Through the wealth life

Chapter 1320 Somalia

Chapter 1320 Somalia

The reason why 1991 was called a major change is not only because of the end of the bipolar structure, most countries in the world are looking for ways to change, not only in Eastern Europe, but also in West Asia, Southeast Asia, Africa and other countries.

In East Africa, although Lee's consortium has not yet entered, the African Affairs Office of the Political Research Office has never relaxed its focus on Africa, especially East Africa.

Because the Japanese and Korean conglomerates choose to avoid their frontiers, a large amount of capital has entered some countries in West Africa. With the investment of a large amount of funds, it will still have a huge role in driving the economy of West Africa.

In the past, everyone in Africa was pretty much the same except South Africa. Now that some countries in West Africa, led by Nigeria, are experiencing rapid economic development, some governments in other parts of Africa who are interested in developing their own countries are a little anxious.

They also hope that their country can introduce a large amount of capital to drive the development of their own country, so they also start to think about where capital is suitable for them, and relatively speaking, it will have less impact on their government. After all, no one wants to end up as a puppet without autonomy government.

In the past few days, the contracts signed by some companies under the Lee Consortium and Romania have also spread to the world, which also gave some government officials some ideas. Naturally, there is a series of promotions behind this by the African Affairs Office of the Political Research Institute.

In Li Guangyu's office, Wang Hui said to Li Guangyu, "Sheng Li, this is the information just received from the African Affairs Office."

Li Guangyu took the information that Wang Hui handed over and looked it over carefully. The information about Somalia was mentioned the most.

Since the overthrow of the Siad regime in Somalia in January, all parties have fallen into civil strife. Several internal forces each occupy a territory. The new government established by Muhammad is unable to control the overall situation.

The northern part of Somalia has declared an independent Somaliland Republic, and there are also independent forces such as Puntland and Southwest Somalia.

These are not the main points. The most important thing is that the forces here are intricate and complicated. The United States, France, Italy, England, the Lee Consortium, Kenya, Ethiopia, etc. are all involved in it. Now it is a hodgepodge.

Li Guangyu said aloud: "If you increase your support here, you must let them grab an outlet to the sea, so as to benefit their development. Now all parties are still in chaos, and Southwest Somalia still has a chance. If it takes a few months , I'm afraid there is no chance at all."

As the head of the Political Research Office of the Li Family Consortium, he is naturally aware of the importance of the estuary. If there is no estuary to the sea, the Li Family Consortium is unlikely to give too much support. After all, the Li Family Consortium needs to do business within it to make money. , not for charity.

Especially in East Africa, the Lee Consortium used to be mainly engaged in resources, various non-ferrous metal mines, oil, natural gas, etc. This is their main purpose. As for these countries, it has nothing to do with the Li Consortium.

If he wants something, Li's consortium can help him get it. At that time, he will need money. It doesn't matter if he doesn't have money, as long as he has a mine, Li's consortium will not dislike it.

Wang Hui said: "Li Sheng, the southwestern government of Somalia now hopes to get an aid from us. In exchange for two coal mines, one iron mine and one iron mine in the occupied area, we will subsidize them 5000 million U.S. dollars, and I hope we can use the [-] million dollars in it to help them buy various types of light weapons, some rockets, and light artillery."

Li Guangyu knew that the reserves of these mines should be quite good, otherwise the other party would not have offered such a price. If there was no profit of more than ten times, I am afraid that Wang Hui would not mention it. After all, the risk is quite high, and there is no huge amount They won't do business in return.

The Li's consortium is an out-and-out businessman, the first thing they look at is profit, and the Li's consortium will not do things that cost huge sums of money just for a reputation.

Li Guangyu said aloud: "Arrange someone to talk to the southwestern government of Somalia and tell them that as long as we occupy Middle Juba and Lower Juba, we can achieve it through cooperation, especially Kismaayo City. Without this port, we will take Going to several mines is useless."

At present, Somalia is still in chaos, and various forces are still vying for territory. The United Nations and some world and regional institutions have not yet been involved in it. There are still opportunities.

In Li Guangyu's view, even if the southwestern Somalia lost the two states of Bai and Gedo, they must also take down Middle Juba and Lower Juba. If there is no outlet to the sea, the southwestern Somalia can only be trapped in it, and the economy will develop. Lag, when the time comes, it can only be eliminated.

The most important thing is that the Li's consortium is not only in Somalia, Ethiopia, Kenya, Uganda and even Djibouti are the key areas of the Li's consortium.

Li Guangyu's plan is to enter East Africa only after the stability of Eastern Europe and this side, so as to avoid the dispersal of energy on both sides. Therefore, the East African Affairs Office of the Political Research Office is mainly active at present, and the industries of the Li Consortium have not invested in East Africa on a large scale.

Wang Hui said aloud: "Li Sheng, the Italian side is behind Kismayo's forces. If the Somali Southwestern Army takes over in the past, there may be a lot of trouble at that time."

Wang Hui feels a headache now. At present, the Somali government is supported by the United States, Somaliland is supported by England, Puntland is supported by France, and some small forces also have power and capital support behind them. At this time, Somalia is facing south. The capture of the Italian-supported Kismayo forces is likely to be attacked on three sides, and internal problems may also arise.

You must know that Kenya and Ethiopia are next to him, and these two parties are not easy to fuel.

Li Guangyu knows that this matter is really difficult to handle. After all, it is impossible for these parties to listen to them all. If only they can control it themselves, Li Guangyu can definitely unite with England, France, and Italy to drive out the American forces. It's much easier to handle, but it's a pity that he just thought about it, and the will of all parties will not be as easy as he thought.

Li Guangyu said: "Just pass the word on here, it depends on their ability at this time, if they occupy Kismayo, it can only show that Italy's vision is not good, and they can only bear with it.

In addition, contact England, France, and Italy. Somalia used to be their sphere of influence. The United States is obviously trying to grab it. Ask them if they are willing to cooperate, let the forces they support kill the current government supported by the United States, and form a coalition government to take charge of Somalia . "

Western Europe in this life is much stronger than in the previous life, and it is not as succumbing to the United States as in the previous life. The economy determines the toughness of these countries, and the Western European countries in this life are more united than in the previous life, especially England. This life is not the United States. echo.

During this upheaval in Eastern Europe, the battle between Western Europe and the United States is quite fierce. Although it is still under the framework of NATO, the European Community, the soon-to-be-established European Union Force, is stepping up its construction. A planned legion has been completed and is expected to be completed in June. Complete the integration, including Britain, France, Germany, Italy, Spain, Norway, Portugal, the Netherlands and other countries.

The legion has more than [-] people, including a British aviation division, a French mechanized infantry division, a German tank division, a Spanish missile brigade, a Fadet mixed brigade, and a multinational special mixed division.

In the future, these troops will focus on deployment in the western member states of the European Union to deal with threats from Eastern Europe.


 Thanks to the book friend 1888 for the 500 coin reward

  Thanks to the book friend 3415 for the 100 coin reward

(End of this chapter)

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