Through the wealth life

Chapter 1276 Joint Ban

Chapter 1276 Joint Ban
In the evening, in a large box on the second floor of the Treasure Island Hotel, a group of top leaders in Xiangjiang’s current film and television media industry are sitting around a large round table. They control the main public opinion of Xiangjiang.

The three major TV stations are also the top eight film companies, as well as the top three theater chains and the top five newspaper owners are here.

Li Guangyu said with a smile: "Thank you for coming. Our new governor is very thoughtful this time, and hopes to change the current situation. On the one hand, he supports Tian Yi'an in creating HK TV station, and on the other hand supports Li Lexing in creating Xiangjiang Free Press.

We are going to break the current stable situation in the media industry in Hong Kong, and let some of their British ideas penetrate into the minds of Hong Kong citizens through these two companies. Once they succeed, it will be a huge harm to Hong Kong.

I hope that everyone will join hands to jointly suppress the living space of HK TV and Hong Kong Free Press, so that their plots cannot succeed, and at the same time further stabilize the current situation in Hong Kong media circles. "

At present, the situation in Hong Kong's film and television media industry is very stable. The three major TV stations, the eight major film companies, and the five major newspapers are both competing and cooperating with each other.

They obviously didn't want new forces to come in and disrupt the current situation, and those present didn't have a good impression of people like Tian Yi'an and Li Lexing. These guys had no right to call themselves members of the Chinese nation.

Qiu Degen said: "Guangyu, I very much agree with your proposal. Now our development situation is hard-won. I feel that some rats can't be allowed to come in and harm the entire Xiangjiang film and television media industry. I propose to block these two companies and all join the TV station. Artists, screenwriters, executives, etc., as well as editors and reporters who joined the Hong Kong Free Press, our major companies are not enough to cooperate and hire."

Run Run Shaw, Lei Juekun, Poon Dickson, Xiang Huasheng, Zou Wenhuai, He Hongyi, etc. expressed their support for Li Guangyu and Qiu Degen's proposal to suppress HK TV and Hong Kong Free Press, and block their management and artists.

This is only done by these companies, and they will contact Chinese-funded enterprises in the future to prohibit advertising in these two companies. Once they advertise in these two companies, they will also block it.

This time, it is not only for their own interests, but also for the future interests of Xiangjiang, to prevent the bottom-level citizens of Xiangjiang from being influenced and bewitched by these two media, and to maintain the stability and development of the media in Xiangjiang.

They don’t want to be implicated and targeted. Jiayi Cinema currently has 52 theaters in the mainland, and the profits of their major film companies in the mainland are getting higher and higher. They don’t want their films to be blocked in the mainland because of certain incidents. Outside of the mainland, one can only sigh helplessly at the huge market in the mainland.

Li Guangyu said: "Thank you for your support. Our Xiangjiang is a city of more than 500 million citizens. We absolutely cannot tolerate some people with bad ideas coming to destroy the hard-won development of our Xiangjiang. Our media industry is especially important. , Some seditious ideas are spread by the media, which is why our governor wants to establish a media company when he comes to power."

The interests of everyone present are the same. Only when Xiangjiang is stable and prosperous can their own companies achieve better development, so they agree to suppress these two companies.

They also know the purpose of the establishment of these two companies, and the views and news reported at that time will definitely not be conducive to the future development of Hong Kong, and will cause a great gap in the thinking of the future generation of Hong Kong.

If you look at the names of TV stations and newspapers, you will know that HK is outside the Greater China region. The initial letters of the two English words that countries call here are not called by themselves and others at all.

As for the so-called Liberty Press, look at Eastern Europe right now. Many countries are clamoring for reform and freedom, and there is already turmoil there.

The so-called American-style democracy and freedom are nothing more than public opinion and ideological weapons to interfere in the political situation of other countries. When you really live that kind of so-called freedom and democracy, you will find that the current life is far from the original happiness.

Of course, except for those politicians, those who advocate the so-called freedom and democracy have external financial support when they are in opposition, and they are supported by the state after they take office. No matter how they develop, these people don’t have to worry about not having a source of funds.

Li Guangyu and the others don't want this kind of thinking to enter Xiangjiang, it will have too much impact on Xiangjiang's economic development, and at the same time, it will also have a great impact on the development of Xiangjiang capital in the mainland, which Li Guangyu and the others absolutely cannot tolerate.

Although John Major has not yet met with the top business people in Xiangjiang, the series of changes in Xiangjiang today have already made such a person deeply remembered by the high-level executives.

This one is different from MacLehose, Youde and Wei Yixin. Those three are more attentive to the development of Xiangjiang. The Independent Commission Against Corruption established by MacLehose has given Xiangjiang a clean and upright development environment.

Youde's support for higher education and high-tech industries has made Xiangjiang no longer lack of high-level talents, and also avoided the hollowing out of Xiangjiang industry.

Although Wei Yixin has only been in Xiangjiang for just two years, his transportation planning for Xiangjiang and the planning of Xiangjiang sub-center have all enhanced the development potential of Xiangjiang.

And after John Major arrived, from his actions, it could be seen that this man definitely didn't have much intention to develop Xiangjiang well.

Yesterday I met with the person in charge of Hong Kong-owned enterprises and the main members of the pro-British forces, and today I came out to TV stations and newspapers that do not match the current style of Hong Kong. You can guess what their intentions are.

With the arrival of John Major, Xiangjiang will no longer be peaceful in the future, public opinion wars will occur frequently, and huge debates on development issues will also arise.

The Li Consortium is not a fuel-efficient lamp, and Li Guangyu is definitely not a master of resignation, especially in Xiangjiang. Once there is any threat to the interests of the Li Consortium, the Li Consortium will definitely use various methods to put pressure on John Major .

You must know that Xiangjiang has more than 15 people directly working in the companies controlled by the Lee consortium, which is 10,000+ families, plus its allies and related industries driven by it, and more than 50 employees. Everyone must consider the impact of this aspect.

When hundreds of thousands appeared in Xiangjiang asking John Major to get out of Xiangjiang, the British headquarters also had to consider the global influence of this. John Major's actions could only be within the scope of the rules. If he did not abide by the rules, then Don't blame Li Guangyu for not following the rules.

Whether it is a small circle or countries around the world, everyone has a set of rules to maintain. If everyone does not abide by the rules, it will be difficult to maintain operations.

Of course, when the power gap is too great, you should not expect the other party to play by the rules. At least the current strength of the Li Family Group can still allow most forces to play within the scope of the rules.

Even if the United States targets the Lee Consortium, it can only rely on trade barriers and various laws and regulations to restrict the development of the Li Consortium in its country. It will never think of adopting methods other than the rules to carry out humane destruction. They cannot afford it. At such a price, no one is not afraid of death. Like those high-level officials in the United States, they do not want to live in fear all their lives.

If John Major played according to Xiangjiang's power and Xiangjiang's rules, Li Guangyu didn't mind playing with him.


(End of this chapter)

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