Through the wealth life

Chapter 139 Going to the Treasure Island

Chapter 139 Going to the Treasure Island
After Cao Weiqing completed the trip to Xiangjiang and Lisboa, Li Guangyu accompanied Cao Weiqing on the flight to Baodao on October 10.Originally, Li Guangyu was not planning to go to Treasure Island, but considering that he would go to the mainland next month, in order to cause unnecessary influence, Li Guangyu and Cao Weiqing came to Treasure Island together.

When Li Guangyu took Cao Weiqing off the plane together, he saw many people walking towards him in Zhongzheng Airport. Looking at the leaders, Li Guangyu knew that they were officials from the Baodao government.

The leader, a man in his sixties, approached and said, "Mr. Li, Mrs. Li, welcome to Treasure Island."

Later, through the introduction, Li Guangyu knew the origin of this person, Xu Qingzhong, who is currently a member of the Standing Committee of the Central Committee of the Kuomintang and vice president of the Executive Yuan.Next to him is Sun Yunxuan, President of the Executive Yuan.

Although Li Guangyu has never been to Baodao, he still knows some news about it. The present Hsinchu Science and Technology Park was arranged by Sun Yunxuan.

The reason why Hsinchu can be known as Asia’s Silicon Valley in later generations is thanks to his contribution. If he hadn’t advocated the establishment of this science and technology park, I am afraid that the brilliant achievements of Taiwan’s semiconductor industry would not have been achieved later.

After Li Guangyu arranged for the Baodao company to welcome the personnel back to the company, he and Cao Weiqing boarded the vehicle of the Baodao government and went to the hotel arranged for him and Cao Weiqing by the Baodao government.

At seven o'clock in the evening, Li Guangyu and Cao Weiqing came to the banquet hall of the hotel to attend the welcome dinner specially held by Xu Qingzhong for Li Guangyu.

Li Guangyu said to Xu Qingzhong: "Vice President Xu, you are very polite."

Xu Qingzhong was still very curious about Li Guangyu. Although Secretary-General Fei Hua had ordered him to welcome Li Guangyu this time, Xu Qingzhong himself wanted to get in touch with Li Guangyu to see how this young man who was currently full of legends in Xiangjiang and even in the whole of Asia was. What kind of person is he.

Xu Qingzhong said: "Mr. Li and Mrs. Li have come to Baodao. Naturally, we will do our best to welcome you as landlords."

At the banquet, through the introduction of Sun Yunxuan, Guo Cheng, secretary-general of the Policy Committee of the Central Standing Committee of the Kuomintang, Cai Hongwen, deputy speaker of the Baodao Council of the Central Standing Committee of the Kuomintang, and some leaders of various departments also attended the dinner.

Li Guangyu didn't expect that Baodao would attach so much importance to his arrival that four Central Standing Committee members appeared at once.

At the banquet, Xu Qingzhong said: "Mr. Li, tonight's banquet is to welcome you and your wife, and also to ask you some questions."

Li Guangyu hastily declined and said: "Thank you for the banquet. As for asking me questions, as long as you don't think I'm young and ignorant, I can give you an answer."

Sun Yunxuan said with a smile: "Mr. Li, you are too modest. Now that you are the richest man in Xiangjiang, everyone is sure of your excellent vision in business. Our Baodao is now also determined to boost the rapid economic development. Please give us some advice, Mr. Li."

Li Guangyu immediately relaxed when he heard Sun Yunxuan's opinions on the economy, as long as it wasn't about politics.

Li Guangyu said: "Dean Sun, I am far from being able to compare with you in terms of economic knowledge. Under your leadership, Baodao's economy is developing at a high speed. The Hsinchu Science and Technology Park you are planning to build will be Inserting a pair of wings to take off for Taiwan's economy will be an important growth point for Taiwan's economy in the future."

Sun Yunxuan heard that Li Guangyu was very optimistic about the Hsinchu Science and Technology Park. At that time, he insisted on building a science and technology park. I don’t know how many people opposed it. Finally, it was confirmed with the support of the president.

Sun Yunxuan said: "Mr. Li, about your intention to invest in our Hsinchu Science and Technology Park, Hu Wenbin from the Xiangjiang Chinese Society has already reported to me. Now, on behalf of our Executive Yuan, I formally invite you to participate in the inauguration ceremony of our Hsinchu Science and Technology Park in September next year. I also hope that Mr. Li can attend."

Naturally, Li Guangyu immediately agreed to Sun Yunxuan's invitation. Not to mention that Li Guangyu intended to attend, even if Li Guangyu was not willing, he had to agree immediately at this time.

Sun Yunxuan invited him to attend the inauguration ceremony of the Hsinchu Science and Technology Park on such an occasion. If Li Guangyu refused, he would be slapped in the face in public, and Li Guangyu's future development in Baodao would probably be in trouble.

After Li Guangyu talked with Sun Yunxuan about the Hsinchu Science and Technology Park, Guo Cheng, Secretary-General of the Policy Committee, said: "Mr. Li, do you have any suggestions for the economic development of Baodao?"

Li Guangyu said: "As for the economic development of Baodao, I think everyone here must know better than me, especially since President Sun Yunxuan took office, Baodao's economy has started to develop rapidly, and I am very optimistic about Baodao's economic market. "

As the Secretary-General of the Policy Committee, Guo Cheng mainly wanted to know how some Xiangjiang families, represented by Li Guangyu, viewed the mainland and Baodao. Just asking about Baodao's economy was just a foreshadowing.

Guo Cheng continued to ask Li Guangyu: "Mr. Li, the current international situation is complicated, what do you think of our treasure island and the mainland?"

Li Guangyu thought that today he would only discuss some economic issues, but unexpectedly, he could not avoid discussing these things that he was not willing to discuss.

Li Guangyu said: "I attach great importance to the markets in mainland China and Taiwan. After all, we are all descendants of Yan and Huang. I am more willing to develop in these places."

What Guo Cheng wanted to know most was Li Guangyu's views on the relationship between mainland China and Taiwan, not his company's views on the two markets.

Guo Cheng didn't want Li Guangyu to avoid the important and ignore this issue, and said directly: "Mr. Li, as the richest man in Xiangjiang, what do you think about our relationship with the mainland? Do you have any good suggestions on this? "

Li Guangyu replied: "The three places on both sides of the Taiwan Strait belong to the same country. Both the mainland and your leaders insist on this. At the beginning of this year, the mainland issued a letter to the compatriots on Baodao again. I think the two places We can first open up exchanges and promote mutual communication and common development between people on both sides of the strait.”

Li Guangyu immediately said to everyone: "Of course this is the opinion of my family. As a descendant of Yan and Huang, I naturally hope that my motherland can be peacefully unified and prosperous."

Regarding what Li Guangyu said, Guo Cheng did not express his position. He insisted on the principle of one country no matter whether he was the first president or the current president.But as for the policy towards the mainland, he is not in his own hands, and he can only provide some policy suggestions to the president.


After the dinner, in Li Guangyu's room, Cao Weiqing said: "Guangyu, you shouldn't discuss the two sides' issues with them today. This may have a negative impact on your property in Treasure Island."

Li Guangyu said: "This matter can never be avoided. As a descendant of Yan and Huang, I also hope that the three places on the two sides of the strait will work together to make the country stronger. As for whether this will have an adverse impact on our industry, it depends on the treasure." What is the president of the island thinking? It is estimated that the people at the banquet are reporting to him the progress of the dinner."

Cao Weiqing said: "Guangyu, it's a big deal for us to withdraw the company from Baodao. Our development in other regions is also very good."

"It's not as serious as you said. You must know that Baodao is also focusing on economic development. We have provided many jobs for this, and now they also intend to invite me to invest in Hsinchu Science and Technology Park. Yes It will not be too targeted at the development of our company in Baodao," said Li Guangyu.

After hearing what Li Guangyu said, Cao Weiqing didn't worry about this issue.Instead, he said to Li Guangyu: "Tomorrow I will go to Hsinchu for a charity event, do you want to go there with me?"

Li Guangyu planned to inspect the branches in Baodao tomorrow, but he didn't have time to attend charity activities with Cao Weiqing.

"Go tomorrow, I still have things to do." Li Guangyu replied.

(End of this chapter)

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