Through the wealth life

Chapter 140 The Treasure Island Musician

Chapter 140 The Treasure Island Musician

While Li Guangyu and the others were resting, several members of the Standing Committee of the Central Committee who attended the dinner had already arrived at the president's study and reported the details of the dinner to the president.

After listening to the report, the president said: "It seems that that person is very fond of our Hsinchu Science and Technology Park. It’s the tech industry.”

Sun Yunxuan was naturally happy. With the attention of the president, his development resistance in this area would be much smaller.He said to the president: "You can rest assured that I will definitely regard the science and technology park as an important matter of our Executive Yuan."

The president said to Guo Cheng: "Your policy department can do some research on Li Guangyu's views on cross-strait relations."

"Okay President, I will set up a special policy group to conduct a research on this aspect." Guo Cheng replied.

At this time, Vice President Xu Qingzhong said: "President, according to the news from Xiangjiang Zhonghua News Agency, Li Guangyu seems to have gone to Pengcheng to establish a production company. What attitude do we take towards Li Guangyu?"

After hearing this, the president said: "Now we still have to put our energy into economic development. Li Guangyu also has a lot of industries in our Taiwan. From his talk to you today, we can see that he still has the youthful spirit. Xinxing still loves the whole country, otherwise he wouldn’t have mentioned this to you today.”

Guo Cheng said: "President, Li Guangyu obviously hopes to occupy both markets. He is also neutral about us and the mainland. He only talks about one country and does not mention any specific aspects. He is still very cautious."

The president still attaches great importance to Li Guangyu. A teenage boy can develop the family business under the rule of England to the current scale of tens of billions of Hong Kong dollars in just two years. All are unparalleled.

What is commendable is that this young man can still be cautious in his words and deeds after achieving such achievements, and he is not as arrogant as a young man.

The president said to everyone: "I don't care about Li Guangyu's investment in the mainland. As long as he doesn't harm our interests in Taiwan, we will not restrict his enterprises in Taiwan."

The president then said to Sun Yunxuan: "Since Li Guangyu is willing to invest in the mainland, you can also invite him to invest in our island. It can also better promote the economic development of our island, especially the Hsinchu Science and Technology Park."

Sun Yunxuan said: "I understand, President, I will communicate with Li Guangyu."


The next morning, Li Guangyu came to the Jiayi Records branch of Jiayi Group. Li Guangyu also wanted to meet the Baodao musicians of this period.In his previous life, Li Guangyu was most familiar with Luo Dayou and Li Zongsheng. The names of these two have spread across the Taiwan Strait and the three places, and they have a very high reputation in the Taiwan record industry.

When Li Guangyu came to the record company, Qin Lisheng, the general manager of the Jiayi Group branch, and Huang Zhou, the general manager of the record company, had already been waiting here for a long time.

After listening to their report about the record company, Li Guangyu said: "You have done a good job. In terms of the company's development, we don't have to live in Baodao at all. We can also support the company's singers to develop in Xiangjiang. The development atmosphere in Xiangjiang is relatively better now.”

They are also very clear about the environment of Treasure Island, and the development of Xiangjiang is indeed not as good as it is now.

Huang Zhou said: "Mr. Li, regarding this issue, the head office already has a plan. We will organize some talented personnel to develop in Xiangjiang."

Li Guangyu knew that Luo Dayou and Li Zongsheng were also very good at Cantonese songs. After they came to Xiangjiang, the strength of Jiayi Records would also improve qualitatively.

Afterwards, Li Guangyu, Qin Lisheng and Huang Zhou visited the staff of the company together. When meeting Luo Dayou, Li Guangyu said, "Luo Sheng, welcome to join our Jiayi Group."

Luo Dayou immediately replied: "Mr. Li, hello, I feel very honored to be able to join Jiayi Group, thank you Jiayi Group for providing me with such a platform."

Li Guangyu said: "Luo Sheng, if you have any questions in the future, you can ask the general manager Huang Zhou at any time. I think he will solve it for you. If you want, you can also go to the Xiangjiang headquarters to develop. Our Jiayi Group It’s very scarce for a singer-songwriter like you.”

Luo Dayou was still very excited about Li Guangyu personally inviting him to Xiangjiang. Nowadays, the atmosphere in Baodao has not been relaxed, and many songs are not suitable for the development in Baodao.Naturally, Luo Dayou is also willing to go to the headquarters to develop. Not only are the conditions there, but Jiayi Group's attention is much higher than that of Baodao.

Luo Dayou said: "Thank you Li Sheng, I will apply to the company to go to Xiangjiang."

Later, Li Guangyu also talked about this matter with Li Zongsheng. Li Guangyu's understanding of Li Zongsheng was much higher than that of Luo Dayou.The main reason is that Li Zongsheng has cooperated with too many singers in the Xiangjiang music scene, and Li Guangyu has heard more about him than Luo Dayou.

Later, Li Guangyu presided over a meeting at the record company. Li Guangyu said: "While we are developing singers, we must also cultivate our talents in lyrics and composition. This is the foundation of our company's development. If there is no singer, we can find it. Songwriters are not so easy to find.”

Li Guangyu pays more attention to songwriters than singers. It is too easy for him to make a singer popular, but a good song is not something Li Guangyu can ask for.Only when the group has a good songwriter, Li Guangyu can use his media group to make countless singers popular.

Huang Zhou said: "Don't worry, Mr. Li, we will pay attention to this aspect."

Li Guangyu said to Zhang Ziyu who was next to him: "Ziyu, you should also inform Jiayi Records about this, so that they and all their subsidiaries should pay attention."

Zhang Ziyu said: "Alright Mr. Li, I will notify Chairman Liang Yajuan when I get back."

After the meeting, Li Guangyu listened to Qin Lisheng's report on the affairs of Jiayi Group alone.

Li Guangyu said: "In terms of movie releases, you should try your best to communicate with the Taiwan Department to reduce the review time for our movies to be released here."

Qin Lisheng said: "I will work hard to do a good job in this area."

After returning to the hotel after lunch, Zhang Ziyuhui reported: "Sheng Li, the Executive Yuan just sent an invitation to invite you to the dinner hosted by Dean Sun Yunxuan at [-] o'clock tonight."

Li Guangyu was very puzzled by this, he only met yesterday, so what's the matter with Sun Yunxuan inviting him tonight.

Li Guangyu said: "Zi Yu, you reply to the Executive Yuan, I will attend the dinner of President Sun Yunxuan on time tonight."

"Alright Mr. Li, I'll go and reply to the administration right now." Zhang Ziyu withdrew after finishing speaking.

(End of this chapter)

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