Huaiya did not express their views on this. Although the influence of Jardine and Swire in Xiangjiang is constantly declining, their own assets have doubled by relying on the cooperation with the Li Consortium. They are not willing to Once again, there is a competition between Hongkong British capital and Chinese capital.

As for John Major's expectation to build a TV station and a newspaper to compete for public opinion, Keswick is also not optimistic. The TV station and newspaper can't be built by spending money, which requires a lot of resources.

At the same time, they have to face the suppression of the Lee consortium and its allies. The three major TV stations are now in the same breath, and the top five newspapers in Xiangjiang are also allies of each other.

Whether it is a new TV station or a new newspaper, if they want to break the current situation, they will inevitably suffer targeted suppression.

Moreover, it is impossible for well-known artists from Xiangjiang to join the TV station here. This newly established TV station is estimated to be even worse than the previous Li's. Before Qiu Degen bought it, Li's was jointly suppressed by Jiayi and TVB. The rate is extremely low, and it is losing money every day.

You said that it would be fine if the TV station was neutral, but John Major obviously wanted the TV station to make more British-oriented remarks, which cannot be recognized in Xiangjiang.

Chinese artists rarely choose to join this TV station, nor will they cooperate with this TV station to avoid damage to their reputation.

No matter what Keswick and Shi Huaiya think, anyway, there is no shortage of traitors and soft bones in any country and any nation, such as the Chinese present here.

Tian Yi'an was extremely happy and excited when John Major let him build a TV station, and he didn't need to worry about the funds.

In the past ten years, they have suffered too much, and the governors have not treated them differently. This has prevented them from receiving special treatment from the government. Industrial development is very difficult.

Now they have finally replaced a governor who is sensible and understands the overall situation, and their good days are finally back again.

Tian Yi'an said aloud: "Governor, I will register the company tomorrow and apply for a license from the government. As long as the funds are in place, I have the ability to officially open the TV station within three months, and we will become a satellite TV station in one step, expanding our TV station. Influence."

John Major was quite happy looking at these Chinese in front of him, but it was a pity that there were too few of them, otherwise he would not have faced such a big problem.

He said aloud: "You don't have to worry about the funds. HSBC and Standard Chartered Bank will sign a contract with you on behalf of them and transfer the funds to you. This time, **C Company, Graff Jewelry, Virgin Group , Anglo-American Investment Corporation, First Citibank, and Merrill Lynch invested 9.8 million Hong Kong dollars, and you only need to invest 2000 million Hong Kong dollars, and then you will occupy 5% of the shares and be responsible for the operation of the TV station."

Listening to the company after company that John Major broke out, the Chinese people present were shocked. It seems that this time, Anglo-American capital has joined forces. These groups and companies are relatively well-known in the world, especially First Citigroup and Merrill Lynch. securities.

Tian Yi'an is very happy to be at the helm of a TV station with assets of one billion Hong Kong dollars.

In order to show his sincerity, he said to John Major: "I don't know what the governor thinks about the name of this TV station. I personally suggest using the name HK TV station, which also represents the meaning of Xiangjiang TV station."

For Tian Yi'an's suggestion, John Major immediately agreed. It's a good name. It's much better than the three major TV stations. The names of these three TV stations are all in Chinese, TVB, Jiayi, and Asia. Now it's okay to come to a HK Yes, it is the first letter of their English and international names for Xiangjiang.

It's still these people who are on the road, and they really understand their own thoughts too well. With the help of these people, my work in Xiangjiang can be a lot easier.

He said to Tian Yi'an: "Three months is a bit long, I hope you can officially open the channel on May [-]st, we need the support of HK TV station in terms of public opinion, don't worry about funding, these companies will come back again when necessary For capital injection, if there is a shortage of people, go find them. It would be even better if you can get a brother and a sister from the three major TV stations and several major film companies.”

The international situation is changing rapidly, and the sooner the TV station starts, the better. Their main coverage is the mainland, which is also the purpose of this TV station.

And some of their actions are also in this summer, and the specific time will vary according to the situation, so the sooner HK TV station starts, the better.

Seeing John Major say this, Tian Yi'an immediately nodded yes, and assured him that HK TV would officially start broadcasting on May [-]st.

As long as these bigwigs have no requirements for profit and have guaranteed funds, he can go to several major TV stations and film companies to recruit a group of useful talents.

He believes that some people are after money first, as long as he is willing to pay a high price, someone will join HK, and even some celebrities are not excluded. In terms of endorsement, their British-funded companies and American companies also offer, which is blocked by the Lee consortium and its allies. Not afraid.

And he is not only satisfied with a TV station, he will also make HK a media group. In addition to the TV station, there will be record companies, film companies, and artist management companies.

He will also become one of the giants of Xiangjiang media in the future, and Jiayi, TVB, and ATV will not be exclusive.

These ten years have seen the rapid development of neutral forces in Xiangjiang. From now on, it will be their turn in the next few years. With special preferential treatment from John Major and the Xiangjiang government, their industries will expand rapidly and their assets will also double. times up.

John Major then promised many benefits to the Chinese present, as well as various discounts and cooperation, which gave them confidence and enabled them to support their work in the future.

As for Shi Huaiya and Keswick, they listened a lot today, basically they didn't speak, and they didn't want to get involved.


(End of this chapter)

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