Chapter 1290

When Li Xuelan was in Vancouver arranging the development and expansion of several major retail groups in the Canadian market, Li Guangyu, Cao Weiqing, Wu Shunwen, and Gu Zhenfu arrived in London.

This time Li Guangyu and Cao Weiqing came here mainly to check the industry in London and the development issues in the future.

The arrival of Wu Shunwen and Koo Zhenfu was the signing of Yulong Group's acquisition of Rolls-Royce, Aston Martin and MG.

After Yulon Group won these three major automobile brands, its status in the global automobile group has been qualitatively improved.

We are now in an era of great change, with drastic changes in Eastern Europe and accelerated integration of Western Europe. The European Community involves more and more affairs of each member state, from the earliest coal and steel community to the atomic energy community to the economic community, and then to the single act of the previous year, and Progress is being made to eliminate border crossing restrictions among Member States so that there are no borders between Member States.

And the political alliance is also advancing in a low-key and fast manner. I believe that the European Union will appear before the eyes of the world in the near future, and the euro will also appear. This is a community involving politics and economy.

In the fifth conference hall on the second floor of the Bentley Building in London, Zhang Ziyu, Zhao Qihui, Zhao Xiaoyan, and the tenth-level management in London are all in place.

Li Guangyu hadn't been here for several years, and it was the first time for some managers to meet their big bosses, so they all came here early today.

One of the most important issues at this meeting was Zhang Ziyu's transfer back to Xiangjiang, and Zhao Qihui's promotion as a member of the Li's executive team, who would be in charge of the affairs of the Li's consortium in Western Europe.

In this regard, Li Guangyu had already communicated with Zhang Ziyu and Zhao Qihui, and today it was just an official announcement. Therefore, Zhang Ziyu and Zhao Qihui were relatively calm, but the deputies of the group who were present were more surprised.

Li Guangyu said: "The Bentley Group headquarters and European affairs are temporarily presided over by Jessley Johnson, the executive vice president. Ms. Zhang is based in Xiangjiang and is responsible for the affairs of the Asian region, the Americas and Australia."

For Li Guangyu's appointment, I was a little surprised. This kind of model was not new before. The Li's consortium appeared as early as 79. At that time, Gan Qinglin held two positions, serving as the president of Starlight Real Estate Group and Star Moon Real Estate Group. So sometimes the executive vice president presides over the affairs.

Later, there was also Starlight Real Estate Group, the president and several senior executives went to Taiwan to open up the market, and Zhao Qianyin, the executive vice president, stayed at the headquarters to take charge of the headquarters affairs.

For example, in the Shenandoah Supermarket Group this time, Liu Weifang, the president, is based in Vancouver, and only the executive vice president is in charge of the work at the Xiangjiang headquarters.

But Bentley Group is a bit different. In the past ten years, no matter whether it was Du Yuemei before or Zhang Ziyu now, even when they opened up the Asian market, none of them had a president stationed there. Responsible for the expansion of the Bentley Group in Asia.

Now that the development of the Asian market is on the right track, there is no need for the president to sit in charge at all. But this time Zhang Ziyu was suddenly transferred back to continue to serve as the president of the Bentley Group. I don't know what Li Guangyu and the senior management of the consortium are considering.

Li Guangyu didn't care about the inner thoughts of these high-level executives present. He continued: "I hope that all of us in the management team can cooperate with Mr. Zhao's work so that the industries of our companies can develop better in Western Europe."

Afterwards, Li Guangyu made some arrangements for the development of several major groups, requiring the British Communications Group to enter the mobile phone and computer manufacturing industries, and at the same time jointly establish an office software company with Suzaku to seize the Western European market.

Li Guangyu is planning ahead. In order to avoid future EU restrictions or sanctions on some of his groups, he plans to set up some companies in England to avoid losses.

Now it is just office software and mobile computers. In the future, Li Guangyu will do the same for many Internet industries. He will change his name in England and set up a company to firmly occupy the Western European market.

Especially in the future BAT, Li Guangyu has one in Xiangjiang and one in England.

Then the mainland invests some capital, and the major shareholders are fine. If Li Guangyu takes control of several mainland companies, it is estimated that they will not be able to develop.

As for those well-known Internet companies in the United States, Li Guangyu's family can get some shares, and the same is true there. If there are too many shares, they will be restricted.

Zhao Qihui said: "Li Sheng, regarding mobile phones and computers, our group has already communicated with the Phoenix Group. At that time, our group will occupy 60% of the shares, and the Phoenix Group will occupy 40% of the shares. We will jointly establish Fengming Technology Co., Ltd., mainly Engaged in research and development and manufacturing of mobile phones and computers.

As for office software, Ms. He Qian has also communicated with us. The two parties will establish Zhuhe Office Software Company. We also hold 60% of the shares and Zhuque Company 40%.

I personally think that a new fund should be established on Bentley Island, which will hold 60% of the shares of the two companies, and be registered on Bentley Island, which also belongs to England. There is no problem in this regard. "

In fact, the shareholders behind the company are not too important. The important thing is the company's development focus and the location of the headquarters. Except for Li Guangyu, it is generally because of trade frictions between major countries that lead to restrictions or increased tariffs.

Of course, some companies whose technology seriously threatens the core of the United States will be specially targeted. Anyway, the United States is used to domineering, and there are a lot of blacklists. At present, Suzaku, a subsidiary of the Lee Consortium, is on the blacklist , Prohibit Suzaku's operating system and office software from entering the US market.

At present, He Qian has contacted Miss Zhao's family to establish a joint venture software company in the United States. The shares are not held by Suzaku itself, but by Jade Bird Fund.

This fund is registered in Bermuda and headquartered in California, which can avoid many restrictions in this regard.

Li Guangyu said: "In this regard, you communicate with He Jin, He Qian, and Zhou Xiaoning, and strive to complete the listing of the two companies' products by the end of this year. Now that the situation is changing, you should also pay more attention to the changes within the Conservative Party. This time, John Major Arriving in Xiangjiang is just the beginning, and there will be more changes in the future for the sake of national interests, you have to remember that we are still businessmen in the final analysis, so don’t get too involved in some things.”

Zhao Qihui is naturally aware of the changes here, mainly due to the changes in Eastern Europe, which has greatly reduced the pressure on Western European countries, so that Western European countries have spare capacity to deal with other big countries.

This is the will of a country, and they cannot be easily influenced. If you intervene rashly, you may be blown to pieces, and this will not benefit the Li's consortium. After all, the Li's consortium is a capitalist.

He responded: "Li Sheng, I will pay attention to this aspect, and must protect the interests of our industry in Western Europe from being damaged, and allow our industry to occupy a larger market in Western Europe."

Li Guangyu then instructed Zhao Xiaoyan to increase investment in minerals in Western Australia and reserve more resources.

At present, apart from the Marandu Iron Ore Development Company, Xingyuan Group does not have much of its own veins, and Xingyuan Group needs to be strengthened in this regard.

In Li Guangyu's plan, Xingyuan Group is developing iron mines, coal mines, and non-ferrous metal mines, while Husky Energy is mainly developing oil and natural gas, and the two sides have formed a mismatched development.


(End of this chapter)

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